Jakub Złotowski
Jakub Złotowski
CITEC, Bielefeld University & Queensland University of Technology
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Anthropomorphism: opportunities and challenges in human–robot interaction
J Złotowski, D Proudfoot, K Yogeeswaran, C Bartneck
International journal of social robotics 7, 347-360, 2015
Can we control it? Autonomous robots threaten human identity, uniqueness, safety, and resources
J Złotowski, K Yogeeswaran, C Bartneck
International Journal of Human-Computer Studies 100, 48-54, 2017
The interactive effects of robot anthropomorphism and robot ability on perceived threat and support for robotics research
K Yogeeswaran, J Złotowski, M Livingstone, C Bartneck, H Sumioka, ...
Journal of Human-Robot Interaction 5 (2), 29-47, 2016
Persistence of the uncanny valley: the influence of repeated interactions and a robot's attitude on its perception
JA Złotowski, H Sumioka, S Nishio, DF Glas, C Bartneck, H Ishiguro
Frontiers in psychology 6, 883, 2015
Dimensions of anthropomorphism: from humanness to humanlikeness
J Złotowski, E Strasser, C Bartneck
Proceedings of the 2014 ACM/IEEE international conference on Human-robot …, 2014
Model of dual anthropomorphism: the relationship between the media equation effect and implicit anthropomorphism
J Złotowski, H Sumioka, F Eyssel, S Nishio, C Bartneck, H Ishiguro
International Journal of Social Robotics 10, 701-714, 2018
Appearance of a robot affects the impact of its behaviour on perceived trustworthiness and empathy
J Złotowski, H Sumioka, S Nishio, DF Glas, C Bartneck, H Ishiguro
Paladyn, Journal of Behavioral Robotics 7 (1), 000010151520160005, 2016
Stop! That is close enough. How body postures influence human-robot proximity
M Obaid, EB Sandoval, J Złotowski, E Moltchanova, CA Basedow, ...
2016 25th IEEE international symposium on robot and human interactive …, 2016
More human than human: does the uncanny curve really matter?
J Zlotowski, D Proudfoot, C Bartneck
University of Canterbury. Human Interface Technology Laboratory, 2013
Towards proactive human-robot interaction in human environments
M Buss, D Carton, B Gonsior, K Kuehnlenz, C Landsiedel, N Mitsou, ...
2011 2nd International conference on cognitive infocommunications …, 2011
The inversion effect in HRI: Are robots perceived more like humans or objects?
J Zlotowski, C Bartneck
2013 8th ACM/IEEE International Conference on Human-Robot Interaction (HRI …, 2013
One robot doesn’t fit all: aligning social robot appearance and job suitability from a Middle Eastern perspective
J Złotowski, A Khalil, S Abdallah
AI & SOCIETY 35 (2), 485-500, 2020
Interaction scenarios for HRI in public space
J Złotowski, A Weiss, M Tscheligi
Social Robotics: Third International Conference, ICSR 2011, Amsterdam, The …, 2011
Understanding anthropomorphism: Anthropomorphism is not a reverse process of dehumanization
J Złotowski, H Sumioka, C Bartneck, S Nishio, H Ishiguro
Social Robotics: 9th International Conference, ICSR 2017, Tsukuba, Japan …, 2017
Understanding anthropomorphism in the interaction between users and robots
JA Zlotowski
University of Canterbury. HIT Lab NZ, 2015
Navigating in public space: Participants' evaluation of a robot's approach behavior
JA Złotowski, A Weiss, M Tscheligi
Proceedings of the seventh annual ACM/IEEE international conference on Human …, 2012
Impacts of Multimodal Feedback on Efficiency of Proactive Information Retrieval from Task-Related HRI.
B Gonsior, C Landsiedel, N Mirnig, S Sosnowski, E Strasser, J Zlotowski, ...
J. Adv. Comput. Intell. Intell. Informatics 16 (2), 313-326, 2012
I sing the body electric an experimental theatre play with robots [video abstract]
J Zlotowski, T Bleeker, C Bartneck, R Reynolds
2013 8th ACM/IEEE International Conference on Human-Robot Interaction (HRI …, 2013
Mind perception: from simple shapes to social agents
FA Eyssel, B Schiffhauer, F Dalla Libera, Y Yoshikawa, J Zlotowski, ...
Proceedings of the 25th IEEE international symposium on robot and human …, 2016
Comparison of Robots' and Embodied Conversational Agents' Impact on Users' Performance
J Zlotowski
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