Mohd Raihan Taha
Mohd Raihan Taha
Professor of Civil Engineering
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Effects of local microbial bioaugmentation and biostimulation on the bioremediation of total petroleum hydrocarbons (TPH) in crude oil contaminated soil based on laboratory and …
F Suja, F Rahim, MR Taha, N Hambali, MR Razali, A Khalid, A Hamzah
International Biodeterioration & Biodegradation 90, 115-122, 2014
Influence of nano-material on the expansive and shrinkage soil behavior
MR Taha, OME Taha
Journal of nanoparticle research 14, 1-13, 2012
Fire resistance of high-volume fly ash mortars with nanosilica addition
RK Ibrahim, R Hamid, MR Taha
Construction and Building Materials 36, 779-786, 2012
Soil stabilization using lime: Advantages, disadvantages and proposing a potential alternative
IT Jawad, MR Taha, ZH Majeed, TA Khan
Research Journal of Applied Sciences, Engineering and Technology 8 (4), 510-520, 2014
Influence of oil contamination on geotechnical properties of basaltic residual soil
ZA Rahman, U Hamzah, MR Taha, NS Ithnain, N Ahmad
American journal of applied sciences 7 (7), 954, 2010
A modified gravitational search algorithm for slope stability analysis
M Khajehzadeh, MR Taha, A El-Shafie, M Eslami
Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence 25 (8), 1589-1597, 2012
Construction waste minimisation comparing conventional and precast construction (Mixed System and IBS) methods in high-rise buildings: A Malaysia case study
SK Lachimpadi, JJ Pereira, MR Taha, M Mokhtar
Resources, Conservation and Recycling 68, 96-103, 2012
A review of stabilization of soils by using nanomaterials
ZH Majeed, MR Taha
Australian Journal of Basic and Applied Sciences 7 (2), 576-581, 2013
Characterization of nano zero-valent iron (nZVI) and its application in sono-Fenton process to remove COD in palm oil mill effluent
MR Taha, AH Ibrahim
Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering 2 (1), 1-8, 2014
Geotechnical properties of soil-ball milled soil mixtures
MR Taha
Nanotechnology in Construction 3: Proceedings of the NICOM3, 377-382, 2009
Modified particle swarm optimization for optimum design of spread footing and retaining wall
M Khajehzadeh, MR Taha, A El-Shafie, M Eslami
Journal of zhejiang university-science A 12, 415-427, 2011
A review of sustainable supplementary cementitious materials as an alternative to all-Portland cement mortar and concrete
HM Owaid, RB Hamid, MR Taha
Australian Journal of Basic and Applied Sciences 6 (9), 287-303, 2012
Artificial neural network technique for rainfall forecasting applied to Alexandria, Egypt
H Amr, A El-Shafie, H El Mazoghi, A Shehata, MR Taha
Int. J. Phys. Sci 6 (6), 1306-1316, 2011
Effect of nanomaterial treatment on geotechnical properties of a Penang soft soil
ZH Majeed, MR Taha
Journal of Asian scientific research 2 (11), 587, 2012
Performance of artificial neural network and regression techniques for rainfall-runoff prediction
A El-Shafie, M Mukhlisin, AA Najah, MR Taha
International Journal of Physical Sciences 6 (8), 1997-2003, 2011
Groundwater and soil vulnerability in the Langat Basin Malaysia
AF Mohamed, WZW Yaacob, MR Taha, AR Samsudin
European Journal of Scientific Research 27 (4), 628-635, 2009
Stabilization of soft soil using nanomaterials
ZH Majeed, MR Taha, IT Jawad
Research Journal of Applied Sciences, Engineering and Technology 8 (4), 503-509, 2014
COD removal from anaerobically treated palm oil mill effluent (AT-POME) via aerated heterogeneous Fenton process: Optimization study
MR Taha, AH Ibrahim
Journal of Water Process Engineering 1, 8-16, 2014
Enhancing inflow forecasting model at Aswan high dam utilizing radial basis neural network and upstream monitoring stations measurements
A El-Shafie, AE Abdin, A Noureldin, MR Taha
Water resources management 23, 2289-2315, 2009
Potential of using nanocarbons to stabilize weak soils
JMA Alsharef, MR Taha, AA Firoozi, P Govindasamy
Applied and Environmental Soil Science 2016 (1), 5060531, 2016
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