Department of Ocean Engineering, IIT Madras
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Investigations into efficiency of Vortex Induced Vibration hydro-kinetic energy device
N Kumar, M Kantharaj, S Vallam
Energy 109, 224-235, 2016
Renewable electricity generation for off grid remote communities; Life Cycle Assessment Study in Alaska, USA
CS McCallum, N Kumar, R Curry, K McBride, J Doran
Applied Energy 299, 117325, 2021
Effect of near-wake jet on the lock-in of a freely vibrating square cylinder
K Narendran, RK Jaiman
Physics of Fluids 31 (5), 2019
Suppression of vortex-induced vibrations using flexible shrouding—An experimental study
N Kumar, VKV Kolahalam, M Kantharaj, S Manda
Journal of Fluids and Structures 81, 479-491, 2018
Vortex-Induced vibrations of elastically mounted circular cylinder at Re of the O(105)
N Kumar, M Kantharaj, S Vallam
Journal of Fluids and Structures 54, 503-521, 2015
Control of vortex-induced motion in multicolumn offshore platform by near-wake jets
N Kumar, G Mengzhao, M PeiFeng, A Choudhary, A Hussain, RK Jaiman
Computers and Fluids 167, 111-128, 2018
Influence of flexible fins on vortex-induced load over a circular cylinder at low Reynolds number
RKJ Abhishek Banerjee, Pardha S. Gurugubelli, Narendran Kumar
Physics of Fluids 33 (11), 113602, 2021
Piezoelectric energy extraction from a cylinder undergoing vortex‑induced vibration using internal resonance
KNRG Annette Joy, Vaibhav Joshi
Scientific Reports 13 (, 6924, 2023
Hydrodynamic study of flow past cylinders with different diameters at high Reynolds number
K Narendran, KVK Vinay, K Murali, S Kaushik
Proceedings of the Fourth International Conference in Ocean Engineering …, 2019
Fluid-structure interaction of combined and independent configurations of two side-by-side square cylinders at low Reynolds number
G Mengzhao, RK Jaiman, N Kumar, KCH Wu, LA T. B, CW Kang
International Journal of Heat and Fluid Flow 72, 214-232, 2018
Control of flow-induced motion in multi-column offshore platform by near-wake jets
MZ Guan, K Narendran, TP Miyanawala, PF Ma, RK Jaiman
International Conference on Offshore Mechanics and Arctic Engineering 57649 …, 2017
Lipwall Effects on a Shore-Front Oscillating Water Column Based on DBEM and Computational Fluid Dynamic Approaches
K Narendran, KG Vijay
Journal of Offshore Mechanics and Arctic Engineering 147 (1), 2025
Dynamic responses of serially connected truss pontoon-MOB–A numerical investigation
S Sakthivel, N Kumar, SK Poguluri
Ocean Engineering 277, 114209, 2023
Analysis of Cylinder Response Undergoing VIO by Omega Arithmetic and Numerical Methods
N Tiwari, N Kumar, M Kantharaj, V Kumar Varma Kolahalam, S Vallam
Hydraulic and Water Resources (HYDRO), IIT Bombay, India, 7 & 8 December, 2012., 2012
Are Subsidies Required for Marine Hydrokinetic Energy Devices in Ireland? A Technological and Site Assessment
N Kumar, C McCallum, G Britton, WJ Doran
International Journal of Materials, Mechanics and Manufacturing 8 (1), 12-16, 2020
Design and Analysis of Renewable Energy Based Hybrid Model for RemoteApplications
P Anand, AH Quadri, SK Bath, M Rizwan, N Kumar
2018 2nd IEEE International Conference on Power Electronics, Intelligent …, 2018
Experimental and Computational Studies on a Cylinder with Continuous and Discrete Strakes
S Sarvalogapathi, K Narendran, RP Selvam
Journal of Marine Science and Application, 1-12, 2024
Piezoelectric energy extraction from a cylinder undergoing vortex-induced vibration using internal resonance
R Ghoshal, A Joy, V Joshi, K Narendran
A numerical investigation of flow past helically discrete straked (HDS) cylinder at sub-critical Re
S Sarvalogapathi, K Narendran
OCEANS 2022-Chennai, 1-6, 2022
Publisher’s Note:“Effect of near-wake jet on the lock-in of a freely vibrating square cylinder”[Phys. Fluids 31, 053603 (2019)]
K Narendran, RK Jaiman
Physics of Fluids 31 (6), 2019
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