Jorg Liebeherr
Jorg Liebeherr
University of Toronto, Department of ECE
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Exact admission control for networks with a bounded delay service
J Liebeherr, DE Wrege, D Ferrari
IEEE/ACM transactions on networking 4 (6), 885-901, 1996
New strategies for assigning real-time tasks to multiprocessor systems
A Burchard, J Liebeherr, Y Oh, SH Son
IEEE transactions on computers 44 (12), 1429-1442, 1995
Application-layer multicasting with delaunay triangulation overlays
J Liebeherr, M Nahas, W Si
IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications 20 (8), 1472-1488, 2002
Deterministic delay bounds for VBR video in packet-switching networks: fundamental limits and practical trade-offs
DE Wrege, EW Knightly, H Zhang, J Liebeherr
IEEE/ACM Transactions on networking 4 (3), 352-362, 1996
A network calculus with effective bandwidth
C Li, A Burchard, J Liebeherr
IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking 15 (6), 1442-1453, 2007
Statistical service assurances for traffic scheduling algorithms
RR Boorstyn, A Burchard, J Liebeherr, C Oottamakorn
IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications 18 (12), 2651-2664, 2000
Fundamental limits and tradeoffs of providing deterministic guarantees to VBR video traffic
EW Knightly, DE Wrege, J Liebeherr, H Zhang
Proceedings of the 1995 ACM SIGMETRICS joint international conference on …, 1995
On retransmission-based error control for continuous media traffic in packet-switching networks
BJ Dempsey, J Liebeherr, AC Weaver
Computer Networks and ISDN Systems 28 (5), 719-736, 1996
A network service curve approach for the stochastic analysis of networks
F Ciucu, A Burchard, J Liebeherr
Proceedings of the 2005 ACM SIGMETRICS international conference on …, 2005
A min-plus calculus for end-to-end statistical service guarantees
A Burchard, J Liebeherr, SD Patek
IEEE Transactions on Information Theory 52 (9), 4105-4114, 2006
Scaling properties of statistical end-to-end bounds in the network calculus
F Ciucu, A Burchard, J Liebeherr
IEEE Transactions on Information Theory 52 (6), 2300-2312, 2006
Application-layer multicast with delaunay triangulations
J Liebeherr, M Nahas
GLOBECOM'01. IEEE Global Telecommunications Conference (Cat. No. 01CH37270 …, 2001
Hypercast: A protocol for maintaining multicast group members in a logical hypercube topology
J Liebeherr, TK Beam
International Workshop on Networked Group Communication, 72-89, 1999
A quantitative assured forwarding service
N Christin, J Liebeherr, TF Abdelzaher
Proceedings. Twenty-First Annual Joint Conference of the IEEE Computer and …, 2002
Delay bounds in communication networks with heavy-tailed and self-similar traffic
J Liebeherr, A Burchard, F Ciucu
IEEE Transactions on Information Theory 58 (2), 1010-1024, 2012
Network-layer performance analysis of multihop fading channels
H Al-Zubaidy, J Liebeherr, A Burchard
IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking 24 (1), 204-217, 2014
JoBS: Joint buffer management and scheduling for differentiated services
J Liebeherr, N Christin
International Workshop on Quality of Service, 404-418, 2001
A near-optimal packet scheduler for QoS networks
DE Wrege, J Liebeherr
Proceedings of INFOCOM'97 2, 576-583, 1997
A system-theoretic approach to bandwidth estimation
J Liebeherr, M Fidler, S Valaee
IEEE/ACM Transactions on networking 18 (4), 1040-1053, 2009
Video traffic characterization for multimedia networks with a deterministic service
DE Wrege, J Liebherr
Proceedings of IEEE INFOCOM'96. Conference on Computer Communications 2, 537-544, 1996
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