Lana Popovic-Maneski
Lana Popovic-Maneski
Institute of Technical Sciences of the Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts
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A multi-pad electrode based functional electrical stimulation system for restoration of grasp
NM Malešević, LZP Maneski, V Ilić, N Jorgovanović, G Bijelić, T Keller, ...
Journal of neuroengineering and rehabilitation 9, 1-12, 2012
Electrical stimulation for the suppression of pathological tremor
L Popović Maneski, N Jorgovanović, V Ilić, S Došen, T Keller, MB Popović, ...
Medical & biological engineering & computing 49, 1187-1193, 2011
Distributed low‐frequency functional electrical stimulation delays muscle fatigue compared to conventional stimulation
NM Malešević, LZ Popović, L Schwirtlich, DB Popović
Muscle & nerve 42 (4), 556-562, 2010
Surface‐distributed low‐frequency asynchronous stimulation delays fatigue of stimulated muscles
LZP Maneski, NM Malešević, AM Savić, T Keller, DB Popović
Muscle & nerve 48 (6), 930-937, 2013
Muscle fatigue of quadriceps in paraplegics: comparison between single vs. multi-pad electrode surface stimulation
LZ Popovic, NM Malesevic
2009 Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and …, 2009
Multi-pad electrode for effective grasping: design
L Popović-Maneski, M Kostić, G Bijelić, T Kelle, S Mitrović, ...
IEEE Transactions on Neural Systems and Rehabilitation Engineering 21 (4 …, 2013
Multimodal BCI-mediated FES suppression of pathological tremor
E Rocon, JA Gallego, L Barrios, AR Victoria, J Ibánez, D Farina, F Negro, ...
2010 annual international conference of the IEEE engineering in medicine and …, 2010
EMG-based characterization of pathological tremor using the iterated Hilbert transform
JL Dideriksen, F Gianfelici, LZP Maneski, D Farina
IEEE transactions on biomedical engineering 58 (10), 2911-2921, 2011
Adaptive band-pass filter (ABPF) for tremor extraction from inertial sensor data
LZ Popović, TB Šekara, MB Popović
Computer methods and programs in biomedicine 99 (3), 298-305, 2010
Muscle twitch responses for shaping the multi-pad electrode for functional electrical stimulation
N Malešević, L Popović, G Bijelić, G Kvaščev
Journal of Automatic Control 20 (1), 53-58, 2010
Electrical stimulation of the forearm: a method for transmitting sensory signals from the artificial hand to the brain
M Perović, M Stevanović, T Jevtić, M Štrbac, G Bijelić, Č Vučetić, ...
Journal of Automatic Control 21 (1), 13-18, 2013
Assessment of spasticity by a pendulum test in SCI patients who exercise FES cycling or receive only conventional therapy
L Popović-Maneski, A Aleksić, A Metani, V Bergeron, R Čobeljić, ...
IEEE Transactions on Neural Systems and Rehabilitation Engineering 26 (1 …, 2017
Functional electrical stimulation cycling strategies tested during preparation for the First Cybathlon Competition–a practical report from team ENS de Lyon
A Metani, L Popović-Maneski, S Mateo, L Lemahieu, V Bergeron
European journal of translational myology 27 (4), 2017
Stimulation map for control of functional grasp based on multi-channel EMG recordings
LP Maneski, I Topalović, N Jovičić, S Dedijer, L Konstantinović, ...
Medical engineering & physics 38 (11), 1251-1259, 2016
Bioinformatic approaches used in modelling human tremor
M Mario, G Giuliana, L Thomas, F Dario, P Lana, C Silvia, DA Tommaso, ...
Current Bioinformatics 4 (2), 154-172, 2009
Effects of low-intensity electrical stimulation and adipose derived stem cells transplantation on the time-domain analysis-based electromyographic signals in dogs with SCI
E Krueger, LMS Magri, AS Botelho, FS Bach, CLK Rebellato, L Fracaro, ...
Neuroscience Letters 696, 38-45, 2019
Classification of muscle twitch response using ANN: Application in multi-pad electrode optimization
N Malešević, L Popović, G Bijelić, G Kvaščev
10th Symposium on Neural Network Applications in Electrical Engineering, 11-13, 2010
A new method and instrumentation for analyzing spasticity
L Popović Maneski, A Aleksić, R Čobeljić, T Bajd, DB Popović
IETI Transactions on Ergonomics and Safety 1 (1), 12-27, 2017
Mechanomyography‐based wearable monitor of quasi‐isometric muscle fatigue for motor neural prostheses
E Krueger, L Popović‐Maneski, P Nohama
Artificial organs 42 (2), 208-218, 2018
Properties of different types of dry electrodes for wearable smart monitoring devices
L Popović-Maneski, MD Ivanović, V Atanasoski, M Miletić, S Zdolšek, ...
Biomedical Engineering/Biomedizinische Technik 65 (4), 405-415, 2020
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