Franziska Marquart
Franziska Marquart
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Following politicians on social media: Effects for political information, peer communication, and youth engagement
F Marquart, J Ohme, J Möller
Media and Communication 8 (2), 197-207, 2020
Effects of right-wing populist political advertising on implicit and explicit stereotypes
F Arendt, F Marquart, J Matthes
Journal of Media Psychology, 2015
Children's attitudinal and behavioral reactions to product placements: Investigating the role of placement frequency, placement integration, and parental mediation
B Naderer, J Matthes, F Marquart, M Mayrhofer
International Journal of Advertising 37 (2), 236-255, 2018
Questionable research practices in experimental communication research: A systematic analysis from 1980 to 2013
J Matthes, F Marquart, B Naderer, F Arendt, D Schmuck, K Adam
Communication methods and measures 9 (4), 193-207, 2015
Selective exposure in the context of political advertising: A behavioral approach using eye-tracking methodology
F Marquart, J Matthes, E Rapp
International Journal of Communication 10, 20, 2016
Methodological rigor in quantitative research
F Marquart
The international encyclopedia of communication research methods, 1-9, 2017
Mistake or manipulation? Conceptualizing perceived mis-and disinformation among news consumers in 10 European countries
M Hameleers, A Brosius, F Marquart, AC Goldberg, E Van Elsas, ...
Communication Research 49 (7), 919-941, 2022
Communication and Persuasion: Central and Peripheral Routes to Attitude Change: von Richard E. Petty & John T. Cacioppo (1986)
F Marquart, B Naderer
Schlüsselwerke der Medienwirkungsforschung, 231-242, 2016
Knowing is not loving: media effects on knowledge about and attitudes toward the EU
F Marquart, AC Goldberg, EJ Van Elsas, A Brosius, CH de Vreese
Journal of European Integration 41 (5), 641-655, 2019
Avoiding the other side? An eye-tracking study of selective exposure and selective avoidance effects in response to political advertising.
D Schmuck, M Tribastone, J Matthes, F Marquart, EM Bergel
Journal of Media Psychology: Theories, Methods, and Applications 32 (3), 158, 2020
Shaping children's healthy eating habits with food placements? Food placements of high and low nutritional value in cartoons, Children's BMI, food-related parental mediation …
B Naderer, J Matthes, A Binder, F Marquart, M Mayrhofer, A Obereder, ...
Appetite 120, 644-653, 2018
School lessons, social media and political events in a get-out-the-vote campaign: successful drivers of political engagement among youth?
J Ohme, F Marquart, LM Kristensen
Journal of Youth Studies 23 (7), 886-908, 2020
A new look at campaign advertising and political engagement: Exploring the effects of opinion-congruent and-incongruent political advertisements
J Matthes, F Marquart
Communication Research 42 (1), 134-155, 2015
‘This time I’m (not) voting’: A comprehensive overview of campaign factors influencing turnout at European Parliament elections
F Marquart, AC Goldberg, CH de Vreese
European Union Politics 21 (4), 680-705, 2020
United feelings: The mediating role of emotions in social media campaigns for EU attitudes and behavioral intentions
F Marquart, A Brosius, C de Vreese
Journal of Political Marketing 21 (1), 85-111, 2022
Rechtspopulismus im Wandel. Wahlplakate der FPÖ von 1978-2008
F Marquart
Österreichische Zeitschrift für Politikwissenschaft 42 (4), 353-371, 2013
Do Spitzenkandidaten really make a difference? An experiment on the effectiveness of personalized European Parliament election campaigns
K Gattermann, F Marquart
European Union Politics 21 (4), 612-633, 2020
How political malpractice affects trust in EU institutions
EJ Van Elsas, A Brosius, F Marquart, CH De Vreese
West European Politics 43 (4), 944-968, 2020
Corrupt politicians? Media priming effects on overtly expressed stereotypes toward politicians
F Arendt, F Marquart
Communications 40 (2), 185-197, 2015
Positively valenced, calming political ads: Their influence on the correspondence between implicit and explicit attitudes.
F Arendt, F Marquart, J Matthes
Journal of Media Psychology: Theories, Methods, and Applications 25 (2), 72, 2013
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