Professor, Department of Engineering Design, IIT Madras
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A study on the mechanical properties of cryorolled Al–Mg–Si alloy
SK Panigrahi, R Jayaganthan
Materials Science and Engineering: A 480 (1-2), 299-305, 2008
Hot corrosion behavior of detonation gun sprayed Cr3C2–NiCr coatings on Ni and Fe-based superalloys in Na2SO4–60% V2O5 environment at 900° C
S Kamal, R Jayaganthan, S Prakash, S Kumar
Journal of alloys and compounds 463 (1-2), 358-372, 2008
Effect of ageing on microstructure and mechanical properties of bulk, cryorolled, and room temperature rolled Al 7075 alloy
SK Panigrahi, R Jayaganthan
Journal of Alloys and Compounds 509 (40), 9609-9616, 2011
A study on sliding and erosive wear behaviour of atmospheric plasma sprayed conventional and nanostructured alumina coatings
VP Singh, A Sil, R Jayaganthan
materials & Design 32 (2), 584-591, 2011
Microstructural characterizations of magnetron sputtered Ti films on glass substrate
V Chawla, R Jayaganthan, AK Chawla, R Chandra
journal of materials processing technology 209 (7), 3444-3451, 2009
Evaluation of cyclic hot corrosion behaviour of detonation gun sprayed Cr3C2–25% NiCr coatings on nickel-and iron-based superalloys
S Kamal, R Jayaganthan, S Prakash
Surface and coatings technology 203 (8), 1004-1013, 2009
Structural characterizations of magnetron sputtered nanocrystalline TiN thin films
V Chawla, R Jayaganthan, R Chandra
Materials characterization 59 (8), 1015-1020, 2008
Development of ultrafine grained high strength age hardenable Al 7075 alloy by cryorolling
SK Panigrahi, R Jayaganthan
Materials & Design 32 (6), 3150-3160, 2011
Effect of rolling temperature on microstructure and mechanical properties of 6063 Al alloy
SK Panigrahi, R Jayaganthan
Materials Science and Engineering: A 492 (1-2), 300-305, 2008
An investigation on erosion behavior of HVOF sprayed WC–CoCr coatings
L Thakur, N Arora, R Jayaganthan, R Sood
Applied Surface Science 258 (3), 1225-1234, 2011
Mechanical properties and microstructural evolution of Al 6061 alloy processed by multidirectional forging at liquid nitrogen temperature
PN Rao, D Singh, R Jayaganthan
Materials & Design (1980-2015) 56, 97-104, 2014
Effect of plastic deformation conditions on microstructural characteristics and mechanical properties of Al 6063 alloy
SK Panigrahi, R Jayaganthan, V Pancholi
Materials & Design 30 (6), 1894-1901, 2009
High temperature cyclic oxidation and hot corrosion behaviours of superalloys at 900 C
S Kamal, R Jayaganthan, S Prakash
Bulletin of Materials Science 33, 299-306, 2010
Influence of working environment and built orientation on the tensile properties of selective laser melted AlSi10Mg alloy
SR Ch, A Raja, P Nadig, R Jayaganthan, NJ Vasa
Materials Science and Engineering: A 750, 141-151, 2019
Strengthening of Mg based alloy through grain refinement for orthopaedic application
S Nayak, B Bhushan, R Jayaganthan, P Gopinath, RD Agarwal, D Lahiri
Journal of the mechanical behavior of biomedical materials 59, 57-70, 2016
Effect of deformation temperature on mechanical properties of ultrafine grained Al–Mg alloys processed by rolling
D Singh, PN Rao, R Jayaganthan
Materials & Design 50, 646-655, 2013
Effect of cryorolling on microstructure of Al–Mg–Si alloy
SK Panigrahi, R Jayaganthan, V Chawla
Materials Letters 62 (17-18), 2626-2629, 2008
Microstructure and texture evolution in cryorolled Al 7075 alloy
R Jayaganthan, HG Brokmeier, B Schwebke, SK Panigrahi
Journal of Alloys and Compounds 496 (1-2), 183-188, 2010
High temperature oxidation studies of detonation-gun-sprayed Cr3C2–NiCr coating on Fe-and Ni-based superalloys in air under cyclic condition at 900° C
S Kamal, R Jayaganthan, S Prakash
Journal of alloys and compounds 472 (1-2), 378-389, 2009
Influence of solutes and second phase particles on work hardening behavior of Al 6063 alloy processed by cryorolling
SK Panigrahi, R Jayaganthan
Materials Science and Engineering: A 528 (7-8), 3147-3160, 2011
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