Trang Minh Duong
Trang Minh Duong
University of Twente/IHE Delft
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Numerical modeling of low-frequency wave dynamics over a fringing coral reef
AP Van Dongeren, R Lowe, A Pomeroy, DM Trang, D Roelvink, ...
Coastal Engineering 73, 178-190, 2013
Climate-change impact assessment for inlet-interrupted coastlines
R Ranasinghe, TM Duong, S Uhlenbrook, D Roelvink, M Stive
Nature Climate Change 3 (1), 83-87, 2013
African heritage sites threatened as sea-level rise accelerates
MI Vousdoukas, J Clarke, R Ranasinghe, L Reimann, N Khalaf, ...
Nature Climate Change 12 (3), 256-262, 2022
Assessing climate change impacts on the stability of small tidal inlet systems: Why and how?
TM Duong, R Ranasinghe, D Walstra, D Roelvink
Earth-science reviews 154, 369-380, 2016
Disentangling the relative impacts of climate change and human activities on fluvial sediment supply to the coast by the world’s large rivers: Pearl River Basin, China
R Ranasinghe, CS Wu, J Conallin, TM Duong, EJ Anthony
Scientific Reports 9 (1), 9236, 2019
Assessing climate change impacts on the stability of small tidal inlets: Part 1-Data poor environments
TM Duong, R Ranasinghe, A Luijendijk, DJ Walstra, D Roelvink
Marine geology 390, 331-346, 2017
Assessing climate change impacts on the stability of small tidal inlets: Part 2-Data rich environments
TM Duong, R Ranasinghe, M Thatcher, S Mahanama, ZB Wang, ...
Marine geology 395, 65-81, 2018
Quantifying nearshore morphological recovery time scales using argus video imaging: Palm Beach, Sydney and Duck, North Carolina
R Ranasinghe, R Holman, M de Schipper, T Lippmann, J Wehof, ...
Coast. Eng. Proc 1, 24, 2012
Twenty-first-century projections of shoreline change along inlet-interrupted coastlines
J Bamunawala, R Ranasinghe, A Dastgheib, RJ Nicholls, AB Murray, ...
Scientific reports 11 (1), 14038, 2021
A Holistic Modeling Approach to Project the Evolution of Inlet-Interrupted Coastlines Over the 21st Century
J Bamunawala, A Dastgheib, R Ranasinghe, A Van der Spek, S Maskey, ...
Frontiers in Marine Science 7, 542, 2020
Global projections of storm surges using high‐resolution CMIP6 climate models
S Muis, JCJH Aerts, JA Á. Antolínez, JC Dullaart, TM Duong, L Erikson, ...
Earth's Future 11 (9), e2023EF003479, 2023
An assessment of whether long-term global changes in waves and storm surges have impacted global coastlines
M Ghanavati, I Young, E Kirezci, R Ranasinghe, TM Duong, AP Luijendijk
Scientific reports 13 (1), 11549, 2023
Global sea level change time series from 1950 to 2050 derived from reanalysis and high resolution CMIP6 climate projections
S Muis, MI Apecechea, JA Álvarez, M Verlaan, K Yan, J Dullaart, J Aerts, ...
Copernicus Clim. Chang. Serv. Clim. Data Store. https://cds. climate …, 2022
Significance of fluvial sediment supply in coastline modelling at tidal inlets
J Bamunawala, S Maskey, TM Duong, A Van der Spek
Journal of Marine Science and Engineering 6 (3), 79, 2018
Probabilistic Application of an Integrated Catchment-Estuary-Coastal System Model to Assess the Evolution of Inlet-Interrupted Coasts Over the 21st Century
J Bamunawala, A Dastgheib, R Ranasinghe, A Van der Spek, S Maskey, ...
Frontiers in Marine Science 7, 579203, 2020
Assessing coastline recession for adaptation planning: sea level rise versus storm erosion
R Ranasinghe, DP Callaghan, F Li, DJ Wainwright, TM Duong
Scientific reports 13 (1), 8286, 2023
Climate change impacts on the stability of small tidal inlets
T Duong
Global projections of storm surges using high-resolution CMIP6 climate models: validation, projected changes, and methodological challenges
S Muis, J Aerts, JAÁ Antolínez, J Dullaart, TM Duong, L Erikson, ...
Authorea Preprints, 2022
Climate change induced coastline change adjacent to small tidal inlets
TM Duong
Frontiers in Marine Science 8, 754756, 2021
Climate Change Impacts on the Stability of Small Tidal Inlets: A numerical modelling study using the Realistic Analogue approach
TM Duong, R Ranasinghe, A Luijendijk, H Ngo, D Roelvink
The International Journal of Ocean and Climate Systems 3 (3), 163-171, 2012
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