mark glover
mark glover
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Interpreting soil and topographic properties to conceptualise hillslope hydrology
JL Ticehurst, HP Cresswell, NJ McKenzie, MR Glover
Geoderma 137 (3-4), 279-292, 2007
Cropping systems intensification in the coastal zone of the Ganges Delta: opportunities and risks.
RW Bell, M Mainuddin, EG Barrett-Lennard, SK Sarangi, ...
Tracking fertiliser and soil nitrogen in irrigated cotton: uptake, losses and the soil N stock
BCT Macdonald, YF Chang, A Nadelko, S Tuomi, M Glover
Soil Research 55 (3), 264-272, 2016
An overview of the ganges coastal zone: climate, hydrology, land use and vulnerability.
M Mainuddin, RW Bell, DS Gaydon, JM Kirby, EG Barrett-Lennard, ...
Modelling farming systems performance at catchment and regional scales to support natural resource management
E Wang, H Cresswell, B Bryan, M Glover, D King
NJAS-Wageningen Journal of Life Sciences 57 (1), 101-108, 2009
Putting regional digital soil mapping into practice in Tropical Northern Australia
M Thomas, D Clifford, R Bartley, S Philip, D Brough, L Gregory, R Willis, ...
Geoderma 241, 145-157, 2015
Land suitability: technical methods
R Bartley, MF Thomas, D Clifford, S Phillip, D Brough, D Harms, R Willis, ...
A Technical Report to the Australian Government for the Flinders and Gilbert …, 2013
Soil survey design for management-scale digital soil mapping in a mountainous southern Philippine catchment
M Thomas, NP Odgers, A Ringrose-Voase, G Grealish, M Glover, ...
Digital soil survey and mapping underpinning inherent and dynamic soil attribute condition assessments
B Malone, U Stockmann, M Glover, G McLachlan, S Engelhardt, S Tuomi
Soil Security 6, 100048, 2022
Petrophysical characterisation of parna using ground and downhole geophysics at Marinna, central New South Wales
TJ Munday, NS Reilly, M Glover, KC Lawrie, T Scott, CJ Chartres, ...
Exploration Geophysics 31 (2), 260-266, 2000
Catchment response to farm scale land use change
HP Cresswell, IH Hume, E Wang, TL Nordblom, JD Finlayson, M Glover
CSIRO Land and Water Science Report 9 (09), 2009, 2009
Contribution of the cotton irrigation network to farm nitrous oxide emissions
BCT Macdonald, A Nadelko, Y Chang, M Glover, S Warneke
Soil Research 54 (5), 651-658, 2016
Four Pillars of digital land resource mapping to address information and capacity shortages in developing countries
AJ Ringrose-Voase, GJ Grealish, M Thomas, MTF Wong, MR Glover, ...
Geoderma 352, 299-313, 2019
Interpreting airborne geophysics as an adjunct to hydrogeological investigations for salinity management: Honeysuckle Creek catchment, Victoria
P English, P Richardson, M Glover, H Cresswell, J Gallant
Technical Report. CSIRO Land and Water 18 (4), 2004
Cropping system-based irrigation for improving crop and water productivity in the coastal zone of Bangladesh.
KK Sarker, SSA Kamar, A Hossain, M Mainuddin, RW Bell, ...
Western Port sediment supply, seagrass interactions and remote sensing. Report to Melbourne Water
SN Wilkinson, JM Anstee, KD Joehnk, F Karim, Z Lorenz, M Glover, ...
CSIRO, Australia, 2016
Soil water–methods to predict plant available water capacity (PAWC) using soil-landscape associations
K Verberg, U Stockmann, B Cocks, B Manning, J Austin
Grains Research Update, 32, 2018
Heartlands–Planning for Sustainable Land Use and Catchment Health
HP Cresswell, P English, L Zhang, J Gallant, N McKenzie, J Austin, ...
Heartlands Technical report, Publication HL9-04, CSIRO, 2004
An experiential account with recommendations for the design, installation, operation and maintenance of a farm-scale soil moisture sensing and mapping system
B Malone, D Biggins, C Sharman, R Searle, M Glover, S Brown
Soil Research 62 (5), 2024
Soil-landscape effects on plant available water capacity (PAWC)
K Verburg, M Glover, N McKenzie, A Jackman, H Van Rees, N Dalgliesh
Australian Society of Agronomy, 2015
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