Nicola Strisciuglio
Nicola Strisciuglio
University of Twente (Associate Professor)
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Trainable COSFIRE filters for vessel delineation with application to retinal images
G Azzopardi, N Strisciuglio, M Vento, N Petkov
Medical image analysis 19 (1), 46-57, 2015
Audio surveillance of roads: A system for detecting anomalous sounds
P Foggia, N Petkov, A Saggese, N Strisciuglio, M Vento
IEEE transactions on intelligent transportation systems 17 (1), 279-288, 2015
Reliable detection of audio events in highly noisy environments
P Foggia, N Petkov, A Saggese, N Strisciuglio, M Vento
Pattern Recognition Letters 65, 22-28, 2015
Supervised vessel delineation in retinal fundus images with the automatic selection of B-COSFIRE filters
N Strisciuglio, G Azzopardi, M Vento, N Petkov
Machine Vision and Applications, 1-13, 2016
Audio surveillance using a bag of aural words classifier
V Carletti, P Foggia, G Percannella, A Saggese, N Strisciuglio, M Vento
2013 10th IEEE International Conference on Advanced Video and Signal Based …, 2013
TrimBot2020: an outdoor robot for automatic gardening
N Strisciuglio, R Tylecek, M Blaich, N Petkov, P Biber, J Hemming, ...
ISR 2018; 50th International Symposium on Robotics, 1-6, 2018
Exploiting the deep learning paradigm for recognizing human actions
P Foggia, A Saggese, N Strisciuglio, M Vento
2014 11th IEEE International Conference on Advanced Video and Signal Based …, 2014
Survey on automated short answer grading with deep learning: from word embeddings to transformers
S Haller, A Aldea, C Seifert, N Strisciuglio
arXiv preprint arXiv:2204.03503, 2022
Enhanced robustness of convolutional networks with a push–pull inhibition layer
N Strisciuglio, M Lopez-Antequera, N Petkov
Neural Computing and Applications, 1-15, 2020
Data-efficient large scale place recognition with graded similarity supervision
M Leyva-Vallina, N Strisciuglio, N Petkov
Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern …, 2023
Robust inhibition-augmented operator for delineation of curvilinear structures
N Strisciuglio, G Azzopardi, N Petkov
IEEE Transactions on Image Processing 28 (12), 5852-5866, 2019
Multiscale Blood Vessel Delineation Using B-COSFIRE Filters
N Strisciuglio, G Azzopardi, M Vento, N Petkov
Computer Analysis of Images and Patterns: 16th International Conference …, 2015
Generalized contrastive optimization of siamese networks for place recognition
M Leyva-Vallina, N Strisciuglio, N Petkov
arXiv preprint arXiv:2103.06638, 2021
Learning skeleton representations for human action recognition
A Saggese, N Strisciuglio, M Vento, N Petkov
Pattern Recognition Letters 118, 23-31, 2019
Cascade classifiers trained on gammatonegrams for reliably detecting audio events
P Foggia, A Saggese, N Strisciuglio, M Vento
2014 11th IEEE International Conference on Advanced Video and Signal Based …, 2014
Learning representations of sound using trainable COPE feature extractors
N Strisciuglio, M Vento, N Petkov
Pattern recognition 92, 25-36, 2019
Car crashes detection by audio analysis in crowded roads
P Foggia, A Saggese, N Strisciuglio, M Vento, N Petkov
2015 12th IEEE international conference on advanced video and signal based …, 2015
Unsupervised delineation of the vessel tree in retinal fundus images
N Strisciuglio, M Vento, G Azzopardi, N Petkov
Computational Vision and Medical Image Processing: VIPIMAGE 1, 149-155, 2015
Time-frequency analysis for audio event detection in real scenarios
A Saggese, N Strisciuglio, M Vento, N Petkov
2016 13th IEEE international conference on advanced video and signal based …, 2016
TB-Places: A Data Set for Visual Place Recognition in Garden Environments.
M Leyva-Vallina, N Strisciuglio, M López-Antequera, R Tylecek, M Blaich, ...
IEEE Access 7 (52277-52287), 2, 2019
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