Kan Wu
Kan Wu
Hangzhou City University
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Presslight: Learning max pressure control to coordinate traffic signals in arterial network
H Wei, C Chen, G Zheng, K Wu, V Gayah, K Xu, Z Li
Proceedings of the 25th ACM SIGKDD international conference on knowledge …, 2019
Development of PCI-based pavement performance model for management of road infrastructure system
K Wu
Arizona State University, 2015
Estimating the impacts of transit signal priority on intersection operations: A moving bottleneck approach
K Wu, SI Guler
Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies 105, 346-358, 2019
Estimating the impacts of bus stops and transit signal priority on intersection operations: Queuing and variational theory approach
K Wu, SI Guler, VV Gayah
Transportation Research Record 2622 (1), 70-83, 2017
Modeling and optimizing bus transit priority along an arterial: A moving bottleneck approach
K Wu, M Lu, SI Guler
Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies 121, 102873, 2020
Optimizing transit signal priority implementation along an arterial
K Wu, SI Guler
Transportation Research Record 2672 (20), 215-227, 2018
Cblab: Supporting the training of large-scale traffic control policies with scalable traffic simulation
C Liang, Z Huang, Y Liu, Z Liu, G Zheng, H Shi, K Wu, Y Du, F Li, ZJ Li
Proceedings of the 29th ACM SIGKDD Conference on Knowledge Discovery and …, 2023
Deep reinforcement learning for traffic signal control along arterials
H Wei, C Chen, K Wu, G Zheng, Z Yu, V Gayah, Z Li
Proceedings of the 2019, DRL4KDD 19, 2019
Multi-sensor Fusion for Perception in Complex Traffic Environments
Q Huang, K Zhu, K Wu, W Hua, Y Zhu
Communication, Computation and Perception Technologies for Internet of …, 2023
Cost-effective mitigation of urban congestion with adaptive traffic signal control
B Gu, K Wu, J Ding, J Lin, G Zheng, Q Huang, T Xu, Y Zhu
Bus Transit Priority: Modeling and Evaluating Performance
K Wu
The Pennsylvania State University, 2019
ITS Traffic Management with Connected Vehicles: An Overview
K Wu, Y Zhu
Communication, Computation and Perception Technologies for Internet of …, 2023
Modeling Car-following Behavior along a Discrete Time Sequence and Its Applications in Mixed Traffic Flow Analysis
T Xu, K Wu, Q Ji, Z Zhao, Y Zhu
IFAC-PapersOnLine 56 (2), 10485-10490, 2023
Driving Style Recognition at First Impression for Online Trajectory Prediction
T Xu, K Wu, Y Zhu, W Ji
IFAC-PapersOnLine 56 (2), 11287-11292, 2023
On-Road Vehicle Number Estimation: A New Approach
W Ji, K Wu, T Xu, W Hua, Y Zhang
CICTP 2022, 2693-2701, 2022
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