Jorge López Vizcaíno
Jorge López Vizcaíno
ZTE Corporation
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Energy efficiency analysis for flexible-grid OFDM-based optical networks
JL Vizcaíno, Y Ye, IT Monroy
Computer Networks 56 (10), 2400-2419, 2012
A survey on energy-aware design and operation of core networks
F Idzikowski, L Chiaraviglio, A Cianfrani, JL Vizcaino, M Polverini, Y Ye
IEEE Communications Surveys & Tutorials 18 (2), 1453-1499, 2016
Traffic and power-aware protection scheme in elastic optical networks
J López, Y Ye, V López, F Jimenez, R Duque, P Krummrich, F Musumeci, ...
etworks 2012, September 2012, to appear, 2012
On the energy efficiency of survivable optical transport networks with flexible-grid
JL Vizcaino, Y Ye, V López, F Jiménez, R Duque, P Krummrich
European Conference and Exhibition on Optical Communication, P5. 05, 2012
Protection in optical transport networks with fixed and flexible grid: Cost and energy efficiency evaluation
J López Vizcaíno, Y Ye, V López, F Jiménez, F Musumeci, M Tornatore, ...
Optical Switching and Networking 11, 55-71, 2014
Cost evaluation for flexible-grid optical networks
JL Vizcaíno, Y Ye, V López, F Jiménez, R Duque, PM Krummrich
Globecom Workshops (GC Wkshps), 2012 IEEE, 358-363, 2012
TREND in energy-aware adaptive routing solutions
F Idzikowski, E Bonetto, L Chiaraviglio, A Cianfrani, A Coiro, R Duque, ...
IEEE Communications Magazine 51 (11), 94-104, 2013
Energy-efficiency of protected IP-over-WDM networks with sleep-mode devices
F Musumeci, M Tornatore, J Lopez Vizcaino, Y Ye, A Pattavina
Journal of High Speed Networks 19 (1), 19-32, 2013
Green Networking and Communications: ICT for Sustainability
S Khan, JL Mauri
CRC Press, 2013
Differentiated Quality of Protection to Improve Energy Efficiency of Survivable Optical Transport Networks
J Lopez Vizcaino, Y Ye, V Lopez, F Jimenez, R Duque, F Musumeci, ...
Optical Fiber Communication Conference, OM3A. 1, 2013
Cognitive, Heterogeneous and Reconfigurable Optical Networks: The CHRON Project
A Caballero, R Borkowski, I de Miguel, RJ Durán, JC Aguado, ...
Journal of Lightwave Technology 32 (13), 2308-2323, 2014
Energy-Efficient Resilient Optical Networks: Challenges and Trade-offs
Y Ye, FJ Arribas, J Elmirghani, F Idzikowski, JL Vizcaíno, P Monti, ...
IEEE Communications Magazine, 145, 2015
Energy efficiency analysis for dynamic routing in optical transport networks
JL Vizcaíno, Y Ye, IT Monroy
2012 IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC), 3009-3014, 2012
TREND: Toward Real Energy-efficient Network Design
L Chiaraviglio, MA Marsan, S Buzzi, M Meo, C Guerrero, F Idzikowski, ...
TREND: toward real energy-efficient network design
M Ajmone Marsan, S Buzzi, L Chiaraviglio, M Meo, C Guerrero, ...
Energy efficiency in elastic-bandwidth optical networks
JL Vizcaíno, Y Ye, IT Monroy
Network of the Future (NOF), 2011 International Conference on the, 107-111, 2011
Differentiated quality of protection: An energy-and spectral-efficient resilience scheme for survivable static and dynamic optical transport networks with fixed-and flexible-grid
JL Vizcaíno, P Soto, Y Ye, PM Krummrich
Optical Switching and Networking 19, 78-96, 2016
Optimized amplifier placements for improved energy and spectral efficiency in protected mixed-line-rate networks
JL Vizcaino, Y Ye, F Jimenez, A Macho, P Krummrich
Optical Fiber Communication Conference, Th1E. 5, 2014
TREND big picture on energy-efficient backbone networks
E Le Rouzic, RM Indre, L Chiaraviglio, F Musumeci, A Pattavina, ...
Digital Communications-Green ICT (TIWDC), 2013 24th Tyrrhenian International …, 2013
Increased energy-efficiency and capacity for mixed-line-rate WDM networks with hybrid Raman-EDFA amplification
JL Vizcaino, Y Ye, A Macho, F Jimenez, PM Krummrich
2014 The European Conference on Optical Communication (ECOC), 2014
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