Segismundo S. Izquierdo
Segismundo S. Izquierdo
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Errors and artefacts in agent-based modelling
JM Galán, LR Izquierdo, SS Izquierdo, JI Santos, R Del Olmo, ...
Journal of Artificial Societies and Social Simulation 12 (1), 1-1, 2009
Techniques to understand computer simulations: Markov chain analysis
LR Izquierdo, SS Izquierdo, JM Galan, JI Santos
Journal of Artificial Societies and Social Simulation 12 (1), 6, 2009
Mamdani fuzzy systems for modelling and simulation: A critical assessment
S Izquierdo, LR Izquierdo
Available at SSRN 2900827, 2017
The impact of quality uncertainty without asymmetric information on market efficiency
SS Izquierdo, LR Izquierdo
Journal of Business Research 60 (8), 858-867, 2007
The option to leave: Conditional dissociation in the evolution of cooperation
SS Izquierdo, LR Izquierdo, F Vega-Redondo
Journal of Theoretical Biology 267 (1), 76-84, 2010
Reinforcement learning dynamics in social dilemmas
SS Izquierdo, LR Izquierdo, NM Gotts
Journal of Artificial Societies and Social Simulation 11 (2), 1, 2008
Leave and let leave: A sufficient condition to explain the evolutionary emergence of cooperation
LR Izquierdo, SS Izquierdo, F Vega-Redondo
Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control 46, 91-113, 2014
Transient and asymptotic dynamics of reinforcement learning in games
LR Izquierdo, SS Izquierdo, NM Gotts, JG Polhill
Games and Economic Behavior 61 (2), 259-276, 2007
An introduction to ABED: Agent-based simulation of evolutionary game dynamics
LR Izquierdo, SS Izquierdo, WH Sandholm
Games and Economic Behavior 118, 434-462, 2019
Learning and evolutionary game theory
LR Izquierdo, SS Izquierdo, F Vega-Redondo
Encyclopedia of the Sciences of Learning 36 (1988), 1782-1788, 2012
Best experienced payoff dynamics and cooperation in the centipede game
WH Sandholm, SS Izquierdo, LR Izquierdo
Theoretical Economics 14 (4), 1347-1385, 2019
Fuzzy logic for social simulation using NetLogo
LR Izquierdo, D Olaru, SS Izquierdo, S Purchase, GN Soutar
Journal of Artificial Societies and Social Simulation 18 (4), 1, 2015
Stability for best experienced payoff dynamics
WH Sandholm, SS Izquierdo, LR Izquierdo
Journal of Economic Theory 185, 104957, 2020
EvoDyn-3s: A Mathematica computable document to analyze evolutionary dynamics in 3-strategy games
LR Izquierdo, SS Izquierdo, WH Sandholm
SoftwareX 7, 226-233, 2018
Stochastic approximation to understand simple simulation models
SS Izquierdo, LR Izquierdo
Journal of Statistical Physics 151, 254-276, 2013
Dynamics of the Bush-Mosteller learning algorithm in 2x2 games
LR Izquierdo, SS Izquierdo
Reinforcement Learning: Theory and Applications. I-Tech Education and …, 2008
Combining mathematical and simulation approaches to understand the dynamics of computer models
LR Izquierdo, SS Izquierdo, JM Galán, JI Santos
Simulating Social Complexity: A Handbook, 293-330, 2017
Checking simulations: Detecting and avoiding errors and artefacts
JM Galán, LR Izquierdo, SS Izquierdo, JI Santos, R del Olmo, ...
Simulating Social Complexity: A Handbook, 95-116, 2013
Market failure caused by quality uncertainty
SS Izquierdo, LR Izquierdo, JM Galán, C Hernández
Artificial Economics: Agent-Based Methods in Finance, Game Theory and Their …, 2006
On the structural robustness of evolutionary models of cooperation
SS Izquierdo, LR Izquierdo
Intelligent Data Engineering and Automated Learning–IDEAL 2006: 7th …, 2006
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