Debora Zurro
Debora Zurro
Sonstige NamenDebora Zurro Hernandez
HUMANE- Human Ecology and Archaeology. Dept. Archaeology and Anthropology. IMF-CSIC
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Taphonomical aspects of silica phytoliths in the loess sediments of the Argentinean Pampas
M Osterrieth, M Madella, D Zurro, MF Alvarez
Quaternary International 193 (1-2), 70-79, 2009
Phytoliths as proxies of the past
I Rashid, SH Mir, D Zurro, RA Dar, ZA Reshi
Earth-Science Reviews 194, 234-250, 2019
El análisis de fitolitos y su papel en el estudio del consumo de recursos vegetales en la prehistoria: bases para una propuesta metodológica materialista.
D Zurro
Trabajos de prehistoria 63 (2), 35-54, 2006
Oxygen isotopic composition of limpet shells from the Beagle Channel: implications for seasonal studies in shell middens of Tierra del Fuego
AC Colonese, E Verdún-Castelló, M Álvarez, IB i Godino, D Zurro, ...
Journal of Archaeological Science 39 (6), 1738-1748, 2012
Análisis etnoarqueológico del valor social del producto en sociedades cazadoras-recolectoras
JA Barceló, I Briz, I Clemente, J Estévez, L Mameli, A Maximiano, ...
Departament d’Arqueologia i Antropologia IMF (ed.) Etnoarqueología de la …, 2006
Directions in current and future phytolith research
D Zurro, JJ García-Granero, C Lancelotti, M Madella
Journal of Archaeological Science 68, 112-117, 2016
Ni carne ni pescado (consumo de recursos vegetales en la Prehistoria): Análisis de la variabilidad de los conjuntos fitolitológicos en contextos cazadores-recolectores.
D Zurro
PhD thesis. Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona, 620, 2011
Magdalenian floors in the Lower Gallery of La Garma. A preliminary approach
P Arias, R Ontañón, E Álvarez-Fernández, M Cueto, M Elorza, ...
Site-internal spatial organization of hunter-gatherer societies: Case …, 2011
Introduction to simulating the past
M Madella, B Rondelli, C Lancelotti, A Balbo, D Zurro, XR Campillo, ...
Journal of Archaeological Method and Theory 21, 251-257, 2014
Investigaciones etnoarqueológicas en Tierra del Fuego (1986-2006): reflexiones para la arqueología prehistórica europa
A Vila-Mitjà, L Mameli, X Terradas-Batlle, J Estévez Escalera, ...
Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas (España), 2007
Emergence and evolution of cooperation under resource pressure
M Pereda, D Zurro, JI Santos, I Briz i Godino, M Álvarez, J Caro, JM Galán
Scientific reports 7 (1), 45574, 2017
Variability of the phytolith record in fisher–hunter–gatherer sites: An example from the Yamana society (Beagle Channel, Tierra del Fuego, Argentina)
D Zurro, M Madella, I Briz, A Vila
Quaternary International 193 (1-2), 184-191, 2009
One, two, three phytoliths: assessing the minimum phytolith sum for archaeological studies
D Zurro
Archaeological and Anthropological Sciences 10 (7), 1673-1691, 2018
Resilience of small-scale societies’ livelihoods: a framework for studying the transition from food gathering to food production
C Lancelotti, D Zurro, NJ Whitehouse, KL Kramer, M Madella, ...
Ecology and Society 21 (4), 2016
Towards high-resolution shell midden archaeology: Experimental and ethnoarchaeology in Tierra del Fuego (Argentina)
IB Godino, M Álvarez, A Balbo, D Zurro, M Madella, X Villagrán, C French
Quaternary International 239 (1-2), 125-134, 2011
Effect of resource spatial correlation and hunter-fisher-gatherer mobility on social cooperation in Tierra del Fuego
JI Santos, M Pereda, D Zurro, M Álvarez, J Caro, JM Galán, I Briz i Godino
PLoS One 10 (4), e0121888, 2015
Meet for lunch in Tierra del Fuego: a new ethnoarchaeological project
I Briz, M Álvarez, D Zurro, J Caro
Antiquity 83, 322, 2009
Small-scale societies and environmental transformations: coevolutionary dynamics
V Reyes-García, D Zurro, J Caro, M Madella
Ecology and Society 22 (1), 2017
Analysis of an archaeological grinding tool: What to do with archaeological artefacts
D Zurro, R Risch, I Clemente-Conte
Lithic toolkits in ethoarchaeological contexts. BAR International Series …, 2005
Plants, People and Places: Recent Studies in Phytolithic Analysis
M Madella, D Zurro
Oxbow Books, 2007
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