Sergey Tverdyshev
Sergey Tverdyshev
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Proving memory separation in a microkernel by code level verification
C Baumann, T Bormer, H Blasum, S Tverdyshev
2011 14th IEEE International Symposium on Object/Component/Service-Oriented …, 2011
Formal API specification of the PikeOS separation kernel
F Verbeek, O Havle, J Schmaltz, S Tverdyshev, H Blasum, B Langenstein, ...
NASA Formal Methods: 7th International Symposium, NFM 2015, Pasadena, CA …, 2015
Formal device and programming model for a serial interface
E Alkassar, M Hillebrand, S Knapp, R Rusev, S Tverdyshev
Proceedings, 4th International Verification Workshop (VERIFY), Bremen …, 2007
Formal verification of gate-level computer systems
S Tverdyshev, A Shadrin
LFM 8, 56-58, 2008
MILS-related information flow control in the avionic domain: A view on security-enhancing software architectures
K Müller, M Paulitsch, S Tverdyshev, H Blasum
IEEE/IFIP International Conference on Dependable Systems and Networks …, 2012
Security Requirements Engineering in Safety‐Critical Railway Signalling Networks
M Heinrich, T Vateva-Gurova, T Arul, S Katzenbeisser, N Suri, H Birkholz, ...
Security and Communication Networks 2019 (1), 8348925, 2019
Combination of Isabelle/HOL with automatic tools
S Tverdyshev
International Workshop on Frontiers of Combining Systems, 302-309, 2005
Formal specification of a generic separation kernel
F Verbeek, S Tverdyshev, O Havle, H Blasum, B Langenstein, W Stephan, ...
Archive of Formal Proofs 2014 (2014-07-18), 2014
Towards the formal verification of a distributed real-time automotive system
E Endres, C Müller, A Shadrin, S Tverdyshev
Proceedings of the Second NASA Formal Methods Symposium, 2010
Invariants, modularity, and rights
E Cohen, E Alkassar, V Boyarinov, M Dahlweid, U Degenbaev, ...
Perspectives of Systems Informatics: 7th International Andrei Ershov …, 2010
Towards transparent control-flow integrity in safety-critical systems
D Kuzhiyelil, P Zieris, M Kadar, S Tverdyshev, G Fohler
International Conference on Information Security, 290-311, 2020
System calls instrumentation for intrusion detection in embedded mixed-criticality systems
M Kadar, S Tverdyshev, G Fohler
4th international workshop on security and dependability of critical …, 2019
Extending the GWV security policy and its modular application to a separation kernel
S Tverdyshev
NASA Formal Methods: Third International Symposium, NFM 2011, Pasadena, CA …, 2011
Efficient bit-level model reductions for automated hardware verification
S Tverdyshev, E Alkassar
2008 15th International Symposium on Temporal Representation and Reasoning …, 2008
Towards power-efficient mixed-critical systems
F Broekaert, A Fritsch, L Sa, S Tverdyshev
Proc. of OSPERT, 30-35, 2013
MILS architecture
S Tverdyshev, H Blasum, B Langenstein, J Maebe, B De Sutter, B Leconte, ...
Zenodo, 2013
Security by Design: Introduction to MILS.
S Tverdyshev
MILS, 2017
Open modular computing platforms in space—Learning from other industrial domains
HJ Herpel, A Schuettauf, G Willich, S Tverdyshev, S Pletner, F Schoen, ...
2016 IEEE Aerospace Conference, 1-11, 2016
Two Architecture Approaches for MILS Systems in Mobility Domains (Automobile, Railway and Avionik).
D Adam, S Tverdyshev, C Rolfes, T Sandmann, S Baehr, O Sander, ...
MILS@ HiPEAC, 2015
A verified platform for a gate-level electronic control unit
S Tverdyshev
2009 Formal Methods in Computer-Aided Design, 164-171, 2009
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