Nawraj Bhattarai
Nawraj Bhattarai
Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, Pulchowk Campus, Tribhuvan University, Nepal
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Road Transportation Energy Demand and Environmental Emission: A Case of Kathmandu Valley.
I Bajracharya, N Bhattarai
Hydro Nepal: Journal of Water, Energy & Environment, 2016
PID speed control of DC motor using meta-heuristic algorithms
BB Acharya, S Dhakal, A Bhattarai, N Bhattarai
International Journal of Power Electronics and Drive Systems 12 (2), 822, 2021
Barrier for Implementation of improved cook stove program in Nepal
N Bhattarai, S Risal
Journal of the Institute of Engineering 7 (1), 116-120, 2009
Modeling and simulation of 115.2 kWp grid-connected solar PV system using PVSYST
A Aryal, N Bhattarai
Kathford Journal of Engineering and Management 1 (1), 31-34, 2018
Integrating glacio-hydrological and power grid models to assess the climate-resiliency of high mountain hydropower in Nepal
K Gyanwali, P Adhikari, S Khanal, N Bhattarai, TR Bajracharya, ...
Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 183, 113433, 2023
Public Bus Accessibility and its Implications in Energy and Environment: A Case Study of Kathmandu Valley.
A Prajapati, TR Bajracharya, N Bhattarai, YK Froyen
Journal of the Institute of Engineering 15 (3), 2019
Industrial Sector's Energy Demand Projections and Analysis of Nepal for Sustainable National Energy Planning Process of the Country.
N Bhattarai, I Bajracharya
Journal of the Institute of Engineering 11 (1), 2015
Institutional gasifier stove: A sustainable prospect for institutional cooking
BB Ale, N Bhattarai, J Gautam, P Chapagain, KC Pushpa
Journal of the Institute of Engineering 7 (1), 142-149, 2009
Perception of safety culture in the Nepalese aviation industry: A factor analysis approach
A Bhattarai, S Dhakal, Y Gautam, N Bhattarai, B Jha, U Sharma
Transportation Research Interdisciplinary Perspectives 16, 100723, 2022
Performance analysis of a 100 kWp grid connected solar photovoltaic power plant in kharipati, bhaktapur, Nepal
BR Tiwari, N Bhattarai, AK Jha
Proceedings of the IOE Graduate Conference, Patan, Nepal 5, 2017
Wind energy resource assessment and feasibility study of wind farm in Mustang
M Ghimire, RC Poudel, N Bhattarai, MC Luintel
Journal of Institute of Engineering 8, 93-106, 2011
Impact of variation in climatic parameters on hydropower generation: A case of hydropower project in Nepal
R Singh, N Bhattarai, A Prajapati, SR Shakya
Heliyon 8 (12), 2022
Enhanced solar cell efficiency: copper zinc tin sulfide absorber thickness and defect density analysis
KC Devendra, DK Shah, S Kumar, N Bhattarai, DR Adhikari, KB Khattri, ...
Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Electronics 34 (24), 1699, 2023
Problems identification and performance analysis in small hydropower plants in Nepal
R Pandey, R Shrestha, N Bhattarai, R Dhakal
International Journal of Low-Carbon Technologies 18, 561-569, 2023
Optimal sizing and financial analysis of a stand-alone SPV-micro-hydropower hybrid system considering generation uncertainty
D Neupane, S Kafle, S Gurung, S Neupane, N Bhattarai
International Journal of Low-Carbon Technologies 16 (4), 1479-1491, 2021
Passenger Transport Modal Mix by Incorporating Travel Behaviour: A Case Study of Kathmandu Valley, Nepal
A Prajapati, N Bhattarai, TR Bajracharya
Strategic Planning for Energy and the Environment, 231-254, 2021
System dynamics modeling of lighting electricity demand in the urban residential sector of Nepal
I Bajracharya, N Bhattarai
Journal of Development and Administrative Studies 23 (1-2), 33-54, 2015
National energy demand projections and analysis of Nepal
N Bhattarai
Technische Universität Wien, 2015
Commercial sector energy demand projections of Nepal for sustainable sectoral energy planning
N Bhattarai, AK Jha
Journal of Environment Protection and Sustainable Development 1 (3), 165-177, 2015
An Assessment of the Impact of Land Use and Land Cover Change on the Degradation of Ecosystem Service Values in Kathmandu Valley Using Remote Sensing and GIS
S Shrestha, KN Poudyal, N Bhattarai, MB Dangi, JJ Boland
Sustainability 14 (23), 15739, 2022
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