Hidemaro Suwa
Hidemaro Suwa
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Markov chain Monte Carlo method without detailed balance
H Suwa, S Todo
Physical review letters 105 (12), 120603, 2010
Giant magnetic response of a two-dimensional antiferromagnet
L Hao, D Meyers, H Suwa, J Yang, C Frederick, TR Dasa, G Fabbris, ...
Nature Physics 14 (8), 806-810, 2018
Upper and lower critical decay exponents of Ising ferromagnets with long-range interaction
T Horita, H Suwa, S Todo
Physical Review E 95 (1), 012143, 2017
Semiclassical dynamics of spin density waves
GW Chern, K Barros, Z Wang, H Suwa, CD Batista
Physical Review B 97 (3), 035120, 2018
Velocity of excitations in ordered, disordered, and critical antiferromagnets
A Sen, H Suwa, AW Sandvik
Physical Review B 92 (19), 195145, 2015
Level spectroscopy in a two-dimensional quantum magnet: Linearly dispersing spinons at the deconfined quantum critical point
H Suwa, A Sen, AW Sandvik
Physical Review B 94 (14), 144416, 2016
Machine learning for molecular dynamics with strongly correlated electrons
H Suwa, JS Smith, N Lubbers, CD Batista, GW Chern, K Barros
Physical Review B 99 (16), 161107, 2019
Generalized moment method for gap estimation and quantum Monte Carlo level spectroscopy
H Suwa, S Todo
Physical Review Letters 115 (8), 080601, 2015
Spin-lattice coupling in a ferrimagnetic spinel: Exotic phase diagram of up to 110 T
A Miyata, H Suwa, T Nomura, L Prodan, V Felea, Y Skourski, ...
Physical Review B 101 (5), 054432, 2020
Geometric allocation approaches in Markov chain Monte Carlo
S Todo, H Suwa
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 473 (1), 012013, 2013
Antiferromagnetic excitonic insulator state in Sr3Ir2O7
DG Mazzone, Y Shen, H Suwa, G Fabbris, J Yang, SS Zhang, H Miao, ...
Nature communications 13 (1), 913, 2022
Geometrically Constructed Markov Chain Monte Carlo Study of Quantum Spin-phonon Complex Systems
H Suwa
Springer Science & Business Media, 2013
Stochastic approximation of dynamical exponent at quantum critical point
S Yasuda, H Suwa, S Todo
Physical Review B 92 (10), 104411, 2015
Nematicity and fractional magnetization plateaus induced by spin-lattice coupling in the classical kagome-lattice Heisenberg antiferromagnet
M Gen, H Suwa
Physical Review B 105 (17), 174424, 2022
Element-specific field-induced spin reorientation and tetracritical point in
S Yamamoto, H Suwa, T Kihara, T Nomura, Y Kotani, T Nakamura, ...
Physical Review B 103 (2), L020408, 2021
Quasi-Two-Dimensional Anomalous Hall Mott Insulator of Topologically Engineered Electrons
J Yang, H Suwa, D Meyers, H Zhang, L Horak, Z Wang, G Fabbris, Y Choi, ...
Physical Review X 12 (3), 031015, 2022
Geometric allocation approach to accelerating directed worm algorithm
H Suwa
Physical Review E 103 (1), 013308, 2021
Exciton condensation in bilayer spin-orbit insulator
H Suwa, SS Zhang, CD Batista
Physical Review Research 3 (1), 013224, 2021
Geometric allocation approach for transition kernel of Markov chain
H Suwa, S Todo
Monte Carlo methods and applications 213, 213, 2012
General construction of irreversible kernel in Markov Chain Monte Carlo
H Suwa, S Todo
arXiv preprint arXiv:1207.0258 2, 2012
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