Achim Klein
Achim Klein
Head of Data Science, Klein Data Research
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Automatically detecting pig position and posture by 2D camera imaging and deep learning
M Riekert, A Klein, F Adrion, C Hoffmann, E Gallmann
Computers and Electronics in Agriculture 174, 105391, 2020
Extracting investor sentiment from weblog texts: a knowledge-based approach
A Klein, O Altuntas, T Hausser, W Kessler
2011 IEEE 13th Conference on Commerce and Enterprise Computing, 1-9, 2011
Predicting automotive sales using pre-purchase online search data
P Wachter, T Widmer, A Klein
2019 Federated Conference on Computer Science and Information Systems …, 2019
Individualization of goods and services: towards a logistics knowledge infrastructure for agile supply chains
J Leukel, A Jacob, P Karaenke, S Kirn, A Klein
2011 AAAI Spring Symposium Series, 2011
A combined approach for extracting financial instrument-specific investor sentiment from weblogs
A Klein, O Altuntas, M Riekert, V Dinev
Simple baseline machine learning text classifiers for small datasets
M Riekert, M Riekert, A Klein
SN Computer Science 2 (3), 178, 2021
Predicting material requirements in the automotive industry using data mining
T Widmer, A Klein, P Wachter, S Meyl
Business Information Systems: 22nd International Conference, BIS 2019 …, 2019
Soap based message transport for the jade multiagent platform
A Micsik, P Pallinger, A Klein
Machine learning for predicting animal welfare risks in pig farming
T Zimpel, M Riekert, A Klein, C Hoffmann
Landtechnik 76, 24-35, 2021
Predicting the duration of surgeries to improve process efficiency in hospitals
M Riekert, M Premm, A Klein, L Kirilov, H Kenngott, M Apitz, M Wagner, ...
Online Media Sentiment: Understanding Machine Learning-based Classifiers.
M Riekert, J Leukel, A Klein
ECIS, Research-in-ProgressPaper26, 2016
Accurate retrieval of corporate reputation from online media using machine learning
A Klein, M Riekert, V Dinev
2019 Federated Conference on Computer Science and Information Systems …, 2019
Towards animal welfare monitoring in pig farming using sensors and machine learning
M Riekert, T Zimpel, C Hoffmann, A Wild, E Gallmann, A Klein
Gesellschaft für Informatik eV, 2020
Cryptocurrency Crashes: A Dataset for Measuring the Effect of Regulatory News in Online Media.
A Klein, L Kirilov, M Riekert
SysRisk@ Wirtschaftsinformatik, 85-88, 2019
Increasing the explanatory power of investor sentiment analysis for commodities in online media
A Klein, M Riekert, L Kirilov, J Leukel
Business Information Systems: 21st International Conference, BIS 2018 …, 2018
Georeferenzierung in der Logistik
M Schuele, P Karaenke, A Klein, T Bieser, S Kirn
Individualization Engineering, 135, 2008
Who Drives the Market? Estimating a Heterogeneous Agent-based Financial Market Model Using a Neural Network Approach
A Klein, D Urbig
Maschinelle Lernverfahren zur Prognose von Tierwohlrisiken in der Schweinehaltung
T Zimpel, M Riekert, A Klein, C Hoffmann
agricultural engineering. eu 76 (1), 2021
Machine learning methods to predict animal welfare risks in pig farming.
T Zimpel, M Riekert, A Klein, C Hoffmann
Verbundprojekt INNOPLAN: Teilvorhaben: Modelle und Methoden für die intelligente datengetriebene Vernetzung OP-übergreifender logistischer Prozesse: Schlussbericht der …
A Klein, M Premm, M Riekert, S Meyl, V Deobald
Universität Hohenheim, Lehrstuhl Wirtschaftsinformatik 2 (530D), 2018
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