Hybrid sliding mode observer for switched linear systems with unknown inputs J Van Gorp, M Defoort, K Veluvolu, M Djemai
Journal of the Franklin Institute, 2014
57 2014 Fault detection based on higher‐order sliding mode observer for a class of switched linear systems J Van Gorp, M Defoort, M Djemai, KC Veluvolu
IET Control Theory & Applications 9 (15), 2249-2256, 2015
37 2015 Sensor fault detection for switched systems using interval observer with L∞ performance C Zammali, J Van Gorp, Z Wang, T Raïssi
European Journal of Control 57, 147-156, 2021
34 2021 Binary signals design to control a power converter J Van Gorp, M Defoort, M Djemaï
2011 50th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control and European Control …, 2011
23 2011 Hybrid observer for the multicellular converter J Van Gorp, M Defoort, M Djemai, N Manamanni
IFAC Proceedings Volumes 45 (9), 259-264, 2012
19 2012 Active diagnosis for a class of switched systems J Van Gorp, A Giua, M Defoort, M Djemai
52nd IEEE Conference on decision and control, 5003-5008, 2013
17 2013 Hybrid observer for switched linear systems with unknown inputs M Defoort, J Van Gorp, M Djemai, K Veluvolu
2012 7th IEEE Conference on Industrial Electronics and Applications (ICIEA …, 2012
13 2012 Hybrid state estimation for a class of switched system using Petri Nets. F Arichi, J Van Gorp, M Djemai, M Defoort, B Cherki
European Control Conference, juin, 2014
12 2014 Interval observers based fault detection for switched systems with performances C Zammali, J Van Gorp, T Raissi
European Control Conference (ECC 20), 2020
11 2020 Multicellular converter: A benchmark for control and observation for hybrid dynamical systems M Defoort, J Van Gorp, M Djemai
Hybrid Dynamical Systems: Observation and Control, 293-313, 2015
11 2015 Diagnostic et observation d'une classe de systèmes dynamiques hybrides. Application au convertisseur multicellulaire série J Van Gorp
Université de Valenciennes et du Hainaut-Cambresis, 2013
9 2013 Simultaneous interval state and fault estimation for continuous-time switched systems C Zammali, J Van Gorp, X Ping, T Raissi
IFAC-PapersOnLine 55 (25), 73-78, 2022
8 2022 Fault Detection for Switched Systems based on Pole Assignment and Zonotopic Residual Evaluation C Zammali, Z Wang, J Van Gorp, T Raissi
21rst IFAC World Congress, 2020
8 2020 Interval estimation for continuous-time LPV switched systems C Zammali, J Van Gorp, T Raïssi
International Journal of Control, 1-12, 2020
8 2020 Switching signal estimation based on interval observer for a class of switched linear systems C Zammali, J Van Gorp, X Ping, T Raïssi
2019 IEEE 58th Conference on Decision and Control (CDC), 2497-2502, 2019
7 2019 Robust fault detection for switched systems based on interval observers C Zammali, J Van Gorp, T Raïssi
2020 28th Mediterranean Conference on Control and Automation (MED), 568-573, 2020
6 2020 Interval estimation for discrete-time LPV switched systems C Zammali, J Van Gorp, X Ping, T Raïssi
2019 IEEE 58th Conference on Decision and Control (CDC), 2479-2484, 2019
5 2019 On interval observer design for continuous-time LPV switched systems C Zammali, J Van Gorp, T Raissi
Acta Cybernetica, 2020
4 2020 Sliding mode control of switching electrical power converters associated to an inductive load M Defoort, J Van Gorp, M Djemai
IFAC Proceedings Volumes 44 (1), 2809-2814, 2011
4 2011 Ellipsoid-based sensor fault detection for discrete-time switched systems C Zammali, J Van Gorp, Z Wang, X Ping, T Raïssi
2020 59th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC), 3267-3272, 2020
3 2020