Darek Ceglarek
Darek Ceglarek
Prof & EPSRC Star Research Chair, WMG, U-Warwick; U-Wisconsin, Ph.D. (U-Michigan), Warsaw Tech
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Maintenance: changing role in life cycle management
S Takata, F Kirnura, F Van Houten, E Westkamper, M Shpitalni, ...
CIRP Annals-Manufacturing Technology 53 (2), 643-655, 2004
Modeling variation propagation of multi-station assembly systems with compliant parts
J Camelio, SJ Hu, D Ceglarek
ASME Transactions, Journal of Mechanical Design 125, 673, 2003
Design verification and validation in product lifecycle
PG Maropoulos, D Ceglarek
CIRP Annals-Manufacturing Technology 59 (2), 740-759, 2010
Fixture Failure Diagnosis for Autobody Assembly Using Pattern Recognition.
D Ceglarek, J Shi
ASME Transactions, Journal of Engineering for Industry (currently Journal of …, 1996
SPECIES--Co-evolution of products, processes and production systems
T Tolio, D Ceglarek, HA ElMaraghy, A Fischer, SJ Hu, L Laperrière, ...
CIRP Annals-Manufacturing Technology 59 (2), 672-693, 2010
Fault diagnosis of multistage manufacturing processes by using state space approach
Y Ding, D Ceglarek, J Shi
ASME Transactions, Journal of Manufacturing Science and Engineering 124, 313, 2002
Dimensional variation reduction for automotive body assembly
D Ceglarek, J Shi
Manufacturing Review 8 (2), 139-154, 1995
Modeling and diagnosis of multistage manufacturing processes: part I state space model
Y Ding, D Ceglarek, J Shi
Proceedings of the 2000 Japan/USA symposium on flexible automation, 23-26, 2000
Diagnosability analysis of multi-station manufacturing processes
Y Ding, J Shi, D Ceglarek
ASME Transactions, Journal of Dynamic Systems, Measurement and Control 124 …, 2002
Time-based competition in multistage manufacturing: stream-of-variation analysis (SOVA) methodology—review
D Ceglarek, W Huang, S Zhou, Y Ding, R Kumar, Y Zhou
International Journal of Flexible Manufacturing Systems 16 (1), 11-44, 2004
Knowledge-based diagnostic approach for the launch of the auto-body assembly process
D Ceglarek, J Shi, SM Wu
ASME Transactions, Journal of Engineering for Industry (currently Journal of …, 1994
Comparative analysis of tooth-root strength using ISO and AGMA standards in spur and helical gears with FEM-based verification
A Kawalec, J Wiktor, D Ceglarek
ASME Transactions, Journal of Mechanical Design 128 (5), 1141-1158, 2006
Impact of fixture design sheet metal assembly variation
JA Camelio, SJ Hu, DJ Ceglarek
Journal of Manufacturing Systems 23 (3), 182-193, 2004
Optimal sensor distribution for variation diagnosis in multistation assembly processes
Y Ding, P Kim, D Ceglarek, J Jin
IEEE Transactions on Robotics and Automation 19 (4), 543-556, 2003
Mode-based decomposition of part form error by discrete-cosine-transform with implementation to assembly and stamping system with compliant parts
W Huang, D Ceglarek
CIRP Annals-Manufacturing Technology 51 (1), 21-26, 2002
Stream-of-Variation (SOVA) Modeling—Part II: A Generic 3D Variation Model for Rigid Body Assembly in Multistation Assembly Processes
W Huang, J Lin, Z Kong, D Ceglarek
ASME Transactions, Journal of Manufacturing Science and Engineering 129, 832, 2007
Process-oriented tolerancing for multi-station assembly systems
Y Ding, J Jin, D Ceglarek, J Shi
IIE Transactions 37 (6), 493-508, 2005
Design evaluation of multi-station assembly processes by using state space approach
Y Ding, D Ceglarek, J Shi
ASME Transactions, Journal of Mechanical Design 124, 408, 2002
Stream-of-Variation Modeling—Part I: A Generic Three-Dimensional Variation Model for Rigid-Body Assembly in Single Station Assembly Processes
W Huang, J Lin, M Bezdecny, Z Kong, D Ceglarek
ASME Transactions, Journal of Manufacturing Science and Engineering 129, 821, 2007
Axiomatic design in large systems
AM Farid, NP Suh
Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2016
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