Julian Ryde
Julian Ryde
United Technologies Research Center
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On stochastic optimal control and reinforcement learning by approximate inference
K Rawlik, M Toussaint, S Vijayakumar
Physics-Based Grasp Planning Through Clutter.
MR Dogar, K Hsiao, MT Ciocarlie, SS Srinivasa
Robotics: Science and systems 8, 57-64, 2012
3D mapping with multi-resolution occupied voxel lists
J Ryde, H Hu
Autonomous Robots 28, 169-185, 2010
Performance of laser and radar ranging devices in adverse environmental conditions
J Ryde, N Hillier
Journal of Field Robotics 26 (9), 712-727, 2009
Active exploration using trajectory optimization for robotic grasping in the presence of occlusions
G Kahn, P Sujan, S Patil, S Bopardikar, J Ryde, K Goldberg, P Abbeel
2015 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), 4783-4790, 2015
Ascending stairway modeling from dense depth imagery for traversability analysis
JA Delmerico, D Baran, P David, J Ryde, JJ Corso
2013 IEEE international conference on robotics and automation, 2283-2290, 2013
Deep learning for automated occlusion edge detection in RGB-D frames
S Sarkar, V Venugopalan, K Reddy, J Ryde, N Jaitly, M Giering
Journal of Signal Processing Systems 88, 205-217, 2017
Mutual localization: Two camera relative 6-dof pose estimation from reciprocal fiducial observation
V Dhiman, J Ryde, JJ Corso
2013 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems …, 2013
Autonomous cargo handling system and method
A Bhatia, ZD Perez, A Pinto, JC Ryde
US Patent 10,005,564, 2018
Fast circular landmark detection for cooperative localisation and mapping
J Ryde, H Hu
Proceedings of the 2005 IEEE international conference on robotics and …, 2005
Exploiting passive dynamics with variable stiffness actuation in robot brachiation
J Nakanishi, S Vijayakumar
3D laser range scanner with hemispherical field of view for robot navigation
J Ryde, H Hu
2008 IEEE/ASME International Conference on Advanced Intelligent Mechatronics …, 2008
Occlusion edge detection in RGB-D frames using deep convolutional networks
S Sarkar, V Venugopalan, K Reddy, M Giering, J Ryde, N Jaitly
arXiv preprint arXiv:1412.7007, 2014
Alignment and 3D scene change detection for segmentation in autonomous earth moving
J Ryde, N Hillier
2011 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, 1484-1490, 2011
Experiments in autonomous earth moving
A Bonchis, N Hillier, J Ryde, E Duff, C Pradalier
IFAC Proceedings Volumes 44 (1), 11588-11593, 2011
Non-cubic occupied voxel lists for robot maps
J Ryde, M Brünig
2009 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems …, 2009
Mobile robot 3D perception and mapping without odometry using multi-resolution occupancy lists
J Ryde, H Hu
2007 International Conference on Mechatronics and Automation, 331-336, 2007
Mutual Localization and 3D Mapping by Cooperative Mobile Robots.
J Ryde, H Hu
IAS, 217-224, 2006
Voxel planes: Rapid visualization and meshification of point cloud ensembles
J Ryde, V Dhiman, R Platt
2013 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems …, 2013
Experiments with Balancing on Irregular Terrains using the Dreamer Mobile Humanoid Robot.
L Sentis, J Petersen, R Philippsen
Robotics: Science and Systems, 2012
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