Luan Ling Lee
Luan Ling Lee
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Reliable online human signature verification systems
LL Lee, T Berger, E Aviczer
IEEE Transactions on pattern analysis and machine intelligence 18 (6), 643-647, 1996
Adaptive method and system for real time verification of dynamic human signatures
LL Lee, T Berger
US Patent 5,559,895, 1996
A prototype for brazilian bankcheck recognition
LL Lee, MG Lizarraga, NR Gomes, AL Koerich
International Journal of Pattern Recognition and Artificial Intelligence 11 …, 1997
Adaptive wavelet-based multifractal model applied to the effective bandwidth estimation of network traffic flows
FHT Vieira, LL Lee
IET communications 3 (6), 906-919, 2009
A network traffic prediction approach based on multifractal modeling
FHT Vieira, GR Bianchi, LL Lee
Journal of High Speed Networks 17 (2), 83-96, 2010
Neural approaches for human signature verification
LL Lee
Proceedings of 3rd International Conference on Document Analysis and …, 1995
Disconnected handwritten numeral image recognition
LL Lee, NR Gomes
Proceedings of the Fourth International Conference on Document Analysis and …, 1997
On-line systems for human signature verification
LL Lee
Cornell University, 1992
An admission control approach for multifractal network traffic flows using effective envelopes
FHT Vieira, LL Lee
AEU-International Journal of Electronics and Communications 64 (7), 629-639, 2010
An off-line method for human signature verification
LL Lee, MG Lizarraga
Proceedings of 13th International Conference on Pattern Recognition 3, 195-198, 1996
Reliable on-line human signature verification system for point-of-sales applications
LL Lee, T Berger
Proceedings of the 12th IAPR International Conference on Pattern Recognition …, 1994
Neural approaches for human signature verification
LL Lee
Proceedings of Third International Conference on Signal Processing (ICSP'96 …, 1996
Contribuições ao cálculo de banda e de probabilidade de perda para tráfego multifractal de redes
FHT Vieira, LL Lee
Tese de Doutorado, Faculdade de Engenharia Elétrica e de Computação, 2006
A Neural Architecture Based on the Adaptive Resonant Theory and Recurrent Neural Networks.
FHV Teles, LL Lee
Int. J. Comput. Sci. Appl. 4 (3), 45-56, 2007
Estudo de Estimação de Banda Efetiva para Tráfego auto-similar com variância infinita
FR Perlingeiro, LL Lee
SBrT 5, 326-331, 2005
Automatic extraction of filled information from bankchecks
AL Koerich, LL Lee
1997 IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics …, 1997
A simple and efficient method for global handwritten word recognition applied to Brazilian bankchecks
LL Lee, SI Coelho
Eighth International Conference on Document Analysis and Recognition (ICDAR …, 2005
Alocação Dinâmica de Taxa de Transmissão em Redes de Pacotes Utilizando Redes Neurais Recorrentes Treinadas com Algoritmos em Tempo Real
FHT Vieira, RP Lemos, LL Lee
IEEE Latin America 1 (1), 2003
An effective bandwidth allocation approach for self-similar traffic in a single ATM connection
FR Perlingeiro, LL Lee
Seamless Interconnection for Universal Services. Global Telecommunications …, 1999
Algoritmos robustos de reconhecimento de voz aplicados a verificação de locutor
TF Pegoraro
[sn], 2000
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