Prof. Da-Lin Zhang
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Zitiert von
A high-resolution model of the planetary boundary layer—Sensitivity tests and comparisons with SESAME-79 data
D Zhang, RA Anthes
Journal of Applied Meteorology and Climatology 21 (11), 1594-1609, 1982
A multiscale numerical study of Hurricane Andrew (1992). Part I: Explicit simulation and verification
Y Liu, DL Zhang, MK Yau
Monthly weather review 125 (12), 3073-3093, 1997
The footprint of urban areas on global climate as characterized by MODIS
M Jin, RE Dickinson, DA Zhang
Journal of climate 18 (10), 1551-1565, 2005
Roles of urban tree canopy and buildings in urban heat island effects: Parameterization and preliminary results
CP Loughner, DJ Allen, DL Zhang, KE Pickering, RR Dickerson, L Landry
Journal of Applied Meteorology and Climatology 51 (10), 1775-1793, 2012
Diurnal cycles of surface winds and temperatures as simulated by five boundary layer parameterizations
DL Zhang, WZ Zheng
Journal of Applied Meteorology and Climatology 43 (1), 157-169, 2004
A multiscale numerical study of Hurricane Andrew (1992). Part II: Kinematics and inner-core structures
Y Liu, DL Zhang, MK Yau
Monthly weather review 127 (11), 2597-2616, 1999
On the rapid intensification of Hurricane Wilma (2005). Part II: Convective bursts and the upper-level warm core
H Chen, DL Zhang
Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences 70 (1), 146-162, 2013
The southern China monsoon rainfall experiment (SCMREX)
Y Luo, R Zhang, Q Wan, B Wang, WK Wong, Z Hu, BJD Jou, Y Lin, ...
Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society 98 (5), 999-1013, 2017
A two-way interactive nesting procedure with variable terrain resolution
DL Zhang, HR Chang, NL Seaman, TT Warner, JM Fritsch
Monthly Weather Review 114 (7), 1330-1339, 1986
The Beijing extreme rainfall of 21 July 2012:“Right results” but for wrong reasons
DL Zhang, Y Lin, P Zhao, X Yu, S Wang, H Kang, Y Ding
Geophysical Research Letters 40 (7), 1426-1431, 2013
Numerical simulation of Hurricane Bonnie (1998). Part II: Sensitivity to varying cloud microphysical processes
T Zhu, DL Zhang
Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences 63 (1), 109-126, 2006
Numerical simulation of the meso-β scale structure and evolution of the 1977 Johnstown flood. Part I: Model description and verification
DL Zhang, JM Fritsch
Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences 43 (18), 1913-1944, 1986
A multiscale numerical study of Hurricane Andrew (1992). Part IV: Unbalanced flows
DL Zhang, Y Liu, MK Yau
Monthly weather review 129 (1), 92-107, 2001
Numerical simulation of Hurricane Bonnie (1998). Part I: Eyewall evolution and intensity changes
T Zhu, DL Zhang, F Weng
Monthly weather review 132 (1), 225-241, 2004
Importance of the upper‐level warm core in the rapid intensification of a tropical cyclone
DL Zhang, H Chen
Geophysical Research Letters 39 (2), 2012
Initiation and organizational modes of an extreme-rain-producing mesoscale convective system along a mei-yu front in East China
Y Luo, Y Gong, DL Zhang
Monthly Weather Review 142 (1), 203-221, 2014
Numerical simulation of an intense squall line during 10–11 June 1985 PRE-STORM. Part I: Model verification
DL Zhang, K Gao, DB Parsons
Monthly weather review 117 (5), 960-994, 1989
Upstream urbanization exacerbates urban heat island effects
DL Zhang, YX Shou, RR Dickerson
Geophysical research letters 36 (24), 2009
A multiscale numerical study of Hurricane Andrew (1992). Part V: Inner-core thermodynamics
DL Zhang, Y Liu, MK Yau
Monthly weather review 130 (11), 2745-2763, 2002
Numerical simulation of an intense squall line during 10–11 June 1985 PRE-STORM. Part II: Rear inflow, surface pressure perturbations and stratiform precipitation
DL Zhang, K Gao
Monthly weather review 117 (9), 2067-2094, 1989
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