Nachiket Patil
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Zitiert von
Microstructure and mechanical behavior of 17-4 precipitation hardenable steel processed by selective laser melting
HK Rafi, D Pal, N Patil, TL Starr, BE Stucker
Journal of materials engineering and performance 23, 4421-4428, 2014
An Integrated Approach to Cyber-Enabled Additive Manufacturing using Physics based, Coupled Multi-scale Process Modeling
D Pal, N Patil, M Nikoukar, K Zeng, KH Kutty, BE Stucker
Solid Freeform Fabrication Symposium 1, 2013
An Integrated Approach to Additive Manufacturing Simulations Using Physics Based, Coupled Multiscale Process Modeling
D Pal, N Patil, K Zeng, B Stucker
Journal of Manufacturing Science and Engineering 136 (6), 2014
Comparison of 3DSIM thermal modelling of selective laser melting using new dynamic meshing method to ANSYS
K Zeng, D Pal, HJ Gong, N Patil, B Stucker
Materials Science and Technology 31 (8), 945-956, 2015
A review of defect modeling in laser material processing
C Teng, D Pal, H Gong, K Zeng, K Briggs, N Patil, B Stucker
Additive Manufacturing 14, 137-147, 2017
A generalized feed forward dynamic adaptive mesh refinement and derefinement finite element framework for metal laser sintering—part I: formulation and algorithm development
N Patil, D Pal, H Khalid Rafi, K Zeng, A Moreland, A Hicks, D Beeler, ...
Journal of Manufacturing Science and Engineering 137 (4), 041001, 2015
Simulating melt pool shape and lack of fusion porosity for selective laser melting of cobalt chromium components
C Teng, H Gong, A Szabo, JJS Dilip, K Ashby, S Zhang, N Patil, D Pal, ...
Journal of Manufacturing Science and Engineering 139 (1), 011009, 2017
A New Dynamic Mesh Method Applied to the Simulation of Selective Laser Melting
K Zeng, D Pal, N Patil, B Stucker
Proceedings of the Solid Freeform Fabrication Symposium, 2013
A new finite element solver using numerical eigen modes for fast simulation of additive manufacturing processes
N Patil, D Pal, B Stucker
University of Texas at Austin, 2013
Multi-scale mesh modeling software products and controllers
D Pal, N Patil, B Stucker
US Patent 10,664,560, 2020
A Generalized Feed-Forward Dynamic Adaptive Mesh Refinement and Derefinement Finite-Element Framework for Metal Laser Sintering—Part II: Nonlinear Thermal Simulations and …
D Pal, N Patil, KH Kutty, K Zeng, A Moreland, A Hicks, D Beeler, B Stucker
Journal of Manufacturing Science and Engineering 138 (6), 061003, 2016
Layer by layer validation of geometrical accuracy in additive manufacturing processes
K Zeng, N Patil, H Gu, H Gong, D Pal
University of Texas at Austin, 2013
Benchmark multi-layer simulations for residual stresses and deformation in small additively manufactured metal parts
N Patil, R Ganeriwala, JM Solberg, NE Hodge, RM Ferencz
Additive Manufacturing 45, 102015, 2021
Methods for enhancing the speed of numerical calculations for the prediction of the mechanical behavior of parts made using additive manufacturing
M Nikoukar, N Patil, D Pal, B Stucker
University of Texas at Austin, 2013
An efficient multi-scale simulation architecture for the prediction of performance metrics of parts fabricated using additive manufacturing
D Pal, N Patil, K Zeng, C Teng, B Stucker
Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A 46, 3852-3863, 2015
Enhancing simulations of additive manufacturing processes using spatiotemporal multiscaling
D Pal, N Patil, C Teng, K Zeng, S Xu, T Sublette, B Stucker
University of Texas at Austin, 2014
Prediction of mechanical properties of Electron Beam Melted Ti6Al4V parts using dislocation density based crystal plasticity framework
D Pal, N Patil, BE Stucker
A comparison of the computational speed of 3DSIM versus ANSYS finite element analyses for simulation of thermal history in metal laser sintering
K Zeng, C Teng, S Xu, T Sublette, N Patil, D Pala, B Stucker
University of Texas at Austin, 2014
A novel numerical framework for simulation of multiscale spatio-temporally non-linear systems in additive manufacturing processes.
N Patil
A Feed Forward Dynamic Adaptive Mesh Refinement and De-refinement (FFD-AMRD) strategy for problems with non-linear spatiotemporally periodic localized boundary conditions
D Pal, N Patil, K Rafi, K Zeng, A Moreland, A Hicks, D Beeler, B Stucker
J. Journal of Applied Physics, xxx, xxxxxx, 2013
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