Justin Manjourides
Justin Manjourides
Associate Professor of Biostatistics, Northeastern University
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Long-Term PM2.5 Exposure and Respiratory, Cancer, and Cardiovascular Mortality in Older US Adults
VC Pun, F Kazemiparkouhi, J Manjourides, HH Suh
American journal of epidemiology 186 (8), 961-969, 2017
Association of ambient air pollution with depressive and anxiety symptoms in older adults: results from the NSHAP study
VC Pun, J Manjourides, H Suh
Environmental health perspectives 125 (3), 342-348, 2017
Association of neighborhood greenness with self-perceived stress, depression and anxiety symptoms in older US adults
VC Pun, J Manjourides, HH Suh
Environmental Health 17, 1-11, 2018
μEMA: Microinteraction-based ecological momentary assessment (EMA) using a smartwatch
S Intille, C Haynes, D Maniar, A Ponnada, J Manjourides
Proceedings of the 2016 ACM international joint conference on pervasive and …, 2016
Anemia prevalence and hemoglobin levels are associated with long-term exposure to air pollution in an older population
T Honda, VC Pun, J Manjourides, H Suh
Environment international 101, 125-132, 2017
The impact of long-term PM2.5 exposure on specific causes of death: exposure-response curves and effect modification among 53 million U.S. Medicare beneficiaries
B Wang, KD Eum, F Kazemiparkouhi, C Li, J Manjourides, V Pavlu, H Suh
Environmental Health 19, 1-12, 2020
Cognitive impacts of ambient air pollution in the National Social Health and Aging Project (NSHAP) cohort
LA Tallon, J Manjourides, VC Pun, C Salhi, H Suh
Environment international 104, 102-109, 2017
Long-term ozone exposures and cause-specific mortality in a US Medicare cohort
F Kazemiparkouhi, KD Eum, B Wang, J Manjourides, HH Suh
Journal of exposure science & environmental epidemiology 30 (4), 650-658, 2020
Associations between long-term exposure to air pollution, glycosylated hemoglobin and diabetes
T Honda, VC Pun, J Manjourides, H Suh
International journal of hygiene and environmental health 220 (7), 1124-1132, 2017
Use of an interactive computer agent to support breastfeeding
RA Edwards, T Bickmore, L Jenkins, M Foley, J Manjourides
Maternal and child health journal 17, 1961-1968, 2013
Establishing a relationship between the effect of caffeine and duration of endurance athletic time trial events: A systematic review and meta-analysis
JG Shen, MB Brooks, J Cincotta, JD Manjourides
Journal of science and medicine in sport 22 (2), 232-238, 2019
Identifying hotspots of multidrug-resistant tuberculosis transmission using spatial and molecular genetic data
JL Zelner, MB Murray, MC Becerra, J Galea, L Lecca, R Calderon, ...
The Journal of infectious diseases 213 (2), 287-294, 2016
Effect of spatial resolution on cluster detection: a simulation study
A Ozonoff, C Jeffery, J Manjourides, LF White, M Pagano
International journal of health geographics 6, 1-7, 2007
Long-term NO2 exposures and cause-specific mortality in American older adults
KD Eum, F Kazemiparkouhi, B Wang, J Manjourides, V Pun, V Pavlu, ...
Environment international 124, 10-15, 2019
The impact of Long-Term PM2. 5 constituents and their sources on specific causes of death in a US Medicare cohort
F Kazemiparkouhi, T Honda, KD Eum, B Wang, J Manjourides, HH Suh
Environment International 159, 106988, 2022
Close proximity to roadway and urbanicity associated with mental ill-health in older adults
VC Pun, J Manjourides, HH Suh
Science of the total environment 658, 854-860, 2019
Associations of long-term fine particulate matter exposure with prevalent hypertension and increased blood pressure in older Americans
T Honda, VC Pun, J Manjourides, H Suh
Environmental research 164, 1-8, 2018
Microinteraction ecological momentary assessment response rates: Effect of microinteractions or the smartwatch?
A Ponnada, C Haynes, D Maniar, J Manjourides, S Intille
Proceedings of the ACM on interactive, mobile, wearable and ubiquitous …, 2017
A Cluster Randomized Controlled Trial of a Total Worker Health® Intervention on Commercial Construction Sites
SE Peters, MP Grant, J Rodgers, J Manjourides, CA Okechukwu, ...
International journal of environmental research and public health 15 (11), 2354, 2018
Fine particle sources and cognitive function in an older Puerto Rican cohort in Greater Boston
R Wurth, MA Kioumourtzoglou, KL Tucker, J Griffith, J Manjourides, H Suh
Environmental Epidemiology 2 (3), e022, 2018
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