Hüseyin Gökçekuş
Hüseyin Gökçekuş
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Artificial intelligence based ensemble model for prediction of vehicular traffic noise
V Nourani, H Gökçekuş, IK Umar
Environmental research 180, 108852, 2020
An emotional artificial neural network for prediction of vehicular traffic noise
V Nourani, H Gökçekuş, IK Umar, H Najafi
Science of the Total Environment 707, 136134, 2020
Hybrid wavelet-M5 model tree for rainfall-runoff modeling
V Nourani, A Davanlou Tajbakhsh, A Molajou, H Gokcekus
Journal of Hydrologic Engineering 24 (5), 04019012, 2019
Data-driven ensemble model to statistically downscale rainfall using nonlinear predictor screening approach
V Nourani, AH Baghanam, H Gokcekus
Journal of Hydrology 565, 538-551, 2018
Conjunction of a newly proposed emotional ANN (EANN) and wavelet transform for suspended sediment load modeling
E Sharghi, V Nourani, H Najafi, H Gokcekus
Water Supply, 2019
The possibility of generating electricity using small-scale wind turbines and solar photovoltaic systems for households in Northern Cyprus: a comparative study
Y Kassem, R Al Zoubi, H Gökçekuş
Environments 6 (4), 47, 2019
Estimation of Suspended Sediment Load Using Artificial Intelligence‐Based Ensemble Model
V Nourani, H Gokcekus, G Gelete
Complexity 2021 (1), 6633760, 2021
Ensemble data-driven rainfall-runoff modeling using multi-source satellite and gauge rainfall data input fusion
V Nourani, H Gökçekuş, T Gichamo
Earth Science Informatics 14 (4), 1787-1808, 2021
Impact of climate change on the hydrology of Blue Nile basin, Ethiopia: a review
G Gelete, H Gokcekus, T Gichamo
Journal of Water and Climate Change 11 (4), 1539-1550, 2020
Predictive model and assessment of the potential for wind and solar power in Rayak region, Lebanon
Y Kassem, H Gökçekuş, W Janbein
Modeling Earth Systems and Environment 7 (3), 1475-1502, 2021
Techno-economic feasibility of grid-connected solar PV system at Near East University hospital, Northern Cyprus
Y Kassem, H Gökçekuş, A Güvensoy
Energies 14 (22), 7627, 2021
Economic assessment of renewable power generation based on wind speed and solar radiation in urban regions
Y Kassem, H Gökçekuş, H Çamur
Global Journal of Environmental Science and Management 4 (4), 465-482, 2018
Survival and sustainability: environmental concerns in the 21st century
H Gökçekus, U Türker, JW LaMoreaux
Springer Science & Business Media, 2011
Modeling of techno-economic assessment on wind energy potential at three selected coastal regions in Lebanon
Y Kassem, H Gökçekuş, M Zeitoun
Modeling Earth Systems and Environment 5, 1037-1049, 2019
Application of multi-criteria decision analysis in environmental and civil engineering
DU Ozsahin, H Gökcekus, B Uzun, JW LaMoreaux
Springer, 2021
Evaluating disinfection techniques of water treatment
G Gelete, H Gokcekus, DU Ozsahin, B Uzun, T Gichamo
Desalination and Water Treatment 177, 408-415, 2020
Comparative analysis of wastewater treatment technologies
MN Yahya, H Gökçekuş, DU Ozsahin
Jurnal Kejuruteraan 32 (2), 221-230, 2020
Monitoring effluent quality of wastewater treatment plant by clustering based artificial neural network method
E Sharghi, V Nourani, A AliAshrafi, H Gökçekuş
Desalination and Water Treatment 164, 86-97, 2019
Ensemble physically based semi-distributed models for the rainfall-runoff process modeling in the data-scarce Katar catchment, Ethiopia
G Gelete, V Nourani, H Gokcekus, T Gichamo
Journal of Hydroinformatics 25 (2), 567-592, 2023
Evaluation of wastewater treatment technologies using TOPSIS
MN Yahya, H Gökçekuş, DU Ozsahin, B Uzun
Desalination and Water Treatment 177, 416-422, 2020
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