П.П. Паль-Валь, Павел Паль-Валь, P.P. Pal-Val, Pavel Pal-Val,  Pavel P. Pal-Val, P. P. Pal'-Val'
П.П. Паль-Валь, Павел Паль-Валь, P.P. Pal-Val, Pavel Pal-Val, Pavel P. Pal-Val, P. P. Pal'-Val'
B. Verkin Institute for Low Temperature Physics and Engineering of the NAS of Ukraine
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Zitiert von
Unusual Young׳ s modulus behavior in ultrafine-grained and microcrystalline copper wires caused by texture changes during processing and annealing
PP Pal-Val, YN Loginov, SL Demakov, AG Illarionov, VD Natsik, ...
Materials Science and Engineering: A 618, 9-15, 2014
Plastic deformation of symmetrical bicrystals having σ3 coincidence twin boundary
V Paidar, PP Pal-Val, S Kadečková
Acta Metallurgica 34 (11), 2277-2289, 1986
Interaction of dislocations with localized pinning points in high‐purity molybdenum single crystals
HJ Kaufmann, PP Pal‐Val
physica status solidi (a) 62 (2), 569-575, 1980
Theory of a compound piezoelectric vibrator
VD Natsik, PP Pal-Val, SN Smirnov
Acoustical Physics 44 (5), 553-560, 1998
The effect of annealing on the internal friction in ECAP-modified ultrafine grained copper
IS Golovin, P Pal-Val, LN Pal-Val, EN Vatazhuk, Y Estrin
Solid State Phenomena 184, 289-294, 2012
The influence of plastic deformation on the form and parameters of the low-temperature internal friction peak in niobium
VD Natsik, PP Pal'-Val', YA Semerenko
Fizika Nizkikh Temperatur 25 (7), 748-757, 1999
Low-temperature dislocation absorption of ultrasound in high-purity α-iron single crystals. Effect of Peierls barriers and impurities on dislocation motion
PP Pal-Val, VD Natsik, S Kadečková
Philosophical Magazine A 56 (3), 407-418, 1987
К теории составного пьезоэлектрического вибратора
ВД Нацик, ПП Паль-Валь, СН Смирнов
Акустический журнал 44 (5), 640-647, 1998
Comparative study of the low-temperature acoustic properties of CuO and YBa2Cu3Ox ceramics
LN Pal-Val, PP Pal-Val, VD Natsik, VI Dotsenko
Solid state communications 81 (9), 761-765, 1992
Low-temperature internal friction α-peak in niobium and its relation to relaxation of kinks in dislocations
VD Natsik, PP Pal'-Val', YA Semerenko
Fizika Nizkikh Temperatur 27 (5), 547-557, 2001
Statistical analysis of the low-temperature α peak of the internal friction in iron single crystals
VD Natsik, PP Pal-Val, LN Pal-Val, YA Semerenko
Low Temperature Physics 26 (7), 522-528, 2000
Composite piezoelectric vibrator theory
VD Natsik, PP Pal’-Val’, SN Smirnov
Akust. Zh. 44 (5), 640-647, 1998
Check of theory of Brownian motion of a particle through a potential barrier in viscous medium during experimental study of dislocation acoustic relaxation in normal and …
VD Natsik, PP Pal'-Val
Fizika Nizkikh Temperatur 23 (11), 1229-1242, 1997
Dislocation mechanism of low-temperature acoustic relaxation in niobium
PP Pal'-Val, VD Natsik, LN Pal'-Val
Fizika Nizkikh Temperatur 21 (6), 647-662, 1995
Effect of microplastic deformation on the electron ultrasonic absorption in high-purity molybdenum monocrystals
PP Pal'-Val, KJ Kaufmann
Fiz. Nizk. Temp.(Kiev);(Ukrainian SSR) 9 (3), 1983
Influence of Microplastic Deformation on the Electronic Absorption of Ultrasound in High-Purity Molybdenum Single Crystals
PP Pal-Val, HJ Kaufmann
Sov. J. Low Temp. Phys 9, 163, 1983
Temperature dependence of the dislocation drag constant in antimony
PP Pal‐Val, VY Platkov, VI Startsev
physica status solidi (a) 38 (1), 383-391, 1976
Low-temperature acoustic properties of nanostructured zirconium obtained by intensive plastic deformation
EN Vatazhuk, PP Pal-Val, VD Natsik, LN Pal-Val, MA Tikhonovsky, ...
Low Temperature Physics 37 (2), 169-176, 2011
Curious magnetic phase transition in polycrystalline Gd–Y alloys: ultraacoustic study
AB Beznosov, EL Fertman, PP Pal-Val
Journal of magnetism and magnetic materials 192 (1), 111-115, 1999
Verification of the theory of Brownian motion of a particle through a potential barrier in a viscous medium during experimental study of dislocation acoustic relaxation in …
VD Natsik, PP Pal-Val
Low Temperature Physics 23 (11), 922-932, 1997
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