Julia Föcker
Julia Föcker
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Neural bases of selective attention in action video game players
D Bavelier, RL Achtman, M Mani, J Föcker
Vision research 61, 132-143, 2012
Spatial coordinate systems for tactile spatial attention depend on developmental vision: evidence from event‐related potentials in sighted and congenitally blind adult humans
B Röder, J Föcker, K Hötting, C Spence
European Journal of Neuroscience 28 (3), 475-483, 2008
Neural correlates of enhanced visual attentional control in action video game players: an event-related potential study
J Föcker, M Mortazavi, W Khoe, SA Hillyard, D Bavelier
Journal of cognitive neuroscience 31 (3), 377-389, 2019
Neural bases of enhanced attentional control: Lessons from action video game players
J Föcker, D Cole, AL Beer, D Bavelier
Brain and Behavior 8 (7), e01019, 2018
Preattentive processing of audio-visual emotional signals
J Föcker, M Gondan, B Röder
Acta psychologica 137 (1), 36-47, 2011
The superiority in voice processing of the blind arises from neural plasticity at sensory processing stages
J Föcker, A Best, C Hölig, B Röder
Neuropsychologia 50 (8), 2056-2067, 2012
Brain systems mediating voice identity processing in blind humans
C Hölig, J Föcker, A Best, B Röder, C Büchel
Human brain mapping 35 (9), 4607-4619, 2014
Crossmodal plasticity in the fusiform gyrus of late blind individuals during voice recognition.
C Hölig, J Föcker, A Best, B Röder, C & Büchel
NeuroImage 103 103, 374-382, 2014
Crossmodal interaction of facial and vocal person identity information: An event-related potential study
J Föcker, C Hölig, A Best, B Röder
Brain research 1385, 229-245, 2011
Oscillatory activity reflects differential use of spatial reference frames by sighted and blind individuals in tactile attention
JTW Schubert, VN Buchholz, J Föcker, AK Engel, B Röder, T Heed
NeuroImage 117, 417-428, 2015
The effect of motion direction and eccentricity on vection, VR sickness and head movements in virtual reality
KMT Pöhlmann, J Föcker, P Dickinson, A Parke, L O’Hare
Multisensory research 34 (6), 623-662, 2021
Children can optimally integrate multisensory information after a short action‐like mini game training
E Nava, J Föcker, M Gori
Developmental science 23 (1), e12840, 2020
The relationship between vection, cybersickness and head movements elicited by illusory motion in virtual reality
KMT Pöhlmann, J Föcker, P Dickinson, A Parke, L O'Hare
Displays 71, 102111, 2022
Faster visual information processing in video gamers is associated with EEG alpha amplitude modulation
Y Hilla, JR Von Mankowski, J Föcker, P Sauseng
Frontiers in Psychology 11, 599788, 2020
Neural plasticity of voice processing: Evidence from event-related potentials in late-onset blind and sighted individuals
J Foecker, C Hoelig, A Best, B Roeder
Restorative neurology and neuroscience 33 (1), 15-30, 2015
Activation in the angular gyrus and in the pSTS is modulated by face primes during voice recognition
C Hölig, J Föcker, A Best, B Röder, C Büchel
Human Brain Mapping 38 (5), 2553-2565, 2017
Event-related potentials reveal evidence for late integration of emotional prosody and facial expression in dynamic stimuli: An ERP study
J Föcker, B Röder
Multisensory Research 32 (6), 473-497, 2019
Is the processing of affective prosody influenced by spatial attention? An ERP study
JC Gädeke, J Föcker, B Röder
BMC neuroscience 14, 1-15, 2013
I think I don’t feel sick: Exploring the Relationship Between Cognitive Demand and Cybersickness in Virtual Reality using fNIRS
KMT Pöhlmann, HA Maior, J Föcker, L O'Hare, A Parke, A Ladowska, ...
Proceedings of the 2023 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems …, 2023
The role of spatial selective attention in the processing of affective prosodies in congenitally blind adults: an ERP study
P Topalidis, A Zinchenko, JC Gädeke, J Föcker
Brain Research 1739, 146819, 2020
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