Wei Qiao
Wei Qiao
PhD, Northeastern university, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
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Consensus control under communication delay in a three-robot system: Design and experiments
W Qiao, R Sipahi
IEEE transactions on control systems technology 24 (2), 687-694, 2015
Responsible eigenvalue concept for the stability of a class of single-delay consensus dynamics with fixed topology
R Sipahi, W Qiao
IET control theory & applications 5 (4), 622-629, 2011
A linear time-invariant consensus dynamics with homogeneous delays: Analytical study and synthesis of rightmost eigenvalues
W Qiao, R Sipahi
SIAM Journal on Control and Optimization 51 (5), 3971-3992, 2013
Changes in physicochemical and biological properties of porcine bone derived hydroxyapatite induced by the incorporation of fluoride
W Qiao, Q Liu, Z Li, H Zhang, Z Chen
Science and Technology of advanced MaTerialS 18 (1), 110-121, 2017
Light-based circadian rhythm control: Entrainment and optimization
J Zhang, W Qiao, JT Wen, A Julius
Automatica 68, 44-55, 2016
Delay-dependent coupling for a multi-agent LTI consensus system with inter-agent delays
W Qiao, R Sipahi
Physica D: Nonlinear Phenomena 267, 112-122, 2014
Rules and limitations of building delay-tolerant topologies for coupled systems
W Qiao, R Sipahi
Physical Review E—Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics 85 (1 …, 2012
Entrainment control of phase dynamics
W Qiao, JT Wen, A Julius
IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control 62 (1), 445-450, 2016
Graph Laplacian design for fast consensus of a LTI system with heterogeneous agent couplings and homogeneous inter-agent delays
W Qiao, FM Atay, R Sipahi
Dynamic Systems and Control Conference 56130, V002T21A006, 2013
Responsible eigenvalue approach for stability analysis and control design of a single-delay large-scale system with random coupling strengths
W Qiao, R Sipahi
Dynamic Systems and Control Conference 44175, 531-537, 2010
Responsible-eigenvalue control for creating autonomy in coupled systems with delays
W Qiao, R Sipahi
Dynamic Systems and Control Conference 54754, 17-23, 2011
Multi‐input adaptive notch filter and observer for circadian phase estimation
A Julius, J Zhang, W Qiao, JT Wen
International Journal of Adaptive Control and Signal Processing 30 (8-10 …, 2016
Dependence of delay margin on network topology: Single delay case
W Qiao, R Sipahi
IFAC Proceedings Volumes 43 (2), 93-98, 2010
Erratum: Author Correction: Responsible eigenvalue concept for the stability of a class of single-delay consensus dynamics with fixed topology (Erratum)
R Sipahi, W Qiao
IET control theory & applications 6 (8), 1154-1154, 2012
Interplay between stability, delays, and graphs of a class of multi-agent lti system with applications
W Qiao
Northeastern University, 2014
The Largest achievable delay margin of a class of coupled LTI systems synthesized by graph operations
W Qiao, R Sipahi
IFAC Proceedings Volumes 45 (14), 179-184, 2012
Responsible Eigenvalue concept for consensus control of three robotic vehicles: Heterogeneous coupling case
W Qiao, R Sipahi
2014 6th International Symposium on Communications, Control and Signal …, 2014
Continuous Circadian Phase Estimation Using Adaptive Notch Filter
W Qiao, K Altman, A Julius, B Possidente, JT Wen
arXiv preprint arXiv:1804.00115, 2018
Solubility of Hydroxyapatite by Large-angle Scattering-based Solid Titration
W Qiao, KH Tsoi, Z Chen, KWK Yeung, JP Matinlinna, BW Darvell
IADR/AADR/CADR 2017 General Session & Exhibition, 2017
Circadian Rhythm Estimator Using Adaptive Notch Filter and Its Application to Locomotor Activity of Drosophila Melanogaster
KE Altman, A Julius, W Qiao, J Wen
Free Radical Biology and Medicine 100, S157, 2016
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