Anne Greenbaum
Anne Greenbaum
Professor of Applied Math, University of Washington
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LAPACK users' guide
E Anderson, Z Bai, C Bischof, LS Blackford, J Demmel, J Dongarra, ...
Society for industrial and applied mathematics, 1999
Iterative methods for solving linear systems
A Greenbaum
Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics, 1997
1 Adaptive Control Theory: Guaranteed Robustness with Fast Adaptation
N Hovakimyan, C Cao
Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics, 2010
LAPACK: A Portable Line ar Al ge br a Li br ary fo r Hi g h-Pe rfor ma n ce Co mput ers
E Anderson, Z Bai, C Bischof, J Demmel, J Dongarra, J DuCroz, ...
Any nonincreasing convergence curve is possible for GMRES
A Greenbaum, V Pták, Z Strakoš
Siam journal on matrix analysis and applications 17 (3), 465-469, 1996
Approximating the inverse of a matrix for use in iterative algorithms on vector processors
PF Dubois
Computing, 1979
Behavior of slightly perturbed Lanczos and conjugate-gradient recurrences
A Greenbaum
Linear Algebra and its Applications 113, 7-63, 1989
Predicting the behavior of finite precision Lanczos and conjugate gradient computations
A Greenbaum, Z Strakos
SIAM Journal on Matrix Analysis and Applications 13 (1), 121-137, 1992
Laplace's equation and the Dirichlet-Neumann map in multiply connected domains
A Greenbaum, L Greengard, GB McFadden
Journal of Computational Physics 105 (2), 267-278, 1993
Estimating the attainable accuracy of recursively computed residual methods
A Greenbaum
SIAM journal on matrix analysis and applications 18 (3), 535-551, 1997
GMRES/CR and Arnoldi/Lanczos as matrix approximation problems
A Greenbaum, LN Trefethen
SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing 15 (2), 359-368, 1994
LAPACK users' guide. 1999
E Anderson, Z Bai, C Bischof, S Blackford, J Demmel, J Dongarra, ...
Third, SIAM, 0
Comparison of splittings used with the conjugate gradient algorithm
A Greenbaum
Numerische Mathematik 33, 181-193, 1979
Numerical stability of GMRES
J Drkošová, A Greenbaum, M Rozložník, Z Strakoš
BIT Numerical Mathematics 35 (3), 309-330, 1995
LAPACK Users’ Guide. SIAM, Philadelphia, PA, 1992
E Anderson, Z Bai, C Bischof, LS Blackford, JW Demmel, JJ Dongarra, ...
Relations between Galerkin and norm-minimizing iterative methods for solving linear systems
J Cullum, A Greenbaum
SIAM Journal on Matrix Analysis and Applications 17 (2), 223-247, 1996
Matrices that generate the same Krylov residual spaces
A Greenbaum, Z Strakos
Recent advances in iterative methods, 95-118, 1994
Fast parallel iterative solution of Poisson’s and the biharmonic equations on irregular regions
A Mayo, A Greenbaum
SIAM Journal on Scientific and Statistical Computing 13 (1), 101-118, 1992
Using nonorthogonal Lanczos vectors in the computation of matrix functions
V Druskin, A Greenbaum, L Knizhnerman
SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing 19 (1), 38-54, 1998
Numerical behaviour of the modified Gram-Schmidt GMRES implementation
A Greenbaum, M Rozložnik, Z Strakoš
BIT Numerical Mathematics 37 (3), 706-719, 1997
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