Charles Turnitsa
Charles Turnitsa
Georgia Tech Research Institute
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Applying the levels of conceptual interoperability model in support of integratability, interoperability, and composability for system-of-systems engineering
A Tolk, SY Diallo, CD Turnitsa
Journal of Systems, Cybernetics, and Informatics 5 (5), 2007
Extending the levels of conceptual interoperability model
CD Turnitsa
Proceedings IEEE summer computer simulation conference, IEEE CS Press, 2005
Composable M&S web services for net-centric applications
A Tolk, CD Turnitsa, SY Diallo, LS Winters
The Journal of Defense Modeling and Simulation 3 (1), 27-44, 2006
Ontology for modeling and simulation
C Turnitsa, JJ Padilla, A Tolk
Proceedings of the 2010 Winter Simulation Conference, 643-651, 2010
Implied ontological representation within the levels of conceptual interoperability model
A Tolk, C Turnitsa, S Diallo
Intelligent Decision Technologies 2 (1), 3-19, 2008
Battle management language: A triangle with five sides
C Turnitsa, A Tolk
Proceedings of the Simulation Interoperability Standards Organization (SISO …, 2006
Conceptual modeling of information exchange requirements based on ontological means
A Tolk, CD Turnitsa
2007 Winter Simulation Conference, 1100-1107, 2007
How is M&S Interoperability different from other Interoperability Domains?
A Tolk, SY Diallo, JJ Padilla, CD Turnitsa
M&S Journal 7 (3), 2012
Conceptual modeling for composition of model-based complex systems
A Tolk, SY Diallo, RD King, CD Turnitsa, JJ Padilla
Conceptual modeling for discrete-event simulation, 371-398, 2010
A layered approach to composition and interoperation in complex systems
A Tolk, SY Diallo, RD King, CD Turnitsa
Complex Systems in Knowledge-based Environments: Theory, Models and …, 2009
Evaluation of the C2IEDM as an Interoperability-Enabling Ontology
C Turnitsa, A Tolk
Proceedings of Fall Simulation Interoperability Workshop, 2005
History of combat modeling and distributed simulation
ML Loper, C Turnitsa
Engineering principles of combat modeling and distributed simulation, 329-355, 2012
A strategy for ontology research for the coalition battle management language (C-BML) product development group
C Blais, C Turnitsa, P Gustavsson
Proceedings of the Fall Simulation Interoperability Workshop, 11-22, 2006
Simulation and wargaming
C Turnitsa, C Blais, A Tolk
John Wiley & Sons, Incorporated, 2022
Knowledge representation and the dimensions of a multi-model relationship
C Turnitsa, A Tolk
2008 Winter Simulation Conference, 1148-1156, 2008
Ontological implications of the levels of conceptual interoperability model
A Tolk, CD Turnitsa, SY Diallo
Model-based alignment and orchestration of heterogeneous homeland security applications enabling composition of system of systems
A Tolk, C Turnitsa, S Diallo
2007 Winter Simulation Conference, 842-850, 2007
A system view of C-BML
A Tolk, S Diallo, C Turnitsa
2007 Fall Simulation Interoperability Workshop, 2007
Coalition Battle Management Language (C-BML) phase 1 specification development: an update to the M&S community
C Blais, J Abbott, S Diallo, S Levine, PM Gustavsson, E Nero, C Turnitsa
Fall Simulation Interoperability Workshop, 1-9, 2009
The landscape of assumptions
RD King, CD Turnitsa
Proceedings of the 2008 Spring simulation multiconference, 81-88, 2008
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