Dr. Kim Ngan Le
Dr. Kim Ngan Le
Senior Lecturer, School of Mathematics, Monash University
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Numerical solution of the time-fractional Fokker--Planck equation with general forcing
KN Le, W McLean, K Mustapha
SIAM Journal on Numerical Analysis 54 (3), 1763-1784, 2016
Weak solutions of the Landau–Lifshitz–Bloch equation
Journal of Differential Equations 261 (12), 6699-6717, 2016
A finite element approximation for the stochastic Landau–Lifshitz–Gilbert equation
B Goldys, KN Le, T Tran
Journal of Differential Equations 260 (2), 937-970, 2016
A convergent finite element approximation for the quasi-static Maxwell–Landau–Lifshitz–Gilbert equations
KN Le, T Tran
Computers & Mathematics with Applications 66 (8), 1389-1402, 2013
Existence, uniqueness and regularity of the solution of the time-fractional Fokker-Planck equation with general forcing
KN Le, W McLean, M Stynes
arXiv preprint arXiv:1902.02564, 2019
Existence of a unique solution and invariant measures for the stochastic Landau–Lifshitz–Bloch equation
Z Brzeźniak, B Goldys, KN Le
Journal of Differential Equations 269 (11), 9471-9507, 2020
On a decoupled linear FEM integrator for eddy-current-LLG
KN Le, M Page, D Praetorius, T Tran
Applicable Analysis 94 (5), 1051-1067, 2015
A Semidiscrete Finite Element Approximation of a Time-Fractional Fokker--Planck Equation with NonSmooth Initial Data
KN Le, W McLean, K Mustapha
SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing 40 (6), A3831-A3852, 2018
A new analysis of a numerical method for the time-fractional Fokker–Planck equation with general forcing
C Huang, KN Le, M Stynes
IMA Journal of Numerical Analysis 40 (2), 1217-1240, 2020
Weak martingale solutions to the stochastic Landau–Lifshitz–Gilbert equation with multi-dimensional noise via a convergent finite-element scheme
B Goldys, JF Grotowski, KN Le
Stochastic Processes and their Applications 130 (1), 232-261, 2020
Design and convergence analysis of numerical methods for stochastic evolution equations with Leray–Lions operator
J Droniou, B Goldys, KN Le
IMA Journal of Numerical Analysis 42 (2), 1143-1179, 2022
The gradient discretization method for slow and fast diffusion porous media equations
J Droniou, KN Le
SIAM Journal on Numerical Analysis 58 (3), 1965-1992, 2020
Convergence analysis of a family of ELLAM schemes for a fully coupled model of miscible displacement in porous media
HM Cheng, J Droniou, KN Le
Numerische Mathematik 141, 353-397, 2019
Finite element approximation of a time-fractional diffusion problem for a domain with a re-entrant corner
KN Le, W McLean, B Lamichhane
The ANZIAM Journal 59 (1), 61-82, 2017
An -Robust Semidiscrete Finite Element Method for a Fokker–Planck Initial-Boundary Value Problem with Variable-Order Fractional Time Derivative
KN Le, M Stynes
Journal of Scientific Computing 86, 1-16, 2021
Numerical analysis of the stochastic Stefan problem
J Droniou, MA Khan, KN Le
Computers & Mathematics with Applications 173, 114-140, 2024
A finite element approximation for the quasi-static Maxwell--Landau--Lifshitz--Gilbert equations
KN Le, T Tran
ANZIAM Journal 54, C681-C698, 2012
Existence, uniqueness and regularity of solutions to the stochastic Landau–Lifshitz–Slonczewski equation
B Goldys, C Jiao, KN Le
Journal of Evolution Equations 24 (4), 1-62, 2024
A class of space–time discretizations for the stochastic p-Stokes system
KN Le, J Wichmann
Stochastic Processes and their Applications 177, 104443, 2024
Numerical method and error estimate for stochastic Landau–Lifshitz–Bloch equation
B Goldys, C Jiao, KN Le
IMA Journal of Numerical Analysis, drae046, 2024
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