Armen A Gharibans
Armen A Gharibans
University of Auckland, NZ; Alimetry Ltd, NZ; University of Pennsylvania, US
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Local mechanical properties of white matter structures in the human brain
CL Johnson, MDJ McGarry, AA Gharibans, JB Weaver, KD Paulsen, ...
Neuroimage 79, 145-152, 2013
Spatial patterns from high-resolution electrogastrography correlate with severity of symptoms in patients with functional dyspepsia and gastroparesis
AA Gharibans, TP Coleman, H Mousa, DC Kunkel
Clinical Gastroenterology and Hepatology 17 (13), 2668-2677, 2019
High-Resolution Electrogastrogram: A Novel, Noninvasive Method for Determining Gastric Slow-Wave Direction and Speed
AA Gharibans, S Kim, DC Kunkel, TP Coleman
IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering 64 (4), 807-815, 2017
Artifact rejection methodology enables continuous, noninvasive measurement of gastric myoelectric activity in ambulatory subjects
AA Gharibans, BL Smarr, DC Kunkel, LJ Kriegsfeld, HM Mousa, ...
Scientific reports 8 (1), 5019, 2018
Scalable manufacturing of solderable and stretchable physiologic sensing systems
YS Kim, J Lu, B Shih, A Gharibans, Z Zou, K Matsuno, R Aguilera, Y Han, ...
Advanced Materials 29 (39), 1701312, 2017
Body surface mapping of the stomach: New directions for clinically evaluating gastric electrical activity
DA Carson, G O’Grady, P Du, AA Gharibans, CN Andrews
Neurogastroenterology & Motility 33 (3), e14048, 2021
Methods for High-Resolution Electrical Mapping in the Gastrointestinal Tract
G O'Grady, TR Angeli, N Paskaranandavadivel, JC Erickson, CI Wells, ...
IEEE reviews in biomedical engineering 12, 287-302, 2018
Gastric dysfunction in patients with chronic nausea and vomiting syndromes defined by a noninvasive gastric mapping device
AA Gharibans, S Calder, C Varghese, S Waite, G Schamberg, C Daker, ...
Science Translational Medicine 14 (663), eabq3544, 2022
The gastric conduction system in health and disease: a translational review
G O’Grady, AA Gharibans, P Du, JD Huizinga
American Journal of Physiology-Gastrointestinal and Liver Physiology 321 (5 …, 2021
A novel scalable electrode array and system for non‐invasively assessing gastric function using flexible electronics
AA Gharibans, TCL Hayes, DA Carson, S Calder, C Varghese, P Du, ...
Neurogastroenterology & Motility 35 (2), e14418, 2023
Standardized system and App for continuous patient symptom logging in gastroduodenal disorders: Design, implementation, and validation
G Sebaratnam, N Karulkar, S Calder, JST Woodhead, C Keane, ...
Neurogastroenterology & Motility 34 (8), e14331, 2022
Normative values for body surface gastric mapping evaluations of gastric motility using Gastric Alimetry: spectral analysis
C Varghese, G Schamberg, S Calder, S Waite, D Carson, D Foong, ...
The American Journal of Gastroenterology 118 (6), 1047-1057, 2023
Wearable devices to monitor recovery after abdominal surgery: scoping review
CI Wells, W Xu, JA Penfold, C Keane, AA Gharibans, IP Bissett, G O’Grady
BJS open 6 (2), zrac031, 2022
Principles and clinical methods of body surface gastric mapping: Technical review
G O'Grady, C Varghese, G Schamberg, S Calder, P Du, W Xu, J Tack, ...
Neurogastroenterology & Motility 35 (10), e14556, 2023
Abnormalities on electrogastrography in nausea and vomiting syndromes: a systematic review, meta-analysis, and comparison to other gastric disorders
DA Carson, S Bhat, TCL Hayes, AA Gharibans, CN Andrews, G O’Grady, ...
Digestive Diseases and Sciences 67 (3), 773-785, 2022
Clinical associations of functional dyspepsia with gastric dysrhythmia on electrogastrography: A comprehensive systematic review and meta‐analysis
C Varghese, DA Carson, S Bhat, TCL Hayes, AA Gharibans, CN Andrews, ...
Neurogastroenterology & Motility 33 (12), e14151, 2021
An automated artifact detection and rejection system for body surface gastric mapping
S Calder, G Schamberg, C Varghese, S Waite, G Sebaratnam, ...
Neurogastroenterology & Motility 34 (11), e14421, 2022
Revised spectral metrics for body surface measurements of gastric electrophysiology
G Schamberg, C Varghese, S Calder, S Waite, J Erickson, G O'Grady, ...
Neurogastroenterology & Motility 35 (3), e14491, 2023
Validation of noninvasive body-surface gastric mapping for detecting gastric slow-wave spatiotemporal features by simultaneous serosal mapping in porcine
S Calder, LK Cheng, CN Andrews, N Paskaranandavadivel, S Waite, ...
American Journal of Physiology-Gastrointestinal and Liver Physiology 323 (4 …, 2022
Esophageal Compliance Quantifies Epithelial Remodeling in Pediatric Patients With Eosinophilic Esophagitis
M Hassan, S Aceves, R Dohil, A Gharibans, R Newbury, J Proudfoot, ...
Journal of pediatric gastroenterology and nutrition 68 (4), 559-565, 2019
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