Raymond Ma
Raymond Ma
Universe Energy
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A compliant, underactuated hand for robust manipulation
LU Odhner, LP Jentoft, MR Claffee, N Corson, Y Tenzer, RR Ma, ...
The International Journal of Robotics Research 33 (5), 736-752, 2014
A modular, open-source 3D printed underactuated hand
RR Ma, LU Odhner, AM Dollar
2013 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, 2737-2743, 2013
A hand-centric classification of human and robot dexterous manipulation
IM Bullock, RR Ma, AM Dollar
IEEE transactions on Haptics 6 (2), 129-144, 2012
On dexterity and dexterous manipulation
RR Ma, AM Dollar
2011 15th International Conference on Advanced Robotics (ICAR), 1-7, 2011
Yale openhand project: Optimizing open-source hand designs for ease of fabrication and adoption
R Ma, A Dollar
IEEE Robotics & Automation Magazine 24 (1), 32-40, 2017
Open-loop precision grasping with underactuated hands inspired by a human manipulation strategy
LU Odhner, RR Ma, AM Dollar
IEEE Transactions on Automation Science and Engineering 10 (3), 625-633, 2013
Hybrid deposition manufacturing: design strategies for multimaterial mechanisms via three-dimensional printing and material deposition
RR Ma, JT Belter, AM Dollar
Journal of Mechanisms and Robotics 7 (2), 021002, 2015
The GR2 gripper: An underactuated hand for open-loop in-hand planar manipulation
N Rojas, RR Ma, AM Dollar
IEEE Transactions on Robotics 32 (3), 763-770, 2016
An underactuated hand for efficient finger-gaiting-based dexterous manipulation
RR Ma, AM Dollar
2014 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Biomimetics (ROBIO 2014 …, 2014
M2 Gripper: Extending the Dexterity of a Simple, Underactuated Gripper
RR Ma, A Spiers, AM Dollar
Advances in reconfigurable mechanisms and robots II, 795-805, 2016
Precision grasping and manipulation of small objects from flat surfaces using underactuated fingers
LU Odhner, RR Ma, AM Dollar
2012 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, 2830-2835, 2012
Linkage-Based Analysis and Optimization of an Underactuated Planar Manipulator for In-Hand Manipulation
RR Ma, AM Dollar
Journal of Mechanisms and Robotics 6 (1), 2014
Design of an ankle rehabilitation device using compliant mechanisms
E Sung, A Slocum, R Ma, J Bean, M Culpepper
J Med Devices 5, 1-7, 2011
Spherical hands: Toward underactuated, in-hand manipulation invariant to object size and grasp location
RR Ma, N Rojas, AM Dollar
Journal of Mechanisms and Robotics 8 (6), 061021, 2016
Toward robust, whole-hand caging manipulation with underactuated hands
RR Ma, WG Bircher, AM Dollar
2017 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), 1336-1342, 2017
In-hand manipulation primitives for a minimal, underactuated gripper with active surfaces
RR Ma, AM Dollar
International Design Engineering Technical Conferences and Computers and …, 2016
Modeling and evaluation of robust whole-hand caging manipulation
RR Ma, WG Bircher, AM Dollar
IEEE Transactions on Robotics 35 (3), 549-563, 2019
Experiments in underactuated in-hand manipulation
LU Odhner, RR Ma, AM Dollar
Experimental Robotics: The 13th International Symposium on Experimental …, 2013
Dexterous manipulation with underactuated fingers: Flip-and-pinch task
RR Ma, LU Odhner, AM Dollar
2012 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, 3551-3552, 2012
Exploring dexterous manipulation workspaces with the iHY hand
LU Odhner, RR Ma, AM Dollar
日本ロボット学会誌 32 (4), 318-322, 2014
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