Grace Wahba
Grace Wahba
Professor of Statistics, University of Wisconsin-Madison
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Spline models for observational data
G Wahba
Society for industrial and applied mathematics, 1990
Generalized cross-validation as a method for choosing a good ridge parameter
GH Golub, M Heath, G Wahba
Technometrics 21 (2), 215-223, 1979
Smoothing noisy data with spline functions: estimating the correct degree of smoothing by the method of generalized cross-validation
P Craven, G Wahba
Numerische mathematik 31 (4), 377-403, 1978
Some results on Tchebycheffian spline functions
G Kimeldorf, G Wahba
Journal of mathematical analysis and applications 33 (1), 82-95, 1971
A least squares estimate of satellite attitude
G Wahba
SIAM review 7 (3), 409-409, 1965
A correspondence between Bayesian estimation on stochastic processes and smoothing by splines
GS Kimeldorf, G Wahba
The Annals of Mathematical Statistics 41 (2), 495-502, 1970
Multicategory support vector machines: Theory and application to the classification of microarray data and satellite radiance data
Y Lee, Y Lin, G Wahba
Journal of the American Statistical Association 99 (465), 67-81, 2004
Practical approximate solutions to linear operator equations when the data are noisy
G Wahba
SIAM journal on numerical analysis 14 (4), 651-667, 1977
Bayesian “confidence intervals” for the cross‐validated smoothing spline
G Wahba
Journal of the Royal Statistical Society: Series B (Methodological) 45 (1 …, 1983
Improper priors, spline smoothing and the problem of guarding against model errors in regression
G Wahba
Journal of the Royal Statistical Society Series B: Statistical Methodology …, 1978
Some new mathematical methods for variational objective analysis using splines and cross validation
G Wahba, J Wendelberger
Monthly weather review 108 (8), 1122-1143, 1980
Support vector machines, reproducing kernel Hilbert spaces and the randomized GACV
G Wahba
Advances in Kernel Methods-Support Vector Learning 6, 69-87, 1999
A comparison of GCV and GML for choosing the smoothing parameter in the generalized spline smoothing problem
G Wahba
The Annals of Statistics, 1378-1402, 1985
A completely automatic french curve: fitting spline functions by cross validation
G Wahba, S Wold
Communications in Statistics-Theory and Methods 4 (1), 1-17, 1975
Support vector machines for classification in nonstandard situations
Y Lin, Y Lee, G Wahba
Machine learning 46, 191-202, 2002
Spline interpolation and smoothing on the sphere
G Wahba
SIAM Journal on Scientific and Statistical Computing 2 (1), 5-16, 1981
Smoothing noisy data with spline functions
G Wahba
Numerische mathematik 24 (5), 383-393, 1975
A note on the lasso and related procedures in model selection
C Leng, Y Lin, G Wahba
Statistica Sinica, 1273-1284, 2006
Smoothing spline ANOVA for exponential families, with application to the Wisconsin Epidemiological Study of Diabetic Retinopathy: the 1994 Neyman Memorial Lecture
G Wahba, Y Wang, C Gu, R Klein, B Klein
The Annals of Statistics 23 (6), 1865-1895, 1995
Automatic smoothing of the log periodogram
G Wahba
Journal of the American Statistical Association 75 (369), 122-132, 1980
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