Sören Krach
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Anticipation of monetary and social reward differently activates mesolimbic brain structures in men and women
KN Spreckelmeyer*, S Krach*, G Kohls, L Rademacher, A Irmak, ...
Social cognitive and affective neuroscience 4 (2), 158-165, 2009
Can machines think? Interaction and perspective taking with robots investigated via fMRI
S Krach, F Hegel, B Wrede, G Sagerer, F Binkofski, T Kircher
PloS one 3 (7), e2597, 2008
Dissociation of neural networks for anticipation and consumption of monetary and social rewards.
L Rademacher, S Krach, G Kohls, A Irmak, G Gründer, KN Spreckelmeyer
Neuroimage, 2010
The rewarding nature of social interactions
S Krach, FM Paulus, M Bodden, T Kircher
Frontiers in behavioral neuroscience 4, 1141, 2010
Your flaws are my pain: linking empathy to vicarious embarrassment
A Krach, S., Cohrs, C., Cruz de Echeverría Loebell, N., Kircher, T., Sommer ...
PLoS ONE, 2011
Dissociating empathy from perspective-taking: Evidence from intra-and inter-individual differences research
J Stietz, E Jauk, S Krach, P Kanske
Frontiers in psychiatry 10, 126, 2019
Understanding social robots: A user study on anthropomorphism
F Hegel, S Krach, T Kircher, B Wrede, G Sagerer
RO-MAN 2008-the 17th IEEE international symposium on robot and human …, 2008
Neural correlates of narrative shifts during auditory story comprehension
C Whitney, W Huber, J Klann, S Weis, S Krach, T Kircher
Neuroimage 47 (1), 360-366, 2009
Effect of CACNA1C rs1006737 on neural correlates of verbal fluency in healthy individuals
A Krug, V Nieratschker, V Markov, S Krach, A Jansen, K Zerres, ...
Neuroimage 49 (2), 1831-1836, 2010
Neural pathways of embarrassment and their modulation by social anxiety
L Müller-Pinzler, V Gazzola, C Keysers, J Sommer, A Jansen, S Frässle, ...
NeuroImage 119, 252-261, 2015
The impact factor fallacy
FM Paulus, N Cruz, S Krach
Frontiers in psychology 9, 1487, 2018
Mentalizing and the role of the posterior superior temporal sulcus in sharing others' embarrassment
FM Paulus, L Müller-Pinzler, A Jansen, V Gazzola, S Krach
Cerebral cortex 25 (8), 2065-2075, 2015
Association of rs1006737 in CACNA1C with alterations in prefrontal activation and fronto‐hippocampal connectivity
FM Paulus, J Bedenbender, S Krach, M Pyka, A Krug, J Sommer, M Mette, ...
Human brain mapping 35 (4), 1190-1200, 2014
The neuroscience of social feelings: mechanisms of adaptive social functioning
PJ Eslinger, S Anders, T Ballarini, S Boutros, S Krach, AV Mayer, J Moll, ...
Neuroscience & Biobehavioral Reviews 128, 592-620, 2021
Taxonomic and thematic categories: Neural correlates of categorization in an auditory-to-visual priming task using fMRI
K Sass, O Sachs, S Krach, T Kircher
Brain research 1270, 78-87, 2009
Online mentalising investigated with functional MRI
T Kircher, I Blümel, D Marjoram, T Lataster, L Krabbendam, J Weber, ...
Neuroscience letters 454 (3), 176-181, 2009
When your friends make you cringe: social closeness modulates vicarious embarrassment-related neural activity
L Müller-Pinzler, L Rademacher, FM Paulus, S Krach
Social cognitive and affective neuroscience 11 (3), 466-475, 2016
Effects of a CACNA1C genotype on attention networks in healthy individuals
M Thimm, T Kircher, T Kellermann, V Markov, S Krach, A Jansen, K Zerres, ...
Psychological medicine 41 (7), 1551-1561, 2011
Comparing the neural correlates of affective and cognitive theory of mind using fMRI: Involvement of the basal ganglia in affective theory of mind
ME Bodden, D Kübler, S Knake, K Menzler, JT Heverhagen, J Sommer, ...
Advances in cognitive psychology 9 (1), 32, 2013
Evidence from pupillometry and fMRI indicates reduced neural response during vicarious social pain but not physical pain in autism
S Krach, I Kamp‐Becker, W Einhäuser, J Sommer, S Frässle, A Jansen, ...
Human Brain Mapping 36 (11), 4730-4744, 2015
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