Alexandre Santos Brandão
Alexandre Santos Brandão
Professor de Engenharia Elétrica, Universidade Federal de Viçosa
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A survey on load transportation using multirotor UAVs
DKD Villa, AS Brandao, M Sarcinelli-Filho
Journal of Intelligent & Robotic Systems 98, 267-296, 2020
A trajectory tracking and 3d positioning controller for the ar. drone quadrotor
LV Santana, AS Brandão, M Sarcinelli-Filho, R Carelli
2014 international conference on unmanned aircraft systems (ICUAS), 756-767, 2014
Stable path-following control for a quadrotor helicopter considering energy consumption
DC Gandolfo, LR Salinas, A Brandão, JM Toibero
IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology 25 (4), 1423-1430, 2016
Navigation and cooperative control using the ar. drone quadrotor
LV Santana, AS Brandão, M Sarcinelli-Filho
Journal of Intelligent & Robotic Systems 84, 327-350, 2016
Outdoor waypoint navigation with the AR. Drone quadrotor
LV Santana, AS Brandao, M Sarcinelli-Filho
2015 international conference on unmanned aircraft systems (ICUAS), 303-311, 2015
On the guidance of multiple uav using a centralized formation control scheme and delaunay triangulation
AS Brandão, M Sarcinelli-Filho
Journal of Intelligent & Robotic Systems 84, 397-413, 2016
Avoiding obstacles in cooperative load transportation
IHB Pizetta, AS Brandão, M Sarcinelli-Filho
ISA transactions 91, 253-261, 2019
Dynamic model of lithium polymer battery–load resistor method for electric parameters identification
D Gandolfo, A Brandao, D Patiño, M Molina
Journal of the Energy Institute 88 (4), 470-479, 2015
Landing a uav on static or moving platforms using a formation controller
MFS Rabelo, AS Brandão, M Sarcinelli-Filho
IEEE Systems Journal 15 (1), 37-45, 2020
Modelling and control of a PVTOL quadrotor carrying a suspended load
IHB Pizetta, AS Brandao, M Sarcinelli-Filho
2015 International conference on unmanned aircraft systems (ICUAS), 444-450, 2015
Cooperative load transportation with two quadrotors using adaptive control
DKD Villa, AS Brandão, R Carelli, M Sarcinelli-Filho
IEEE Access 9, 129148-129160, 2021
Decentralized control of leader-follower formations of mobile robots with obstacle avoidance
AS Brandao, M Sarcinelli-Filho, R Carelli, TF Bastos-Filho
2009 IEEE International Conference on Mechatronics, 1-6, 2009
Cooperative quadrotors carrying a suspended load
IHB Pizetta, AS Brandão, M Sarcinelli-Filho
2016 international conference on unmanned aircraft systems (ICUAS), 1049-1055, 2016
High-level underactuated nonlinear control for rotorcraft machines
AS Brandão, M Sarcinelli Filho, R Carelli
2013 IEEE International Conference on Mechatronics (ICM), 279-285, 2013
A hardware-in-the-loop platform for rotary-wing unmanned aerial vehicles
IHB Pizetta, AS Brandao, M Sarcinelli-Filho
Journal of Intelligent & Robotic Systems 84, 725-743, 2016
Artificial neural networks applied to image steganography
AS Brandao, DC Jorge
IEEE Latin America Transactions 14 (3), 1361-1366, 2016
A vision-based line following strategy for an autonomous UAV
AS Brandao, FN Martins, HB Soneguetti
2015 12th International Conference on Informatics in Control, Automation and …, 2015
UAV obstacle avoidance using RGB-D system
MCP Santos, LV Santana, AS Brandao, M Sarcinelli-Filho
2015 international conference on unmanned aircraft systems (ICUAS), 312-319, 2015
A path-following controller for a uav-ugv formation performing the final step of last-mile-delivery
VP Bacheti, AS Brandão, M Sarcinelli-Filho
IEEE Access 9, 142218-142231, 2021
PVTOL maneuvers guided by a high-level nonlinear controller applied to a rotorcraft machine
AS Brandão, D Gandolfo, M Sarcinelli-Filho, R Carelli
European Journal of Control 20 (4), 172-179, 2014
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