Alexandre Santos Brandão
Alexandre Santos Brandão
Professor de Engenharia Elétrica, Universidade Federal de Viçosa
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A survey on load transportation using multirotor UAVs
DKD Villa, AS Brandao, M Sarcinelli-Filho
Journal of Intelligent & Robotic Systems 98, 267-296, 2020
A trajectory tracking and 3d positioning controller for the ar. drone quadrotor
LV Santana, AS Brandão, M Sarcinelli-Filho, R Carelli
2014 international conference on unmanned aircraft systems (ICUAS), 756-767, 2014
Stable path-following control for a quadrotor helicopter considering energy consumption
DC Gandolfo, LR Salinas, A Brandão, JM Toibero
IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology 25 (4), 1423-1430, 2016
Navigation and cooperative control using the ar. drone quadrotor
LV Santana, AS Brandão, M Sarcinelli-Filho
Journal of Intelligent & Robotic Systems 84, 327-350, 2016
Outdoor waypoint navigation with the AR. Drone quadrotor
LV Santana, AS Brandao, M Sarcinelli-Filho
2015 international conference on unmanned aircraft systems (ICUAS), 303-311, 2015
On the guidance of multiple uav using a centralized formation control scheme and delaunay triangulation
AS Brandão, M Sarcinelli-Filho
Journal of Intelligent & Robotic Systems 84, 397-413, 2016
Dynamic model of lithium polymer battery–load resistor method for electric parameters identification
D Gandolfo, A Brandao, D Patiño, M Molina
Journal of the Energy Institute 88 (4), 470-479, 2015
Avoiding obstacles in cooperative load transportation
IHB Pizetta, AS Brandão, M Sarcinelli-Filho
ISA transactions 91, 253-261, 2019
Modelling and control of a PVTOL quadrotor carrying a suspended load
IHB Pizetta, AS Brandao, M Sarcinelli-Filho
2015 International conference on unmanned aircraft systems (ICUAS), 444-450, 2015
Landing a uav on static or moving platforms using a formation controller
MFS Rabelo, AS Brandão, M Sarcinelli-Filho
IEEE Systems Journal 15 (1), 37-45, 2020
Decentralized control of leader-follower formations of mobile robots with obstacle avoidance
AS Brandao, M Sarcinelli-Filho, R Carelli, TF Bastos-Filho
2009 IEEE International Conference on Mechatronics, 1-6, 2009
High-level underactuated nonlinear control for rotorcraft machines
AS Brandão, M Sarcinelli Filho, R Carelli
2013 IEEE International Conference on Mechatronics (ICM), 279-285, 2013
Cooperative quadrotors carrying a suspended load
IHB Pizetta, AS Brandão, M Sarcinelli-Filho
2016 international conference on unmanned aircraft systems (ICUAS), 1049-1055, 2016
Artificial neural networks applied to image steganography
AS Brandao, DC Jorge
IEEE Latin America Transactions 14 (3), 1361-1366, 2016
Cooperative load transportation with two quadrotors using adaptive control
DKD Villa, AS Brandão, R Carelli, M Sarcinelli-Filho
IEEE Access 9, 129148-129160, 2021
A vision-based line following strategy for an autonomous UAV
AS Brandao, FN Martins, HB Soneguetti
2015 12th International Conference on Informatics in Control, Automation and …, 2015
A hardware-in-the-loop platform for rotary-wing unmanned aerial vehicles
IHB Pizetta, AS Brandao, M Sarcinelli-Filho
Journal of Intelligent & Robotic Systems 84, 725-743, 2016
UAV obstacle avoidance using RGB-D system
MCP Santos, LV Santana, AS Brandao, M Sarcinelli-Filho
2015 international conference on unmanned aircraft systems (ICUAS), 312-319, 2015
A multi-layer control scheme for a centralized uav formation
AS Brandao, JPA Barbosa, V Mendoza, M Sarcinelli-Filho, R Carelli
2014 International Conference on Unmanned Aircraft Systems (ICUAS), 1181-1187, 2014
PVTOL maneuvers guided by a high-level nonlinear controller applied to a rotorcraft machine
AS Brandão, D Gandolfo, M Sarcinelli-Filho, R Carelli
European Journal of Control 20 (4), 172-179, 2014
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