Paulo Moreno-Meynard
Paulo Moreno-Meynard
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Modelos fustales para renovales de roble, raulí y coigüe en Chile
SA Gezan, PC Moreno, A Ortega
Bosque (Valdivia) 30 (2), 61-69, 2009
Watersheds and trees fall together: An analysis of intact forested watersheds in southern Patagonia (41–56 S)
A Astorga, PC Moreno, B Reid
Forests 9 (7), 385, 2018
Individual-Tree Diameter Growth Models for Mixed Nothofagus Second Growth Forests in Southern Chile
PC Moreno, S Palmas, FJ Escobedo, WP Cropper, SA Gezan
Forests 8 (12), 506, 2017
Ecosystem services production efficiency of longleaf pine under changing weather conditions
A Susaeta, B Sancewich, D Adams, PC Moreno
Ecological Economics 156, 24-34, 2019
Nonstructural carbohydrates predict survival in saplings of temperate trees under carbon stress
FI Piper, P Moreno‐Meynard, A Fajardo
Functional Ecology 36 (11), 2806-2818, 2022
Proposición preliminar de curvas de índice de sitio para renovales de raulí
PC Moreno
Ph. D. Thesis, 2001
Iron and silicic acid addition effects on early spring macronutrient drawdown and biogenic silica production of Patagonia estuarine waters
R Torres, R Sherrell, B Reid, G Pizarro, M Frangópulos, E Alarcón, ...
Progress in Oceanography 214, 102982, 2023
Past Human Mobility Corridors and Least-Cost Path Models South of General Carrera Lake, Central West Patagonia (46 S, South America)
P Moreno-Meynard, C Méndez, I Irarrázaval, A Nuevo-Delaunay
Land 11 (8), 1351, 2022
Assessing forest degradation using multivariate and machine learning methods in the Patagonian temperate rainforest
A Fajardo, JC Llancabure, M Paulo C.
Ecological aplications, 2021
Forest stand dynamics of a short‐stature tree species: Ecological knowledge for sustainable forest management
A Fajardo, P Moreno‐Meynard, DP Soto
Journal of Applied Ecology, 2024
Climate change-related growth improvements in a wide niche-breadth tree species across contrasting environments
A Fajardo, A Gazol, PM Meynard, C Mayr, GJ Martínez Pastur, PL Peri, ...
Annals of Botany 131 (6), 941-951, 2023
Donde nacen los ríos: cuencas de bosques prístinos en la Patagonia occidental austral
A Astorga, P Moreno, P Rojas, B Reid
Conservación en la Patagonia chilena: evaluación del conocimiento …, 2021
El arte rupestre de la región de Aisén (Chile): Una sistematización de la información espacial y temporal
C Mendez, A Nuevo-Delaunay, P Moreno-Meynard, F MOYA CAÑOLES, ...
Magallania (Punta Arenas) 51, 2023
Exploring stand and tree variability in mixed Nothofagus second-growth forests through multivariate analyses
PC Moreno, SA Gezan, S Palmas, FJ Escobedo, WP Cropper Jr
Revista Bosque 39 (3), 397-410, 2018
Pino ponderosa en Aysén. Biometría y genética
PC Moreno Meynard, MS Obando Barría
INFOR, 2006
Evidence of plastic pollution from offshore oceanic sources in southern Chilean Patagonian fjords
L Marcus, JI Mardones, JT Rioseco, J Pinochet, C Montes, ...
Science of The Total Environment 911, 168706, 2024
Macroinvertebrate community composition and richness along extreme gradients: The role of local, catchment, and climatic variables in Patagonian headwater streams
A Astorga Roine, B Reid, L Uribe, P Moreno‐Meynard, P Fierro, I Madriz, ...
Freshwater Biology 67 (3), 445-460, 2022
Stand-Level Components of a Growth and Yield Model for Nothofagus Mixed Forests from Southern Chile
S Palmas, PC Moreno, WP Cropper Jr, A Ortega, SA Gezan
Forests 11 (8), 810, 2020
Climate change and population persistence in a hibernating marsupial.
RELBF Nespolo R. F., Quintero-Galvis J. F., Fontúrbel F. E., Cubillos ...
Proceedings of the Royal Society B, 2024
Estudio de línea base proyecto forestación bajo mecanismo de desarrollo limpio (MDL) del protocolo de Kyoto sobre cambio climático región de Aysén, Chile
V Bahamondez, S Barros Asenjo, M Martin Stuven, PC Moreno Meynard, ...
[sn], 2009
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