Shraman Pramanick
Shraman Pramanick
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MOMENTA: A multimodal framework for detecting harmful memes and their targets
S Pramanick, S Sharma, D Dimitrov, MS Akhtar, P Nakov, T Chakraborty
Findings of EMNLP 2021, 2021
Detecting harmful memes and their targets
S Pramanick, D Dimitrov, R Mukherjee, S Sharma, MS Akhtar, P Nakov, ...
Findings of ACL 2021, 2021
Univtg: Towards unified video-language temporal grounding
KQ Lin, P Zhang, J Chen, S Pramanick, D Gao, AJ Wang, R Yan, MZ Shou
ICCV 2023, 2023
Ego-exo4d: Understanding skilled human activity from first-and third-person perspectives
K Grauman, A Westbury, L Torresani, K Kitani, J Malik, T Afouras, ...
CVPR 2024 (Oral), 2024
Multimodal learning using optimal transport for sarcasm and humor detection
S Pramanick, A Roy, VM Patel
WACV 2022, 2022
Egovlpv2: Egocentric video-language pre-training with fusion in the backbone
S Pramanick, Y Song, S Nag, KQ Lin, H Shah, MZ Shou, R Chellappa, ...
ICCV 2023, 2023
See, hear, read: Leveraging multimodality with guided attention for abstractive text summarization
YK Atri, S Pramanick, V Goyal, T Chakraborty
Knowledge-Based Systems 227, 107152, 2021
Where in the world is this image? transformer-based geo-localization in the wild
S Pramanick, EM Nowara, J Gleason, CD Castillo, R Chellappa
ECCV 2022, 2022
Volta: Vision-language transformer with weakly-supervised local-feature alignment
S Pramanick, L Jing, S Nag, J Zhu, H Shah, Y LeCun, R Chellappa
TMLR 2023, 2023
Jack of All Tasks Master of Many: Designing General-Purpose Coarse-to-Fine Vision-Language Model
S Pramanick, G Han, R Hou, S Nag, SN Lim, N Ballas, Q Wang, ...
CVPR 2024 (Highlights), 2024
Exercise? I thought you said 'Extra Fries’: Leveraging Sentence Demarcations and Multi-hop Attention for Meme Affect Analysis
S Pramanick, MS Akhtar, T Chakraborty
ICWSM 2021, 2021
Autonomous grasping of 3-D objects by a vision-actuated robot arm using Brain–Computer Interface
A Rakshit, S Pramanick, A Bagchi, S Bhattacharyya
Biomedical Signal Processing and Control 2023, 2023
Spiqa: A dataset for multimodal question answering on scientific papers
S Pramanick, R Chellappa, S Venugopalan
arXiv preprint arXiv:2407.09413, 2024
Decoding of Brain Signals to Detect Perceived Color-Stimuli using Convolutional Neural Network
M Laha, S Ghosh, A Bagchi, S Pramanick, A Konar
2019 International Conference on Wireless Communications Signal Processing …, 2019
Automatic Detection of Confidence Level of Examinees in Answering Multiple Choice Questions using P1000 Brain Signal
S Ghosh, S Pramanick, A Bagchi, A Konar
2019 International Conference on Wireless Communications Signal Processing …, 2019
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