Rui Liu
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Detecting early-warning signals for sudden deterioration of complex diseases by dynamical network biomarkers
L Chen, R Liu, ZP Liu, M Li, K Aihara
Scientific reports 2 (1), 342, 2012
Early diagnosis of complex diseases by molecular biomarkers, network biomarkers, and dynamical network biomarkers
R Liu, X Wang, K Aihara, L Chen
Medicinal research reviews 34 (3), 455-478, 2014
Identifying critical transitions and their leading biomolecular networks in complex diseases
R Liu, M Li, ZP Liu, J Wu, L Chen, K Aihara
Scientific reports 2 (1), 813, 2012
Detecting tissue-specific early warning signals for complex diseases based on dynamical network biomarkers: study of type 2 diabetes by cross-tissue analysis
M Li, T Zeng, R Liu, L Chen
Briefings in bioinformatics 15 (2), 229-243, 2014
Autoreservoir computing for multistep ahead prediction based on the spatiotemporal information transformation
P Chen, R Liu, K Aihara, L Chen
Nature communications 11 (1), 4568, 2020
Identifying critical transitions of complex diseases based on a single sample
R Liu, X Yu, X Liu, D Xu, K Aihara, L Chen
Bioinformatics 30 (11), 1579-1586, 2014
Identifying early-warning signals of critical transitions with strong noise by dynamical network markers
R Liu, P Chen, K Aihara, L Chen
Scientific reports 5 (1), 17501, 2015
Quantifying critical states of complex diseases using single-sample dynamic network biomarkers
X Liu, X Chang, R Liu, X Yu, L Chen, K Aihara
PLoS computational biology 13 (7), e1005633, 2017
Detecting early-warning signals of type 1 diabetes and its leading biomolecular networks by dynamical network biomarkers
X Liu, R Liu, XM Zhao, L Chen
BMC medical genomics 6, 1-10, 2013
Dynamical network biomarkers for identifying critical transitions and their driving networks of biologic processes
R Liu, K Aihara, L Chen
Quantitative Biology 1 (2), 105-114, 2013
Detecting critical state before phase transition of complex biological systems by hidden Markov model
P Chen, R Liu, Y Li, L Chen
Bioinformatics 32 (14), 2143-2150, 2016
Hunt for the tipping point during endocrine resistance process in breast cancer by dynamic network biomarkers
R Liu, J Wang, M Ukai, K Sewon, P Chen, Y Suzuki, H Wang, K Aihara, ...
Journal of molecular cell biology 11 (8), 649-664, 2019
NLP based congestive heart failure case finding: A prospective analysis on statewide electronic medical records
Y Wang, J Luo, S Hao, H Xu, AY Shin, B Jin, R Liu, X Deng, L Wang, ...
International journal of medical informatics 84 (12), 1039-1047, 2015
Dynamical network biomarkers: Theory and applications
K Aihara, R Liu, K Koizumi, X Liu, L Chen
Gene 808, 145997, 2022
Single-sample landscape entropy reveals the imminent phase transition during disease progression
R Liu, P Chen, L Chen
Bioinformatics 36 (5), 1522-1532, 2020
Deciphering early development of complex diseases by progressive module network
T Zeng, C Zhang, W Zhang, R Liu, J Liu, L Chen
Methods 67 (3), 334-343, 2014
Detecting early‐warning signals of influenza outbreak based on dynamic network marker
P Chen, E Chen, L Chen, XJ Zhou, R Liu
Journal of cellular and molecular medicine 23 (1), 395-404, 2019
Detecting the tipping points in a three-state model of complex diseases by temporal differential networks
P Chen, Y Li, X Liu, R Liu, L Chen
Journal of translational medicine 15, 1-15, 2017
Impact of stress hyperglycemia ratio on mortality in patients with critical acute myocardial infarction: insight from american MIMIC-IV and the chinese CIN-II study
J Liu, Y Zhou, H Huang, R Liu, Y Kang, T Zhu, J Wu, Y Gao, Y Li, C Wang, ...
Cardiovascular Diabetology 22 (1), 281, 2023
Identifying critical differentiation state of MCF-7 cells for breast cancer by dynamical network biomarkers
P Chen, R Liu, L Chen, K Aihara
Frontiers in Genetics 6, 252, 2015
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