Eric M. Wolff
Eric M. Wolff
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Covernet: Multimodal behavior prediction using trajectory sets
T Phan-Minh, EC Grigore, FA Boulton, O Beijbom, EM Wolff
Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF conference on computer vision and pattern …, 2020
nuplan: A closed-loop ml-based planning benchmark for autonomous vehicles
H Caesar, J Kabzan, KS Tan, WK Fong, E Wolff, A Lang, L Fletcher, ...
arXiv preprint arXiv:2106.11810, 2021
Robust Control of Uncertain Markov Decision Processes with Temporal Logic Specifications
EM Wolff, U Topcu, RM Murray
IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC), 3372 - 3379, 2012
Multimodal trajectory prediction conditioned on lane-graph traversals
N Deo, E Wolff, O Beijbom
Conference on Robot Learning, 203-212, 2022
Optimization-based trajectory generation with linear temporal logic specifications
EM Wolff, U Topcu, RM Murray
2014 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), 5319-5325, 2014
Aeroelastic flutter energy harvester design: the sensitivity of the driving instability to system parameters
M Bryant, E Wolff, E Garcia
Smart Materials and Structures 20 (12), 125017, 2011
Efficient reactive controller synthesis for a fragment of linear temporal logic
EM Wolff, U Topcu, RM Murray
International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), 2013
Automaton-guided controller synthesis for nonlinear systems with temporal logic
EM Wolff, U Topcu, RM Murray
2013 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems …, 2013
Redundancy in autonomous vehicles
E Frazzoli, A Censi, HH Chang, P Robbel, MA Meijburg, EB Nice, E Wolff, ...
US Patent App. 17/058,242, 2021
Optimal Control with Weighted Average Costs and Temporal Logic Specifications
EM Wolff, U Topcu, RM Murray
Robotics: Science and Systems, 2012
Optimal control of nonlinear systems with temporal logic specifications
EM Wolff, RM Murray
Robotics Research: The 16th International Symposium ISRR, 21-37, 2016
Piezoelectric resonance shifting using tunable nonlinear stiffness
T Reissman, EM Wolff, E Garcia
Active and passive smart structures and integrated systems 2009 7288, 208-219, 2009
Driving in real life with inverse reinforcement learning
T Phan-Minh, F Howington, TS Chu, SU Lee, MS Tomov, N Li, C Dicle, ...
arXiv preprint arXiv:2206.03004, 2022
Formal specification and synthesis of mission plans for unmanned aerial vehicles
LR Humphrey, EM Wolff, U Topcu
2014 AAAI Spring Symposium Series, 2014
Mixed-mode driving of a vehicle having autonomous driving capabilities
E Frazzoli, H Ravichandran, E Wolff, HH Chang
US Patent App. 15/688,548, 2019
Hailing a vehicle
K Iagnemma, E Wolff, H Ravichandran
US Patent App. 15/240,150, 2018
Cross-entropy temporal logic motion planning
SC Livingston, EM Wolff, RM Murray
Proceedings of the 18th International Conference on Hybrid Systems …, 2015
Mixed-mode driving of a vehicle having autonomous driving capabilities
E Frazzoli, H Ravichandran, E Wolff, HH Chang
US Patent 11,112,793, 2021
Affecting Functions of a Vehicle Based on Function-Related Information about its Environment
K Iagnemma, E Wolff, B Qin
US Patent App. 15/200,050, 2018
Optimization-based control of nonlinear systems with linear temporal logic specifications
EM Wolff, U Topcu, RM Murray
Proc. of Int. Conf. on Robotics and Automation, 5319-5325, 2014
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