Andrea Tagliasacchi
Andrea Tagliasacchi
Associate Prof, SFU; Research Scientist, Google DeepMind
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A Survey of Surface Reconstruction from Point Clouds
M Berger, A Tagliasacchi, LM Seversky, P Alliez, G Guennebaud, ...
Eurographics STAR (Computer Graphics Forum), 2016
Sparse Iterative Closest Point
S Bouaziz, A Tagliasacchi, M Pauly
Computer Graphics Forum (Symposium on Geometry Processing) 32 (5), 113-124, 2013
Curve Skeleton Extraction from Incomplete Point Cloud
A Tagliasacchi, H Zhang, D Cohen-Or
ACM Transactions on Graphics (SIGGRAPH) 28 (3), 71, 2009
Point Cloud Skeletons via Laplacian Based Contraction
J Cao, A Tagliasacchi, M Olson, H Zhang, Z Su
Shape Modeling International (SMI), 187-197, 2010
3D Skeletons: A State-of-the-Art Report
A Tagliasacchi, T Delame, M Spagnuolo, N Amenta, A Telea
Computer Graphics Forum (Eurographics STAR) 35 (2), 2016
BSP-Net: Generating Compact Meshes via Binary Space Partitioning
Z Chen, A Tagliasacchi, H Zhang
Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR), 45-54, 2020
Mean Curvature Skeletons
A Tagliasacchi, I Alhashim, M Olson, H Zhang
Computer Graphics Forum (Symposium on Geometry Processing) 31 (5), 1735-1744, 2012
Vector Neurons: A General Framework for SO (3)-Equivariant Networks
C Deng, O Litany, Y Duan, A Poulenard, A Tagliasacchi, L Guibas
Neural Information Processing Systems (NeurIPS), 2021
COTR: Correspondence Transformer for Matching Across Images
W Jiang, E Trulls, J Hosang, A Tagliasacchi, KM Yi
Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR), 2021
MobileNeRF: Exploiting the Polygon Rasterization Pipeline for Efficient Neural Field Rendering on Mobile Architectures
Z Chen, T Funkhouser, P Hedman, A Tagliasacchi
Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR), 2023
CvxNet: Learnable Convex Decomposition
B Deng, K Genova, S Yazdani, S Bouaziz, G Hinton, A Tagliasacchi
Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR), 31-44, 2020
Robust Articulated-ICP for Real-Time Hand Tracking
A Tagliasacchi, M Schröder, A Tkach, S Bouaziz, M Botsch, M Pauly
Computer Graphics Forum (Symposium on Geometry Processing), 2015
Urban radiance fields
K Rematas, A Liu, PP Srinivasan, JT Barron, A Tagliasacchi, ...
Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR), 12932-12942, 2022
Panoptic Neural Fields: A Semantic Object-Aware Neural Scene Representation
A Kundu, K Genova, X Yin, A Fathi, C Pantofaru, LJ Guibas, ...
Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR), 12871-12881, 2022
NASA: Neural Articulated Shape Approximation
B Deng, JP Lewis, T Jeruzalski, G Pons-Moll, G Hinton, M Norouzi, ...
European Conference on Computer Vision (ECCV), 2020
Deformation Driven Shape Correspondence
H Zhang, A Sheffer, D Cohen‐Or, Q Zhou, O Van Kaick, A Tagliasacchi
Computer Graphics Forum (Symposium on Geometry Processing) 27 (5), 1431-1439, 2008
DeRF: Decomposed radiance fields
D Rebain, W Jiang, S Yazdani, K Li, KM Yi, A Tagliasacchi
Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR), 14153-14161, 2021
OpenScene: 3D Scene Understanding with Open Vocabularies
S Peng, K Genova, C Jiang, A Tagliasacchi, M Pollefeys, T Funkhouser
Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR), 2023
Novel View Synthesis with Diffusion Models
D Watson, W Chan, R Martin-Brualla, J Ho, A Tagliasacchi, M Norouzi
International Conference on Learning Representations (ICLR), 2022
Sphere-Meshes for Real-Time Hand Modeling and Tracking
A Tkach, M Pauly, A Tagliasacchi
ACM Transactions on Graphics (SIGGRAPH Asia) 35 (6), 222, 2016
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