James Oliver
James Oliver
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Synchronous spawnings of 105 scleractinian coral species on the Great Barrier Reef
RC Babcock, GD Bull, PL Harrison, AJ Heyward, JK Oliver, CC Wallace, ...
Marine Biology 90, 379-394, 1986
Mass spawning in tropical reef corals
PL Harrison, RC Babcock, GD Bull, JK Oliver, CC Wallace, BL Willis
Science 223 (4641), 1186-1189, 1984
Building coral reef resilience through assisted evolution
MJH Van Oppen, JK Oliver, HM Putnam, RD Gates
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 112 (8), 2307-2313, 2015
Large-scale bleaching of corals on the Great Barrier Reef
R Berkelmans, JK Oliver
Coral reefs 18, 55-60, 1999
Aspects of the fertilization ecology of broadcast spawning corals: sperm dilution effects and in situ measurements of fertilization
J Oliver, R Babcock
The Biological Bulletin 183 (3), 409-417, 1992
Patterns in the mass spawning of corals on the Great Barrier Reef from 1981 to 1984
BL Willis, RC Babcock, PL Harrison, JK Oliver, CC Wallace
Antenne Museum-EPHE, 1985
Operationalizing resilience for adaptive coral reef management under global environmental change
KRN Anthony, PA Marshall, A Abdulla, R Beeden, C Bergh, R Black, ...
Global change biology 21 (1), 48-61, 2015
Bathymetric adaptations of reef-building corals at Davies Reef, Great Barrier Reef, Australia. III. UV-B absorbing compounds
WC Dunlap, BE Chalker, JK Oliver
Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology 104 (1-3), 239-248, 1986
Predictable and unpredictable spawning events: in situ behavioural data from free-spawning coral reef invertebrates
R Babcock, C Mundy, J Keesing, J Oliver
Invertebrate Reproduction & Development 22 (1-3), 213-227, 1992
Coral bleaching in space and time
JK Oliver, R Berkelmans, CM Eakin
Coral bleaching: patterns, processes, causes and consequences, 27-49, 2018
Bathymetric adaptations of reef-building corals at Davies Reef, Great Barrier Reef, Australia. II. Light saturation curves for photosynthesis and respiration
BE Chalker, WC Dunlap, JK Oliver
Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology 73 (1), 37-56, 1983
Geographic extent of mass coral spawning: clues to ultimate causal factors
JK Oliver
Proc. 6th. Int. Coral Reef Symp. 2, 803, 1988
Coral-spawn slicks in the Great Barrier Reef: preliminary observations
JK Oliver, BL Willis
Marine Biology 94, 521-529, 1987
The Coral Triangle and climate change: ecosystems, people and societies at risk
O Hoegh-Guldberg, H Hoegh-Guldberg, JEN Veron, A Green, ED Gomez, ...
WWF Australia, 2009
Recurrent seasonal bleaching and mortality of corals on the Great Barrier Reef
J Oliver
Proc. 5th Int. Coral Reef Symp. 4, 201-206, 1985
Natural turbidity variability and weather forecasts in risk management of anthropogenic sediment discharge near sensitive environments
AR Orpin, PV Ridd, S Thomas, KRN Anthony, P Marshall, J Oliver
Marine Pollution Bulletin 49 (7-8), 602-612, 2004
Direct tracking of coral larvae: implications for dispersal studies of planktonic larvae in topographically complex environments
BL Willis, JK Oliver
Ophelia 32 (1-2), 145-162, 1990
Choosing the appropriate spatial resolution for monitoring coral bleaching events using remote sensing
S Andréfouët, R Berkelmans, L Odriozola, T Done, J Oliver, ...
Coral Reefs 21, 147-154, 2002
State of the great barrier reef World Heritage Area 1998
DR Wachenfeld, J Oliver, JI Morrissey
Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Authority, 1998
Bathymetric adaptations of reef-building corals at Davies Reef, Great Barrier Reef, Australia. I. Long-term growth responses of Acropora formosa (Dana 1846)
JK Oliver, BE Chalker, WC Dunlap
Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology 73 (1), 11-35, 1983
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