Holger Flatt
Holger Flatt
Gruppenleiter, Fraunhofer IOSB-INA
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Real-time stereo vision system using semi-global matching disparity estimation: Architecture and FPGA-implementation
C Banz, S Hesselbarth, H Flatt, H Blume, P Pirsch
2010 International Conference on Embedded Computer Systems: Architectures …, 2010
Requirements and concept for Plug-and-Work: Adaptivity in the context of Industry 4.0
M Schleipen, A Lüder, O Sauer, H Flatt, J Jasperneite
at-Automatisierungstechnik 63 (10), 801-820, 2015
Analysis of the Cyber-Security of industry 4.0 technologies based on RAMI 4.0 and identification of requirements
H Flatt, S Schriegel, J Jasperneite, H Trsek, H Adamczyk
2016 IEEE 21st International Conference on Emerging Technologies and Factory …, 2016
A context-aware assistance system for maintenance applications in smart factories based on augmented reality and indoor localization
H Flatt, N Koch, C Röcker, A Günter, J Jasperneite
2015 IEEE 20th Conference on Emerging Technologies & Factory Automation …, 2015
Detecting anomalous energy consumptions in distributed manufacturing systems
S Faltinski, H Flatt, F Pethig, B Kroll, A Vodenčarević, A Maier, ...
IEEE 10th International Conference on Industrial Informatics, 358-363, 2012
A parallel hardware architecture for connected component labeling based on fast label merging
H Flatt, S Blume, S Hesselbarth, T Schunemann, P Pirsch
2008 International Conference on Application-Specific Systems, Architectures …, 2008
User interfaces for cyber-physical systems: Expanding the designer's toolbox
V Paelke, C Röcker, N Koch, H Flatt, S Büttner
at-Automatisierungstechnik 63 (10), 833-843, 2015
An FPGA based HSR architecture for seamless PROFINET redundancy
H Flatt, S Schriegel, T Neugarth, J Jasperneite
2012 9th IEEE International Workshop on Factory Communication Systems, 137-140, 2012
Impact of industrial environments on visible light communication
D Schneider, A Shrotri, H Flatt, O Stübbe, A Wolf, R Lachmayer, ...
Optics express 29 (11), 16087-16104, 2021
An FPGA based cut-through switch optimized for one-step PTP and real-time Ethernet
H Flatt, J Jasperneite, F Schewe
2013 IEEE International Symposium on Precision Clock Synchronization for …, 2013
Mapping of a real-time object detection application onto a configurable RISC/Coprocessor architecture at full HD resolution
H Flatt, H Blume, P Pirsch
2010 International Conference on Reconfigurable Computing and FPGAs, 452-457, 2010
A flexible context-aware assistance system for industrial applications using camera based localization
J Imtiaz, N Koch, H Flatt, J Jasperneite, M Voit, F van de Camp
Proceedings of the 2014 IEEE Emerging Technology and Factory Automation …, 2014
A modular coprocessor architecture for embedded real-time image and video signal processing
H Flatt, S Hesselbarth, S Flügel, P Pirsch
Embedded Computer Systems: Architectures, Modeling, and Simulation: 7th …, 2007
An OPC-UA based approach for dynamic-configuration of security credentials and integrating a vendor independent digital product memory
M Blume, N Koch, J Imtiaz, H Flatt, J Jasperneite, M Schleipen, O Sauer, ...
Jahreskolloquium Kommunikation in Der Automation (KommA 2014), 2014
Automatic determination of synchronization path quality using PTP bridges with integrated inaccuracy estimation for system configuration and monitoring
S Schriegel, A Biendarra, O Ronen, H Flatt, G Leßmann, J Jasperneite
2015 IEEE International Symposium on Precision Clock Synchronization for …, 2015
An FPGA based approach for the enhancement of COTS switch ASICs with real-time ethernet functions
H Flatt, S Schriegel, J Jasperneite, F Schewe
Proceedings of 2012 IEEE 17th International Conference on Emerging …, 2012
Sensorik als technische Voraussetzung für ATO-Funktionen
D Leinhos, H Flatt, S Witte
Deutsches Zentrum für Schienenverkehrsforschung beim Eisenbahn-Bundesamt, 2022
A hardware accelerated configurable ASIP architecture for embedded real-time video-based driver assistance applications
G Schewior, H Flatt, C Dolar, C Banz, H Blume
2011 International Conference on Embedded Computer Systems: Architectures …, 2011
Alternative controls for soft real-time industrial control services in case of broken cloud links
SS Gilani, F Jungbluth, H Flatt, V Wendt, J Jasperneite
2016 IEEE 21st International Conference on Emerging Technologies and Factory …, 2016
Reliable synchronization accuracy in ieee 1588 networks using device qualification with standard test patterns
H Flatt, S Schriegel, J Jasperneite
2013 IEEE International Symposium on Precision Clock Synchronization for …, 2013
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