Pramod Zagade
Pramod Zagade
Scientist, TCS Research, Pune.
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A goal-oriented, sequential, inverse design method for the horizontal integration of a multistage hot rod rolling system
AB Nellippallil, KN Song, CH Goh, P Zagade, BP Gautham, JK Allen, ...
Journal of Mechanical Design 139 (3), 031403, 2017
A goal oriented, sequential process design of a multi-stage hot rod rolling system
AB Nellippallil, KN Song, CH Goh, P Zagade, BP Gautham, JK Allen, ...
International Design Engineering Technical Conferences and Computers and …, 2016
Analytical estimation of fusion zone dimensions and cooling rates in part scale laser powder bed fusion
P Zagade, BP Gautham, A De, T DebRoy
Additive Manufacturing 46, 102222, 2021
Stochastic multiobjective optimization on a budget: Application to multipass wire drawing with quantified uncertainties
P Pandita, I Bilionis, J Panchal, BP Gautham, A Joshi, P Zagade
International Journal for Uncertainty Quantification 8 (3), 2018
Exploring the geometry and material space in gear design
N Kulkarni, BP Gautham, P Zagade, J Panchal, JK Allen, F Mistree
Engineering Optimization 47 (4), 561-577, 2015
Hot forging of automobile steel gear blanks: an exploration of the solution space
S Ahmed, CH Goh, JK Allen, F Mistree, P Zagade, BP Gautham
International Design Engineering Technical Conferences and Computers and …, 2014
PREMΛP: Exploring the Design and Materials Space for Gears
N Kulkarni, PR Zagade, BP Gautham, JH Panchal, JK Allen, F Mistree
ICoRD'13: Global Product Development, 745-757, 2013
A Knowledge Modeling Framework for Computational Materials Engineering.
RR Yeddula, S Vale, S Reddy, CP Malhotra, BP Gautham, P Zagade
SEKE, 197-202, 2016
Fatigue crack propagation in a gear tooth in the presence of an inclusion
V Agarwal, PR Zagade, D Khan, BP Gautham
International Journal for Computational Methods in Engineering Science and …, 2014
Design space exploration with the preemptive and Archimedean formulations of the compromise decision support problem
S Ahmed, CH Goh, BP Gautham, P Zagade, JK Allen, F Mistree
International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Systems 15 (1), 41-63, 2014
Knowledge assisted integrated design of a component and its manufacturing process
BP Gautham, N Kulkarni, D Khan, P Zagade, S Reddy, R Uppaluri
Proceedings of the 2nd world congress on integrated computational materials …, 2016
Analytical modelling of scanning strategy effect on temperature field and melt track dimensions in laser powder bed fusion
PR Zagade, BP Gautham, A De, T DebRoy
Additive Manufacturing 82, 104046, 2024
An attempt to integrate software tools at microscale and above towards an ICME approach for heat treatment of a DP steel gear with reduced distortion
DM John, H Farivar, G Rothenbucher, R Kumar, P Zagade, D Khan, ...
Proceedings of the 4th World Congress on Integrated Computational Materials …, 2017
Scaling analysis for rapid estimation of lack of fusion porosity in laser powder bed fusion
PR Zagade, BP Gautham, A De, T DebRoy
Science and Technology of Welding and Joining 28 (5), 372-380, 2023
Integrated microstructure based modelling of process-chain for cold rolled dual phase steels
D Khan, A Suhane, P Srimannarayana, A Bhattacharjee, G Tennyson, ...
Proceedings of the 4th World Congress on Integrated Computational Materials …, 2017
ICME for the Integrated Design of an Automotive Gear Considering Uncertainty
BP Gautham, N Kulkarni, P Zagade, JK Allen, F Mistree, J Panchal
Proceedings of the 3rd World Congress on Integrated Computational Materials …, 2015
Ordinal-Optimization-Based Framework for Optimization of Cooling Conditions for Reducing Distortion in Hot-Rolled Asymmetric Sections
NH Kulkarni, BP Gautham, N Singhal, PR Zagade
Materials Performance and Characterization 1 (1), 2012
Integrated modelling of hot forging of low-alloyed steels for an ICME workflow
D Khan, P Zagade, BP Gautham
SN Applied Sciences 1, 1-15, 2019
Combined Process and Alloy Design of a Micro-alloyed DP Forging Steel Based on Integrative Computational Materials Engineering, Acronym: DP-forge: Project Completion Report …
H Farivar, MJ Deepu, P Zagade, G Rothenbucher, BP Gautham, ...
RWTH Aachen University, IEHK, 2018
Modeling of Damage and Failure using CDM (Continuum Damage Mechanics) in Plastic Deformation
PR Zagade, BP Gautham
ICCMS,2006, 2006
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