Michael O. Rodgers
Michael O. Rodgers
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Ozone precursor relationships in the ambient atmosphere
WL Chameides, F Fehsenfeld, MO Rodgers, C Cardelino, J Martinez, ...
Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres 97 (D5), 6037-6055, 1992
Urban form and thermal efficiency: how the design of cities influences the urban heat island effect
B Stone Jr, MO Rodgers
American Planning Association. Journal of the American Planning Association …, 2001
Correlation of ozone with NOy in photochemically aged air
M Trainer, DD Parrish, MP Buhr, RB Norton, FC Fehsenfeld, KG Anlauf, ...
Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres 98 (D2), 2917-2925, 1993
A ground‐based intercomparison of NO, NO x, and NO y measurement techniques
FC Fehsenfeld, RR Dickerson, G Hübler, WT Luke, LJ Nunnermacker, ...
Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres 92 (D12), 14710-14722, 1987
Indications of photochemical histories of Pacific air masses from measurements of atmospheric trace species at Point Arena, California
DD Parrish, CJ Hahn, EJ Williams, RB Norton, FC Fehsenfeld, HB Singh, ...
Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres 97 (D14), 15883-15901, 1992
A ground‐based intercomparison of NO, NO x , and NO y measurement techniques
FC Fehsenfeld, RR Dickerson, G Hübler, WT Luke, LJ Nunnermacker, ...
Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres 92 (D12), 14710-14722, 1987
Assessing curricula contribution to sustainability more holistically: Experiences from the integration of curricula assessment and students' perceptions at the Georgia …
MK Watson, R Lozano, C Noyes, M Rodgers
Journal of Cleaner Production 61, 106-116, 2013
The total reactive oxidized nitrogen levels and the partitioning between the individual species at six rural sites in eastern North America
DD Parrish, MP Buhr, M Trainer, RB Norton, JP Shimshock, ...
Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres 98 (D2), 2927-2939, 1993
Safety impacts of bicycle infrastructure: A critical review
J DiGioia, KE Watkins, Y Xu, M Rodgers, R Guensler
Journal of safety research 61, 105-119, 2017
Pacific Exploratory mission in the tropical Pacific: PEM‐tropics A, August‐September 1996
JM Hoell, DD Davis, DJ Jacob, MO Rodgers, RE Newell, HE Fuelberg, ...
Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres 104 (D5), 5567-5583, 1999
Assessing conceptual knowledge using three concept map scoring methods
MK Watson, J Pelkey, CR Noyes, MO Rodgers
Journal of engineering education 105 (1), 118-146, 2016
Simulation of summertime ozone over North America
DJ Jacob, JA Logan, RM Yevich, GM Gardner, CM Spivakovsky, ...
Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres 98 (D8), 14797-14816, 1993
Intercomparison of NO2 measurement techniques
FC Fehsenfeld, JW Drummond, UK Roychowdhury, PJ Galvin, ...
Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres 95 (D4), 3579-3597, 1990
Assessment of alternative fuel and powertrain transit bus options using real-world operations data: Life-cycle fuel and emissions modeling
Y Xu, FE Gbologah, DY Lee, H Liu, MO Rodgers, RL Guensler
Applied energy 154, 143-159, 2015
Intercomparison of ground‐based NO y measurement techniques
EJ Williams, K Baumann, JM Roberts, SB Bertman, RB Norton, ...
Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres 103 (D17), 22261-22280, 1998
Evaluation of postencroachment time as surrogate for opposing left-turn crashes
LN Peesapati, MP Hunter, MO Rodgers
Transportation research record 2386 (1), 42-51, 2013
An intercomparison of airborne nitrogen dioxide instruments
GL Gregory, JM Hoell Jr, MA Carroll, BA Ridley, DD Davis, J Bradshaw, ...
Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres 95 (D7), 10103-10127, 1990
Eco-driving for transit: An effective strategy to conserve fuel and emissions
Y Xu, H Li, H Liu, MO Rodgers, RL Guensler
Applied Energy 194, 784-797, 2017
Measurements of PAN, PPN, and MPAN made during the 1994 and 1995 Nashville Intensives of the Southern Oxidant Study: Implications for regional ozone production from biogenic …
JM Roberts, J Williams, K Baumann, MP Buhr, PD Goldan, J Holloway, ...
Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres 103 (D17), 22473-22490, 1998
Net ozone photochemical production over the eastern and central North Pacific as inferred from GTE/CITE 1 observations during fall 1983
WL Chameides, DD Davis, MO Rodgers, J Bradshaw, S Sandholm, ...
Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres 92 (D2), 2131-2152, 1987
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