Elisabetta Punta
Elisabetta Punta
Senior Researcher - Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche (CNR)
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A survey of applications of second-order sliding mode control to mechanical systems
G Bartolini, A Pisano, E Punta, E Usai
International Journal of control 76 (9-10), 875-892, 2003
Optimal control of freeways via speed signalling and ramp metering
A Alessandri, A Di Febbraro, A Ferrara, E Punta
Control Engineering Practice 6 (6), 771-780, 1998
Nonlinear optimization for freeway control using variable-speed signaling
A Alessandri, A Di Febbraro, A Ferrara, E Punta
IEEE Transactions on vehicular technology 48 (6), 2042-2052, 1999
Simplex methods for nonlinear uncertain sliding-mode control
G Bartolini, E Punta, T Zolezzi
IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control 49 (6), 922-933, 2004
Adaptation of sliding modes
G Bartolini, A Levant, F Plestan, M Taleb, E Punta
IMA Journal of Mathematical Control and Information 30 (3), 285-300, 2013
Multi-input second-order sliding-mode hybrid control of constrained manipulators
G Bartolini, A Ferrara, E Punta
Dynamics and Control 10, 277-296, 2000
Sliding-mode control strategies for rendezvous and docking maneuvers
E Capello, E Punta, F Dabbene, G Guglieri, R Tempo
Journal of Guidance, Control, and Dynamics 40 (6), 1481-1487, 2017
Chattering elimination with second-order sliding modes robust to coulomb friction
G Bartolini, E Punta
J. Dyn. Sys., Meas., Control 122 (4), 679-686, 2000
Obstacle avoidance with potential field applied to a rendezvous maneuver
N Bloise, E Capello, M Dentis, E Punta
Applied Sciences 7 (10), 1042, 2017
Sliding mode control techniques and artificial potential field for dynamic collision avoidance in rendezvous maneuvers
M Mancini, N Bloise, E Capello, E Punta
IEEE Control Systems Letters 4 (2), 313-318, 2019
Approximability properties for second-order sliding mode control systems
G Bartolini, E Punta, T Zolezzi
IEEE transactions on automatic control 52 (10), 1813-1825, 2007
Reduced-order observer in the sliding-mode control of nonlinear nonaffine systems
G Bartolini, E Punta
IEEE transactions on automatic control 55 (10), 2368-2373, 2010
Simplex sliding mode methods for the chattering reduction control of multi-input nonlinear uncertain systems
G Bartolini, E Punta, T Zolezzi
Automatica 45 (8), 1923-1928, 2009
Analysis of a second-order sliding-mode algorithm in presence of input delays
L Levaggi, E Punta
IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control 51 (8), 1325-1332, 2006
Simplex sliding mode control of multi-input systems with chattering reduction and mono-directional actuators
G Bartolini, E Punta, T Zolezzi
Automatica 47 (11), 2433-2437, 2011
Sliding mode output-feedback stabilization of uncertain nonlinear nonaffine systems
G Bartolini, E Punta
Automatica 48 (12), 3106-3113, 2012
Fault detection and isolation for nonlinear non-affine uncertain systems via sliding-mode techniques
H Ríos, E Punta, L Fridman
International Journal of Control 90 (2), 218-230, 2017
Multi-input sliding mode control of nonlinear uncertain non-affine systems with mono-directional actuation
G Bartolini, E Punta
IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control 60 (2), 393-403, 2014
An application of the extended Kalman filter for integrated navigation in mobile robotics
A Alessandri, G Bartolini, P Pavanati, E Punta, A Vinci
Proceedings of the 1997 American Control Conference (Cat. No. 97CH36041) 1 …, 1997
Nested backward compensation of unmatched perturbations via HOSM observation
AF De Loza, E Punta, L Fridman, G Bartolini, S Delprat
Journal of the Franklin Institute 351 (5), 2397-2410, 2014
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