Matthew Escarra
Matthew Escarra
Professor of Physics and Engineering Physics, Tulane University
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Method and system for transmitting terahertz pulses
DM Mittleman, JA Deibel, M Escarra
US Patent 7,531,803, 2009
Highly power-efficient quantum cascade lasers
PQ Liu, AJ Hoffman, MD Escarra, KJ Franz, JB Khurgin, Y Dikmelik, ...
Nature Photonics 4 (2), 95-98, 2010
Enhanced coupling of terahertz radiation to cylindrical wire waveguides
JA Deibel, K Wang, MD Escarra, DM Mittleman
Optics express 14 (1), 279-290, 2006
Role of interface roughness in the transport and lasing characteristics of quantum-cascade lasers
JB Khurgin, Y Dikmelik, PQ Liu, AJ Hoffman, MD Escarra, KJ Franz, ...
Applied Physics Letters 94 (9), 2009
High-efficiency all-dielectric Huygens metasurfaces from the ultraviolet to the infrared
AJ Ollanik, JA Smith, MJ Belue, MD Escarra
ACS photonics 5 (4), 1351-1358, 2018
Finite-element method simulations of guided wave phenomena at terahertz frequencies
JA Deibel, M Escarra, N Berndsen, K Wang, DM Mittleman
Proceedings of the IEEE 95 (8), 1624-1640, 2007
Techno-economic analysis of hybrid PV/T systems for process heat using electricity to subsidize the cost of heat
BC Riggs, R Biedenharn, C Dougher, YV Ji, Q Xu, V Romanin, DS Codd, ...
Applied energy 208, 1370-1378, 2017
In‐Plane and Out‐of‐Plane Optical Properties of Monolayer, Few‐Layer, and Thin‐Film MoS2 from 190 to 1700 nm and Their Application in Photonic Device Design
KM Islam, R Synowicki, T Ismael, I Oguntoye, N Grinalds, MD Escarra
Advanced Photonics Research 2 (5), 2000180, 2021
A transmissive, spectrum-splitting concentrating photovoltaic module for hybrid photovoltaic-solar thermal energy conversion
Q Xu, Y Ji, B Riggs, A Ollanik, N Farrar-Foley, JH Ermer, V Romanin, ...
Solar Energy 137, 585-593, 2016
Highly sensitive, affordable, and adaptable refractive index sensing with silicon‐based dielectric metasurfaces
AJ Ollanik, IO Oguntoye, GZ Hartfield, MD Escarra
Advanced Materials Technologies 4 (2), 1800567, 2019
Wafer-scale synthesis of monolayer and few-layer MoS2 via thermal vapor sulfurization
J Robertson, X Liu, C Yue, M Escarra, J Wei
2D Materials 4 (4), 045007, 2017
A quantum cascade laser cw cavity ringdown spectrometer coupled to a supersonic expansion source
BE Brumfield, JT Stewart, SL Widicus Weaver, MD Escarra, SS Howard, ...
Review of Scientific Instruments 81 (6), 2010
Photoconductive terahertz antenna with radial symmetry
JA Deibel, MD Escarra, DM Mittleman
Optical Terahertz Science and Technology, MB3, 2005
Transmissive microfluidic active cooling for concentrator photovoltaics
K Islam, B Riggs, Y Ji, J Robertson, C Spitler, V Romanin, D Codd, ...
Applied Energy 236, 906-915, 2019
Analytical technique for subwavelength far field imaging
S Thongrattanasiri, NA Kuhta, MD Escarra, AJ Hoffman, CF Gmachl, ...
Applied Physics Letters 97 (10), 2010
Quantum cascade lasers with voltage defect of less than one longitudinal optical phonon energy
MD Escarra, AJ Hoffman, KJ Franz, SS Howard, R Cendejas, X Wang, ...
Applied Physics Letters 94 (25), 2009
Spectrum-splitting photovoltaics: Holographic spectrum splitting in eight-junction, ultra-high efficiency module
MD Escarra, S Darbe, EC Warmann, HA Atwater
2013 IEEE 39th Photovoltaic Specialists Conference (PVSC), 1852-1855, 2013
Transmissive concentrator multijunction solar cells with over 47% in-band power conversion efficiency
Q Xu, Y Ji, DD Krut, JH Ermer, MD Escarra
Applied Physics Letters 109 (19), 2016
The excitation and emission of terahertz surface plasmon polaritons on metal wire waveguides
JA Deibel, K Wang, M Escarra, N Berndsen, DM Mittleman
Comptes Rendus Physique 9 (2), 215-231, 2008
Reflection hologram solar spectrum-splitting filters
D Zhang, M Gordon, JM Russo, S Vorndran, M Escarra, H Atwater, ...
High and Low Concentrator Systems for Solar Electric Applications VII 8468 …, 2012
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