Competitive strategies, innovation, and firm performance: an empirical study in a developing economy environment CA Bayraktar, G Hancerliogullari, B Cetinguc, F Calisir Technology Analysis & Strategic Management, 2016 | 227 | 2016 |
Greedy algorithms and metaheuristics for a multiple runway combined arrival-departure aircraft sequencing problem G Hancerliogullari, G Rabadi, AH Al-Salem, M Kharbeche Journal of Air Transport Management 32, 39-48, 2013 | 147 | 2013 |
Demand uncertainty and inventory turnover performance G Hançerlioğulları, A Şen, EA Aktunç International Journal of Physical Distribution & Logistics Management, 2016 | 99 | 2016 |
The use of multi-criteria decision making models in evaluating anesthesia method options in circumcision surgery G Hancerliogullari, KO Hancerliogullari, E Koksalmis BMC Medical Informatics and Decision Making 17 (14), 2017 | 54 | 2017 |
An Empirical Evaluation of a Modified Technology Acceptance Model for SAP ERP System G Hancerliogullari Koksalmis, S Damar Engineering Management Journal, 1-16, 2021 | 47 | 2021 |
Factors affecting intention to use big data tools: an extended technology acceptance model S Okcu, G Hancerliogullari Koksalmis, E Basak, F Calisir Industrial Engineering in the Big Data Era: Selected Papers from the Global …, 2019 | 41 | 2019 |
Additive Manufacturing Technologies and Applications IY Omer Faruk Beyca, Gulsah Hancerliogullari Industry 4.0: Managing The Digital Transformation, 217-234, 2018 | 26* | 2018 |
Drivers to adopting B-flow ultrasonography: contextualizing the integrated technology acceptance model G Hancerliogullari Koksalmis BMC Medical Imaging 19, 1-13, 2019 | 16 | 2019 |
Exploring the adoption of ERP systems: An empirical investigation of end-users in an emerging country G Hancerliogullari Koksalmis, S Damar Industrial Engineering in the Big Data Era: Selected Papers from the Global …, 2019 | 15 | 2019 |
Operations Management Perspectives in the Air Transport Management GH Koksalmis Journal of Business Administration Research 2 (1), 1-14, 2019 | 13 | 2019 |
Predicting the intention to use bitcoin: an extension of technology acceptance model (TAM) with perceived risk theory GH Koksalmis, I Arpacı, E Koksalmis Recent Innovations in Artificial Intelligence and Smart Applications, 105-120, 2022 | 12 | 2022 |
Is B-Flow USG superior to Color Doppler USG for evaluating blood flow patterns in ovarian torsion? KÖ Hançerlioğulları, T Soyer, A Tosun, G Hançerlioğulları Journal of Pediatric Surgery 50 (7), 1156-1161, 2015 | 11 | 2015 |
A bibliometric analysis of metaverse technologies in healthcare services S Damar, G Hancerliogullari Koksalmis Service Business, 2024 | 9 | 2024 |
Promoting an energy saving technology in Turkey: the case of green roof systems. GH Koksalmis, M Pamuk Environmental Engineering & Management Journal (EEMJ) 20 (5), 2021 | 8 | 2021 |
What Impacts E-Commerce Acceptance of Generation Z? A Modified Technology Acceptance Model GH Koksalmis, A Gozudok Recent Advances in Technology Acceptance Models and Theories, 57-77, 2021 | 8 | 2021 |
Medical decision making: Selection of the appropriate surgical mode for undescended testicle treatment G Hancerliogullari Koksalmis, KO Hancerliogullari, B Cetinguc, M Durucu, ... Journal of Multi-Criteria Decision Analysis, 2019 | 8 | 2019 |
Linking inventory management performance and operational performance: An Empirical Analysis of US Fashion Apparel and Accessory Industries F Çalışır, G Hançerlioğulları Business Models and ICT Technologies for the Fashion Supply Chain …, 2017 | 7 | 2017 |
Heuristics and Simulated Annealing Algorithm for the Surgical Scheduling Problem G Hancerliogullari, E Koksalmis, KO Hancerliogullari Heuristics, Metaheuristics and Approximate Methods in Planning and …, 2016 | 7 | 2016 |
How does inventory performance affect operational performance? An example from US space vehicles and aircraft parts industries G Hançerlioğullan, E Köksalmiş, F Çalişir 2017 8th International Conference on Recent Advances in Space Technologies …, 2017 | 6 | 2017 |
A combined method for deriving decision makers’ weights in group decision making environment: An application in medical decision making E Koksalmis, G Hancerliogullari Koksalmis, O Kabak Industrial Engineering in the Big Data Era: Selected Papers from the Global …, 2019 | 5 | 2019 |