Nitesh Khadka
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Spatial performance of multiple reanalysis precipitation datasets on the southern slope of central Himalaya
Y Chen, S Sharma, X Zhou, K Yang, X Li, X Niu, X Hu, N Khadka
Atmospheric Research 250, 105365, 2021
Glacial lakes in the Nepal Himalaya: Inventory and decadal dynamics (1977–2017)
N Khadka, G Zhang, S Thakuri
Remote Sensing 10 (12), 1913, 2018
How accurately can satellite products (TMPA and IMERG) detect precipitation patterns, extremities, and drought across the Nepalese Himalaya?
S Sharma, N Khadka, K Hamal, D Shrestha, R Talchabhadel, Y Chen
Earth and Space Science 7 (8), e2020EA001315, 2020
Evaluation of GPM-Era satellite precipitation products on the southern slopes of the Central Himalayas against rain gauge data
S Sharma, Y Chen, X Zhou, K Yang, X Li, X Niu, X Hu, N Khadka
Remote Sensing 12 (11), 1836, 2020
Assessment of drought impacts on crop yields across Nepal during 1987–2017
K Hamal, S Sharma, N Khadka, GG Haile, BB Joshi, T Xu, B Dawadi
Meteorological Applications 27 (5), e1950, 2020
Evaluation of MERRA-2 precipitation products using gauge observation in Nepal
K Hamal, S Sharma, N Khadka, B Baniya, M Ali, MS Shrestha, T Xu, ...
Hydrology 7 (3), 40, 2020
Inter-annual variability of winter precipitation over Nepal coupled with ocean-atmospheric patterns during 1987–2015
K Hamal, S Sharma, B Baniya, N Khadka, X Zhou
Frontiers in Earth Science 8, 161, 2020
Evaluation of Glacial Lake Outburst Flood susceptibility using multi-criteria assessment framework in Mahalangur Himalaya
N Khadka, X Chen, N Yong, S Thakuri, G Zheng, G Zhang
Frontiers in Earth Science 8, 748, 2021
Dominant pattern of year-to-year variability of summer precipitation in Nepal during 1987–2015
S Sharma, K Hamal, N Khadka, BB Joshi
Theoretical and applied climatology 142, 1071-1084, 2020
Assessment of ecosystem services value based on land use and land cover changes in the transboundary Karnali River Basin, Central Himalayas
B Shrestha, Q Ye, N Khadka
Sustainability 11 (11), 3183, 2019
Spatial and Temporal Analysis of Precipitation and Its Extremities in Seven Provinces of Nepal (2001-2016)
S Sharma, N Khadka, K Hamal, B Baniya, N Luintel, BB Joshi
Applied Ecology and Environmental Sciences 8 (2), 64-73, 2020
Projected drought conditions over southern slope of the central Himalaya using CMIP6 models
S Sharma, K Hamal, N Khadka, M Ali, M Subedi, G Hussain, MA Ehsan, ...
Earth Systems and Environment 5, 849-859, 2021
Changing pattern of drought in Nepal and associated atmospheric circulation
K Hamal, S Sharma, B Pokharel, D Shrestha, R Talchabhadel, A Shrestha, ...
Atmospheric Research 262, 105798, 2021
The state of six dangerous glacial lakes in the Nepalese Himalaya
N Khadka, G Zhang, W Chen
TAO: Terrestrial, Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences 30 (1), 6, 2019
Drought characteristics over Nepal Himalaya and their relationship with climatic indices
S Sharma, K Hamal, N Khadka, D Shrestha, D Aryal, S Thakuri
Meteorological Applications 28 (2), e1988, 2021
Climate change and its impacts on glaciers and glacial lakes in Nepal Himalayas
N Khadka, X Chen, S Sharma, B Shrestha
Regional Environmental Change 23 (4), 143, 2023
Dynamics of maximum snow cover area and snow line altitude across Nepal (2003-2018) using improved MODIS data
N Khadka, SK Ghimire, X Chen, S Thakuri, K Hamal, D Shrestha, ...
Journal of Institute of Science and Technology 25 (2), 17-24, 2020
Elevation dependency of precipitation over southern slope of central Himalaya
S Sharma, N Khadka, B Nepal, SK Ghimire, N Luintel, K Hamal
Jalawaayu 1 (1), 1-14, 2021
An outlook on the applicability of satellite precipitation products for monitoring extreme precipitation events in Nepal Himalaya.
R Talchabhadel, S Sharma, N Khadka, K Hamal, S Karki, BR Thapa
Weather (00431656) 77 (5), 2022
Effects on ecosystem services value due to land use and land cover change (1990–2020) in the transboundary Karnali River Basin, Central Himalayas
B Shrestha, L Zhang, S Sharma, S Shrestha, N Khadka
SN Applied Sciences 4 (5), 137, 2022
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